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Symfony is a popular PHP framework which is widely used to build highly functional websites and web applications. It helps developers speed up the development and maintenance of web applications while replacing repetitive coding tasks. The latest version of Symfony was released in November 2017, making web application development easier and faster for the users. If you are still using the older versions of Symfony, then it is time for you to make a move towards the best features available with the latest version.<br><br>Well, you must be wondering why should you upgrade to the latest version – Symfony 4, when your website or web application is running perfectly on the older version. Every two years, Symfony comes with an improved version and attempts to make the upgrade process as smooth as possible.
What’s New with Symfony 4? Why Should you Upgrade Right Away.
Symfony is a popular PHP framework which is widely used to build highly functional websites and web applications. • It helps developers speed up the development and maintenance of web applications while replacing repetitive coding tasks. • The latest version ofSymfonywas released in November 2017, making web application development easier and faster for the users. • If you are still using the older versions of Symfony, then it is time for you to make a move towards the best features available with the latest version.
Let’s find some of the main reasons what makes Symfony 4 the best PHP framework that you must consider in 2018:
Easier Installation Of Extensions • Installing new bundle has always been a tedious task with Symfony. • Each time you need to install a new bundle, you’ll have to go through registering and configuring the bundle. • Though the method of enabling bundles may not be complicated if you’re used to working with the Symfony but it can be daunting for the beginners. • With Symfony 4, you get access to installing and managing framework extensions with a mechanism known as Recipes. • A recipe is basically a JSON file which determines what steps should be followed when a new bundle is installed. • This means the frequently repeated steps are executed automatically, and a standard config is set in place.
Simplified Project Structure Despite the complexity of Symfony, web applications with complex business logic still requires a solid framework. And if you upgrade to Symfony 4, you won’t need to worry about the complexity. With an upgraded version, you can easily approach new directory structure. Besides, you still get the power of full DI Container and convenience of YAML based configurations.
Dependency Injection Improvements • In Symfony 4, the Dependency Injection has undergone a lot of improvements. • It enables organizing code within your app which can be re-used and interchanged if needed. • In Symfony 4, the DI-Component automatically registers every class as a service. • It is also easy to inject them directly into the method signature using PHP type hinting.
Symfony Encore for Asset Management • Symfony 4 has come up with a Webpack which is used to manage front-end assets. • It is a highly configurable de-facto tool which is used to process and bundle modular JavaScript code.
Conclusion • If you haven’t upgraded to Symfony 4.0, then it’s an ideal time to consider upgrading right away. • For more details Visit – • www.baymediasoft.com