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Ballan Strategic Directions: Guiding Town Growth and Development

Explore the Ballan Strategic Directions plan that aims to guide long-term growth, enhance town elements, and influence future zoning and urban development in Ballan. Learn about the impact on existing areas and future growth opportunities.

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Ballan Strategic Directions: Guiding Town Growth and Development

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  1. An Overview Ballan Strategic Directions

  2. What does the Ballan Strategic Directions Seek to Achieve? The Ballan Strategic Directions: • Is a plan to guide long term growth within the town of Ballan.It identifies growth areas to accommodate the projected growth in Ballan and identifies a number of pre-conditions required to be met prior to these areas being rezoned for urban purposes.  • Seeks to preserve and enhance the valued elements of the town including the country character, historic buildings, built form and streetscapes, an open landscape at the edges to the town, significant established vegetation, undulating landforms and the Werribee river. • It is built around the strengths of the town, including the above but also the train station, hospital, a range of employment opportunities and established community infrastructure.

  3. What does the Ballan Strategic Directions Seek to Achieve? • Has reviewed higher order infrastructure needs and what the town may need in the future. • Is based on key principles including larger lots on the periphery, protecting the gateways, and promoting the heart of the town. • Seeks to enhance the open space network of the town and encourage walkability. • The Ballan Strategic Directions supersede and replace many elements of the Ballan Structure Plan, however there are similarities. Key growth areas are still proposed to the south and west.

  4. How Does the Ballan Strategic Directions Affect the Existing Areas in Ballan? • Existing precincts of Ballan are divided into Precincts A, B, C, D, E, F and G. Precinct locations are depicted on page 43.

  5. Precincts A and B

  6. How Does the Ballan Strategic Directions Affect the Existing Areas in Ballan? • Zoning recommendations are made for precinct areas based on Neighborhood Character analysis and other considerations. For instance the residential areas within Precinct B and a part of Precinct A are proposed to be within the General Residential Zone. This is the most common residential zone in Victoria. • Some parts of the existing urban areas are also proposed to be in the Low Density Residential Zone and the Neighborhood Residential Zone. The Zoning Map is shown from page 89. • In some cases controls are proposed for minimum subdivision size, site coverage, permeability and front fences. These controls are based on preserving and promoting valued neighborhood character elements. These controls can be viewed on page 87.

  7. How Does the Ballan Strategic Directions Affect Ballan's Future Growth • Growth Areas of Ballan are separated into precincts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. • Growth areas are separated into Short to Medium term development and Medium to Long Term development. This means that growth opportunities will be staged over time based on town needs. • Growth Precincts and timing are depicted on page 43.

  8. Growth Areas • The main growth areas are to the West and South of the Town. • Zoning recommendations are made for growth areas to enable them to transition from rural to urban uses. • A Development Plan Overlay Schedule is proposed for the Western Growth Area. This will ensure that a Masterplan is prepared for the entire area. A holistic masterplan is important for matters such as road and open space planning. • Pre conditions are proposed for the growth areas which control future roads, fences and other elements.

  9. Other Actions • The Ballan Strategic Directions includes number of proposed Actions for Council from Page 91. These matters cover urban form, drainage, open space and recreation and other areas. For instance: • “Prepare a landscape masterplan for the Werribee River open space network to ensure the delivery of an open space network that is functional, complementary to Ballan’s character and the natural environment.” • Prepare Street Tree Planting Guidelines that provide a vision for street tree planting and street design within Ballan, particularly in relation to subdivision developments and gateways. • Progressively deliver a network of linear open space forming a ‘structural loop’ through the town while also connecting people to the natural environment. • Review opportunities to improve the Mechanics Institute Hall, Ballan Neighbourhood House and Men’s Shed, the Senior Citizens Centre, CFA and car parks between Inglis Street and Steiglitz Street to function as a community hub.

  10. How did the Ballan Strategic Directions Evolve? • The Ballan Structure Plan was prepared in 2015, however there have been a number of changes that have warranted further review of this document.  • The Ballan Structure Plan was prepared in 2015 to ensure the township of Ballan could grow in a planned manner. • The Ballan Structure Plan was subject of non statutory exhibition in 2015 provides a number of recommendations for Planning controls – which if implemented would control things and was adopted by Council on 17 December 2015. • Council sought authorisation from the Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning to prepare and exhibit a Planning Scheme Amendment based on the Ballan Structure Plan, post the December Council resolution. • The DELWP raised issues in relation to the Ballan Structure Plan, which resulted in Council organising a review of the Structure Plan. Upon becoming aware of issues in the Ballan Structure Plan Council organised an experienced consultancy to prepare the Ballan Strategic Directions.

  11. Strategic and Policy Changes since Adoption of Ballan Structure Plan • Since the adoption of the Ballan Structure Plan in December 2015 the strategic planning context of planning for the future of Ballan has changed, providing further impetus to create the Ballan Strategic Directions. Changes are due to: • the adoption of the Bacchus Marsh Housing Strategy which identified a Residential Framework and character assessment to guide future residential development in Ballan. The approval of this Strategy has increased Council expectations regarding neighbourhood character and the need for positive strategy direction which should also be applied to Ballan; • the adoption of Moorabool Retail Strategy 2041 – March 2016; • State Government interest in emphasising regional growth while recognising the importance of character, directing growth to appropriate locations etc; • The release of a refreshed Plan Melbourne that identifies the importance of growth in regional locations + Melbourne’s peri-urban areas; • reformed residential zones;

  12. Local Considerations – Ballan Strategic Directions The Ballan Strategic Directions has been designed to consider the local context of Ballan and the qualities which make Ballan special. Whilst Ballan has the potential to accommodate some growth, growth must be carefully planned to maintain and enhance the intrinsic character and qualities of the town. Necessary infrastructure must be planned for and delivered in a timely way and without unnecessary risk or burden to Council. As significant growth is directed towards Bacchus Marsh it is essential that the point of difference that Ballan offers is properly recognised and protected. 13

  13. Local Considerations – Ballan Strategic Directions • Ballan is a special place – it is a place that: • has an established country township character; • a range of employment opportunities for a town of its scale as well as being within commuter distance of Bacchus Marsh, Ballarat, Geelong and Melbourne; • historic buildings, built form and streetscapes; • an open landscape on the town edges with a sense of built form only felt when within the township core; • established vegetation in particular the contrast between formal and exotic street trees, native cypress windrows and autumnal vegetation in both the public and private realms; • undulating landforms; and • is traversed by the Werribee river and its tributaries.

  14. Ballan Strategic Directions - Framework Plan

  15. Next Steps • Upon completion of the consultation period prepare a Council report to consider submissions and to seek authorisation (with or without changes) to prepare and exhibit a Planning Scheme Amendment to implement the recommended changes to the MSS and zoning provision as identified in the Implementation Plan of Ballan Strategic Directions. • Prepare and exhibit a Planning Scheme Amendment.

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