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Learn how DFID harnesses migrants' skills to promote development in their countries of origin. Explore the dual role of diaspora as fund sources and investors, removing barriers and increasing impact on development.
DFID Working with the Diaspora:Investment and Africa Lisa Curtis – Private Sector Adviser, Sierra Leone UK Department for International Development 6 October 2006 1 Palace Street, London SW1E 5HE Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road, East Kilbride, Glasgow G75 8EA
Why DFID works with the Diaspora We will `build on the skills and talents of migrants and other ethnic minorities within the UK to promote the development of their countries of origin’The 1997 White Paper International Development, Eliminating World Poverty • Two main strands to DFID’s work: • Diaspora as a source of funds • Diaspora as investors
Our aims: Remove policy, legal and funding barriers to remittance flows Lower costs Increase transparency Expand choices Improve access Increase impact on development Diaspora as a source of funds Remittances greater than aid flows:
Diaspora as Investors differ from traditional investors Investment Objectives: Risk Assessment: • Commercial objectives • Social investment objectives • Personal commitment • Building a future for family • Better-informed through social networks • Know how to access market information • Know how to navigate official processes • Longer investment horizon • Diaspora investors are early risk-takers • Well-placed to invest in SMEs
Investment Flows (Illustrative) High barriers to investment Value Index Diaspora investments Zone of market imbalances: information, access, limited competition. FDI time Diaspora as Investors: Managing investor perceptions Investment climate reforms take effect
DFID’s work with Diaspora in Sierra Leone In Sierra Leone: SL Business Forum - Diaspora Activities • In Diaspora: • Sierra Leone Diaspora Network (UK) • Sierra Leone Network (USA) • Private sector contributing to Technical Committees advising on Admin Barriers reforms and National Private Sector Strategy • Diaspora group formalising and participating in public-private dialogue on policy reforms • Dissemination channels for information on reform programme • Outreach on changing investment climate, investment opportunities, etc. • Participants at International Investment Forum and other events
DFID’s work with Sierra Leone Diaspora: challenges and next steps • Understanding real drivers of investment decisions: forthcoming study on investor perceptions and criteria • Mobilising human resources as well as funds: PSD Strategy Programme supporting initiatives that assist diaspora entrepreneurs to access domestic finance • Repatriating skills: With Africa Recruit, targeting diaspora for recruitment to international positions in donor-supported intitatives
Contacts: Xavier Lecacheur, Financial Sector Team X-Lecacheur@dfid.gov.uk Lisa Curtis, Private Sector Adviser, Sierra Leone L-Curtis@dfid.gov.uk