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Explore the foundational themes of creation, sin, love, morals, sufferings, and the afterlife in preaching. Discover the beauty of creation, the need for redemption from sin, the depths of God's love, the importance of ethics and morals, the reality of human suffering, and the hope of eternal life. Find answers to life's deepest questions and explore the path to a meaningful and fulfilling existence.
The Starting Points in Preaching
VI. The After Life I. Creation V. Sufferings The Starting Points In Preaching IV. Morals II. Sin III. Love
I. Creation + “ Wow, it is beautiful ” + “ I don’t believe this kind of beauty could come haphazardly without a designer as people say ”
I. Creation +++ “ There should be a designer ” + ++ “ He is great, eternal, almighty, loving, and wise ” + ++ “ He should speak to us in our conscience in Himself by coming to us in history through men
I. Creation +++ “ He should show His Love Power Wisdom
I. Creation +++ “ He shows His love through the cross’s power, by His resurrection & by the eternal life, through His presence by His Holy Spirit ” Church +++ Bible + (Faith & Repentance)
II. Sin There is NO WAY +++ “ Everything is corrupted ” +++ “ I don’t think the world was created to be corrupted ” +++ “ There should be some sort of a way out of this corruption ” or
II. Sin + “ What is behind Sin: Isn’t sin relative? God is The Ruler, so He puts the standards We refer to our conscience But, more accurately, based on the Bible +++ The way out of sin Man can never do it alone
II. Sin +++ An extra power of salvation through the redemption of Jesus Christ (God & Man) in one person +++ Sinning again Fight continuously BUT life will be without sins In the after life, =
II. Sin The Perfect Life Bible & Church Faith & Repentance
III. Love +++ “ I love this man ” “ I am not sure of what love means ” “ Emotions, relationships, commitment, ……. ” +++ “ I wish this love never changes and never ends ”
III. Love +++ “ This love is not man’s love but I need it badly ” I need those who love me “unconditionally” I need that those who I love, would never die and never change +++ God is Love … The source of love, the eternal love and the unconditioned love
III. Love +++ How can I touch this love?? +++ He should come to us so that we can see it He shouldn’t die or He’d better conquer death for all of us
III. Love +++ How can I enjoy such love – Believe in God, God is love. Communicate with God through praying Read His words and accept Him and His teachings
III. Love +++ There should be a better life which is full of love?? The spiritual life will fill your life with love for now And this will continue and be completed FOREVER in the eternal life Bible & Church Faith & Repentance
IV. Morals + These people are good (bad) + How could you specify or define being good or bad?? May be it is relative! +++ No there are many bad clear things and many clear good things - that are worldly accepted -
IV. Morals +++ Then there should be some law - a human internal one which is designed for the good and bad - +++ There should be a source of this God?!! The creator who created man with morals and ethics that are mostly accepted by all - +++ Life is better with the good morals Life is worse with the bad morals Not only for oneself but also for others -
IV. Morals +++ There should be a standard, a perfect man, a model for all to follow ?! +++ No man can be like that – NONE is Perfect?! There should be the God Man, The Only perfect One, so God should be incarnated
IV. Morals +++ Secular morals are always limited by sins and negatives of others - + But Love is not limited - He could give His life to His enemies
IV. Morals +++ This perfection can never be reached on earth - SO, there should be a better life - a perfect one. We call it the Kingdom of Heaven How can I be invited?? Accept its King and follow Him Bible & Church Faith & Repentance
V. Sufferings +++ Feel tired, sick, suffering …… ?? +++ I wonder why man should suffer !!??? +++ Better to look for a Savior or look for a better life with no suffering - +++ Also, He should feel others’ feelings And share in their sufferings
V. Sufferings +++ What are the sources of this suffering?? I can see the corruption (sin) behind most or even all suffering - +++ Story of the Bible, Man with no sin and no suffering but with a free will - +++ Free will Suffering Sin +++ Man couldn’t and can never win the game against sufferings by himself
V. Sufferings +++ We need help We need extra power We need a savior +++ He should suffer too, even more than our sufferings +++ He should have the power to heal and to promise no more sufferings - Eternity Bible & Church Faith & Repentance
VI. The After Life + Sometimes I feel I would love to live my life again, I guess I would do different things. ++ Does this mean that you wish to live a second life!?? ++ I don’t want to die, but also, I don’t want to live as a crippled, old, weak person ++ I wish I would live a full life I wish I would enjoy love, achievements ….
VI. The After Life ++ I couldn’t, I can’t get all my wishes in such a life ++ Life is too short to know and enjoy everything in it – I wish life would never end + How about if you find somebody who have it and can also give it!??
VI. The After Life +++ He could live again after death with no more pain or suffering - He could live forever and moreover, not on earth where the needy bodies live +++ There should be an after life - There should be some specific way to it or someone who can be followed to reach it +++ How about a medicine that can give us a long life – an endless one!?? I wish there is something like that -
VI. The After Life Bible & Church Faith & Repentance
Homework Acts 2:14-40 : Characteristics of St. PETER’s Preaching Speech Acts 17:22-34: Characteristics of St. PAUL’s Preaching Speech
CCCA Fayed Conference • CCCA Fayed Conference will be from Friday the 11th till Sunday the 13th of Jan 2013 • Cost is 300 EGP by bus, and 260 EGP by car, on full board basis • Reservation is available today (with a down payment of 100 EGP) and next Saturday (full payment)
Other Important Dates • Saturday the 19th of Jan, will be the event of your Promotion from Level 1 to Level 2, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM – Place to be advised later • Wednesday the 6th of Feb will be a Spiritual Day, for Reunion & Introduction to Level 2 (Reservation will start next Saturday for 40 EGP) • Last HW is today, and deadline for submission of the rest of HW is the 29th of December
Next Week’s Workshop • Please be prepared next week for an Evaluation Workshop with your Team. Contribution of each member is really needed. • Discussion is about: • Positives & Negatives • Lessons Learnt • What should be reconsidered for the next course
Projects • Each class is to be divided into groups from 3 – 5 • Each class is to choose a minimum of 5 Projects in total • All Projects are to be submitted in both hard and soft copies, maximum Tuesday the 13th of Jan 2013 – from 6:30 – 7:30 PM to the class leaders. • Best Projects will be announced on the Promotion Day, Saturday the 19th of Jan
Spiritual Prepare 5 different booklets illustrating our church believes to non believers Creative idea to present the Divine Liturgy in any other way rather than a ppt. presentation Illustrative Creative idea to present our dogma in a live presentation – وسيلة ايضاح Prepare in a workshop 5 debatable topics to be discussed with youth (Premarital Sex– Addiction - Black Magic – Authenticity of the Bible – Evolution) Prepare a linked simple and creative conference for the CCCA new comers & countries including; publicising the event, Hymns (, Discussion Groups (Meeting real needs), Games, and Bible Study.
Marketing 7 different attractive Flyers for promoting (Christianity, Eternity,…etc) Advertisement video plus a pptfor the purpose of joining the CCCA Service. 10-30 Seconds Flash advertisement for the website, presenting (Incarnation and Salvation)
Traveller’s Guide Prepare a traveller’s guide for the Do’s & Don’ts, the main key words of the local language(s) of in Sri Lanka, Nibal , Vietnam & India, to help servants on the mission to pronounce the alphabets plus some basic words
Cultural Specify in a manual, the common wrong cultural practices and beliefs in Sri Lanka, Nibal , Vietnam & India and handle it from the Christian point of view.
Sectors Summary • Traveller’s Guide • Cultural Spiritual Marketing
Guidelines Each class is to be divided into groups not less than 3 and not more than 5 Each class is to choose a minimum of 5 Projects in total One topic is Mandatory from each row
Projects Submission & Presentation All Projects are to be submitted in both hard and soft copies All Projects are to be submitted maximum Tuesday the 13th of Jan 2013 – from 6:30 – 7:30 PM to the class leaders. Best Projects will be announced on Saturday the 19th of Jan