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Essential Questions

Essential Questions. According to Buddha, how do you overcome the desire for things like riches? What is nirvana? Who founded Buddhism and Hinduism? What is reincarnation? What is karma?. Beliefs in India. Hinduism. Hinduism.

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Essential Questions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Essential Questions According to Buddha, how do you overcome the desire for things like riches? What is nirvana? Who founded Buddhism and Hinduism? What is reincarnation? What is karma?

  2. Beliefs in India Hinduism

  3. Hinduism No single founder of Hinduism, emerged from a collection of ideas from many people The five major beliefs are listed below, we will discuss first and then fill in the symbol column

  4. Brahman Supreme God everything is part of Brahman the goal in life is to unite atman with Brahman

  5. Multiple Gods Hindus worship many Gods and Goddesses Gods and Goddesses are part of Brahman Important Gods are Vishnu, Shiva, and Brahma

  6. Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva

  7. Dharma sacred duty individual dharma is determined by personality, age, sex, and social class following dharma promotes harmony

  8. Karma the sum of good and bad actions are carried from one life to the next good and bad actions affect future life

  9. Samsara the continuous cycle of birth, death, and rebirth the goal in life is to achieve moksha and be released from samsara

  10. Illustrations On the next slide will be a mandala, which has five images. Each represents one of the five major beliefs of Hindus. When you see the image, try to identify which image goes with which beliefs. Jot down notes on the outside of the boxes to help you remember which you think goes where. Once the class discusses, we will draw the images in the correct boxes.

  11. Beliefs in India Buddhism

  12. Intro to Buddhism Founder: Siddhartha Gautama Goal: To achieve enlightenment, or wisdom Nirvana: the Buddha’s word for the release from selfishness and pain, which everyone (not just those at the top of the caste system) could reach by following the Eightfold Path

  13. The Four Noble Truths • Suffering is present in all things, and nothing lasts forever. • Suffering is caused by cravings (desires and wants). • The way to end suffering is to give up all cravings. • The way to give up all cravings is to live life according to the Eightfold Path.

  14. The Eightfold Path • Right understanding • Develop a deep understanding of the Four Noble Truths. • Right purpose • Live a life of selflessness (not selfishness), love, and nonviolence. • Right speech • Be careful and truthful in what you say. Do not lie or gossip. • Right action • Do not kill, steal, or lie. Be honest.

  15. The Eightfold Path • Right way to earn a living • Do not work at a job that causes harm to people or living creatures. • Right effort • Promote good actions and prevent evil actions. • Right mindfulness • Be aware of but not attached to your emotions, thoughts, and feelings. • Right concentration • Focus your mind with practices such as meditation.

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