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SAVING LIVES. Pam Boatright, Coordinator System Safety, Health, and Environment Resource Center - OSRHE (405) 225-9458 pboatright@osrhe.edu. DID YOU KNOW?. Suicide is the 3 rd leading cause of death in Oklahoma of youth ages 10 to 24.

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  1. SAVING LIVES Pam Boatright, Coordinator System Safety, Health, and Environment Resource Center - OSRHE (405) 225-9458 pboatright@osrhe.edu

  2. DID YOU KNOW? • Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death in Oklahoma of youth ages 10 to 24. • The highest number of attempts and completed suicides occur in the Spring. • An estimated 1,100 college students die by suicide annually – an average of three a day. • Male students (18-24) are more than twice as likely as female students to die by suicide due to use of more lethal methods. • More females attempt than males, but typically use less lethal methods.

  3. THOSE THAT FACE HIGHER RISK • Commuter students • Older students • LGBT students • International students • Students with pre-existing mental health conditions or who develop mental health problems during the college years • Students currently receiving treatment • Veterans Some populations may have less adequate services available to them or may not be aware such services exist.

  4. WHAT CAN WE DO? A comprehensive approach to suicide prevention is recommended by the US Surgeon General, such as: • Screening to identify high-risk students • Training for campus mental health services staff • Crisis management • Education programs to train gatekeepers on the signs and what to do if someone is considering suicide • Social marketing to encourage help-seeking behavior • Social networking to encourage socialization • Coping skills development • Restriction of access to lethal means

  5. WHAT ARE WE DOING? OSRHE received a three year grant in 2012 from ODMHSAS/SAMHSA for suicide prevention to: • reduce the number of suicide attempts among populations and young adults, • increase help-seeking behavior among adolescents, and • support the implementation of training and screening services.

  6. GRANT REQUIREMENTS • Train campus trainers in the QPR Method, which includes learning the early warning signs and what to say and do to prevent suicide. The trainer’s certification is good for 3 years. • Support and assist trainers as they conduct a minimum of 4 “gatekeeper training” sessions to college faculty, staff, students, campus law enforcement and others for the next 2 years on their campus. • Promote the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. • Offer technical assistance for development of campus referral protocols, to distribute educational resources, to encourage campus suicide be included in crisis management plans, and to promote collaboration with local community mental health resources.

  7. THE QPR PROGRAM(Question, Persuade, Refer) • QPR is recognized by the Suicide Prevention Resources Center (SPRC) in their Best Practices Registry. (<www.sprc.org/bpr>) • QPR is NOT a suicide risk-assessment training program for mental health professionals only. • It is a behavioral action plan for everyone to achieve helpful dialogue and provide a progressive, stepwise intervention. • More information at <www.qprinstitute.org>

  8. TRAINING OF TRAINERS (TOT) • Two TOT sessions were offered; May 23, 2012 and June 14, 2012 in OKC and Tulsa. • 39 trainers completed the TOT covering 28 Oklahoma campuses. Currently 36 trainers/25 campuses • These trainers were required through MOU’s to conduct a minimum of 2 trainings each year for the next 2 years. • Training materials and student booklets are included at no cost. • Technical assistance from Pam Boatright is available for each trainer.

  9. TRAINING THUS FAR IN OKLAHOMA • 70+ gatekeeper trainings held • 1,590 participants trained • 19 college/universities have held training • 28 trainers have conducted training at least 1 • 7 have not registered any classes yet • ~ 2,000 training booklets have been distributed • QPR trainers Listserv created December 2012

  10. From a Trainer “The class did go really well. I have to say that I am really enjoying these classes. It is such an important and relevant topic. I think together we can make a difference.” Success Stories

  11. WHO SHOULD RECEIVE GATEKEEPER TRAINING? • Student Affairs Staff • Student Health Clinic Staff • Counseling Office Staff • Financial Aid Staff • Academic Advisors • Students • Student Leaders/Campus Groups • Native American Liaison • Residential Advisors • Faculty • Environmental Health and Safety Staff • Campus Faith-based Organizations • Fraternities, Sororities • Campus Law Enforcement or Security • Crisis Team Members • Risk Managers • Administrative Affairs

  12. RESOURCES In Oklahoma: • Heartline Crisis Line (405) 848-2273 • Reach Out Hotline (405) 522-8100 • 2-1-1 (can provide info to county crisis intervention centers) Nationwide: • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800) 273-TALK (8255)

  13. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES • American Association of Suicidology - <www.aas.org> • American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - <www.asfp.org> • Jason Foundation - <www.jasonfoundation.com> • Suicide Prevention Resource Center - <www.sprc.org> • The Trevor Project – <www.project.org>

  14. FREE WALLET CARDS, MAGNETS AND POSTERS • Learn the Warning Signs • Having Trouble Coping? • Magnets with National Lifeline phone and website (800) 273-TALK • Posters • Assessing Suicide Risk: Initial Tips for Counselors Available from 1(877) SAMHSA-7 www.store.samhsa.gov/pages/help

  15. Outreach • Bids out for lanyards, bumper stickers, and sport string backpacks • Request to campus newspapers for an article, logo • Listserv • 1 trainer kit left – application and agreement are req’d (3/7/12)

  16. Questions? • Pam Boatright • (405) 225-9458 • pboatright@osrhe.edu

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