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Alaska,. The Last Frontier. LaShaye Taylor Ag and Natural Resources 5 th Period. State Info:. Capital: Juneau Population: 698,473 Founded on January 3, 1959 State Bird: Willow ptarmigan State Tree: Sitka Spruce State Flower: Forget-me-not Nickname: The Last Frontier Farms: 680

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  1. Alaska, The Last Frontier. • LaShaye Taylor • Ag and Natural Resources • 5th Period

  2. State Info: • Capital: Juneau • Population: 698,473 • Founded on January 3, 1959 • State Bird: Willow ptarmigan • State Tree: Sitka Spruce • State Flower: Forget-me-not • Nickname: The Last Frontier • Farms: 680 • Average size: 1,294 acres.

  3. Climate • Coastal areas range from about 60 to 28 degrees F. As in inland areas from 72 degrees to 1.5 degrees. • -South-central Climate • -highs near 70s • -Interior Climate • -highs near 90s • -Inside Passage Climate. • -highs near 60-70s

  4. Soil! State soil: Tanana Alaska has 318 different types of soil! There are 1.5 million acres of soil, suitable for farming. Short growing season (100-150 days) but long days, summer days can have 24 hours of sun.

  5. Crops and Livestock!-Commodities • According to www.ers.usda these are the top 5 commodities. • 1. Greenhouse/nursery • 2. Hay • 3. Potatoes • 4. Cattle and calves • 5. Dairy products • All together: $30,954.

  6. Crops and Livestock! Alaskans rely on the sale of cattle, pigs, sheep, reindeer, milk, wool, antlers and velvet, bison, yak and elk. Reindeer Elk “In 2007, Alaska accounted for over 62 percent of the volume of the commercial seafood harvested in the United States” Pigs Yak

  7. Energy Usage and Production “Alaska was one of eight States in 2011 generating electricity from geothermal energy sources.” “Alaska ranked fourth in the United States in 2011 in the total amount of electricity generated from petroleum liquids.” • Alaska ranked fourth in the United States in 2011 in the total amount of electricity generated from petroleum liquids. • Alaska was one of eight States in 2011 generating electricity from geothermal energy sources.

  8. Mining/Mineral Klondike gold rush It was gold that first focused world attention on Alaska. Despite its enormous coal reserves, Alaska has only one active mine, the Usibelli Mine at Healy. • Alaska ranked fourth in the United States in 2011 in the total amount of electricity generated from petroleum liquids. • Alaska was one of eight States in 2011 generating electricity from geothermal energy sources. The National Petroleum Reserve Alaska (NPRA) is about as big as Indiana and may contain up to 40 percent of all U.S. coal resources. http://www.eia.gov/state/?sid=AK

  9. Timber Production • Alaska has 129 million acres of forested land, stretching from the coastal rain forest of Southeast and South-central Alaska to the boreal forest of the Interior. • Largest Commercial Value:White Spruce, Quaking Aspen, and Paper Birch

  10. Bibliography • http://www.agclassroom.org/kids/agfacts.htm • www.eia.gov/state/ • http://minerals.usgs.gov/minerals/pubs/state/ • Pictures: www.google.com • http://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/state-fact-sheets/state-data.aspx?StateFIPS=02&StateName=Alaska#Pb9ae0c77f3db45b09ad03f9b9220adfa_3_586iT21R0x0

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