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William Crookes & John Dalton. William Crookes Who was he?.
William CrookesWhowas he? • He wasborn in the 17th day of June 1852, and died the 4th day of April 1919 He was a chemist and physicist. He attended to the royal college ofchemistryin London and worked on spectroscopy.
William CrookesWhatdid he discover ? • In 1861 William Crookesdiscovered a new uncnownelementwith a brightgreenemission line in itsspectrum,and named the elementthallium
William CrookesHisconclusion: • Conclusion: Cathode r0ays arenegativelychargedbystudyingdeflection of cathoderaysbymagneticfields.
John DaltonWhowas he ? • He wasborn on the 6th of Septemer 1766 and died 27th of July 1844.He was and Englishchemist, meteorologist and physicist.He wasknowbest for hispioneeringwork in the development of modernatomictheory, and hisresearch into colourblindness.
JonhDaltonWhatdid he do? • He was the first person to puplish the table of relativeatomicweights in October 21 1803.He created the atomtheory:Elementsare made of tinyparticlescalledatoms.Allatoms of a givenelementareidentical