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The Reformation

The Reformation. Criticisms of the Church Corruption Indulgences Simony Wars Wealth Children Demands for reform John Wycliffe Thomas More Martin Luther. Martin Luther. A German monk 95 Theses Criticisms Posted on the Church of Wittenberg Luther’s teachings Faith and forgiveness

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The Reformation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Reformation Criticisms of the Church Corruption Indulgences Simony Wars Wealth Children Demands for reform John Wycliffe Thomas More Martin Luther

  2. Martin Luther • A German monk • 95 Theses • Criticisms • Posted on the Church of Wittenberg • Luther’s teachings • Faith and forgiveness • Bible is the final authority, not the Pope • People did not need priests to interpret the Bible for them

  3. Reaction to Luther • Excommunication • Edict of Worms • Luther branded a heretic • Sheltered in Saxony • Lutherans • Protestants • Peasant’s Revolt • Counter-Reformation • Ignatius of Loyola • Jesuits • Peace of Augsburg • Each ruler would decide the religion of their own domain • Thirty Years War • Killed between one-half and two-thirds of the German population • Peace of Westphalia

  4. Bell Work • Take out a piece of paper, and divide it lengthwise into two columns for two-column notes

  5. England Becomes Protestant • Henry VIII • Denied an annulment • Reformation Parliament • Anne Boleyn • Elizabeth • Act of Supremacy • Execution of Thomas More • Execution of Anne Boleyn • Bloody Mary • Queen Elizabeth • Anglican Church

  6. The Reformation Continues • Calvin • The Institutes of Christian Religion • Predestination • Calvinism • Council of Trent • Counter-Reformation • Ignatius of Loyola • Jesuits • Missionaries • Thirty Years’ War

  7. Assessment • When is a war over religion justified? When people are being denied the right to worship? When one group’s faith conflicts with another group? When the government attempts to dictate religious belief? Some other reason? Is it ever justified? Write a paragraph explaining your position!

  8. Group Activity • Choose your own groups! Numbers must be evenly distributed. • The institution you are most familiar with is your school, and this should make you an expert on what is wrong with it. The job of your group is to come up with a list of AT LEAST FIVE reforms you would like to demand for the schools. These may NOT be detail items like rules or procedures, but larger issues that affect everyone. Think about things like this: funding, standardization, local control, districting, and size. • What would make ALL of the schools better? Come up with at least 5! After this is done, vote as a group which ONE is the most important. • When done, appoint a spokesperson. This person will read your most important one to the class, which will compile a master list of five demands. • When this is complete, the spokesperson from each group will take the master list to the office, and tape it to Mr. Heilman’s door, while the rest of the class discusses the activity.

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