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Tilecal Status report. Stato dell’esperimento Responsabilita’ di Pisa Attivita’ in corso: commissioning, calibrazioni, analisi difisica Richieste. Barrel installation completed on 10/12/2005. 10 Dec 2004. Commissioning is being done by all Institutes: F/E electronics, bus, HV, LV etc.
Tilecal Status report Stato dell’esperimento Responsabilita’ di Pisa Attivita’ in corso: commissioning, calibrazioni, analisi difisica Richieste TileCal
Barrel installation completed on 10/12/2005 10 Dec 2004 Commissioning is being done by all Institutes: F/E electronics, bus, HV, LV etc. Move to z=0 +final alignment based on survey data for tiles+LAR ~25 Aug. 05. TileCal
F/E electronics tests with Mobidick September 2004 Concerns last certification tests of the individual FE Drawers, before Commissioning (using the local portable Test Bench MobiDICK). All elements are tested, including cooling circuitry + fibers (with pulse LED) All drawers installed in the Barrel, few channels still to be fixed. Still on the critical side: LV. TileCal
Row 16 Row 19 TTC & GLINK fibers 1 2 3 MobiDAQ CANbus patch panel F/E electronics tests with MobiDAQ MOBIDAQ in USA15 Use MOBIDAQ: -on truck + temporary cables -At Z=0 with final cables USA15 Tests of the complete system on 8 modules at time: SD, buses, CIS, Laser, HV, LV... Use of the online Monitor for immediate diagnostic and offline analysis MobiDAQ is also used for preliminary Cosmic Runs. TileCal
Fingers and drawers TileCal
Fix a drawer TileCal
MobiDAQ Trigger boards TTC modules QDC for the trigger CCT with S-links for the digital readout TileCal
MobyDAQ: sample of results Pedestal rms (noise) CIS scan (gain) TileCal
Cosmic Ray Tests (preliminary now at 185) Use MobiDAQ and temporary trigger logic, Online Monitoring + Offline analysis Special 9U VME, FPGA programmable 6 Super Drawer/unit Tile Barrel lower modules TileCal
Cosmics: first results Allows: -Check for dead-channels -HV-Cesium equalization - Compare with Tbeam data ATLANTIS GeoModel Rates in UX15: 130 m/h (TileCal) TileCal
Cosmics Runs, Energy (pC) for the B-Cells (Check dead channels) TileCal
Overall commissioning scenario • Main steps for barrel: • until end Aug: Installation and commissioning WPs standalone in USA15/UX15 • 7-29 September: cables/fibers/pipes installation to the fingers rotating in sectors every 2 days (8 fingers/day) with several teams (TC contractor, Protvino, CF, LIP, tile techs pool+….. • 9 Sept->16 November :install LV, commission 8 fingers at the time rotating in sectors every 6 days (2.7 fingers/day) with MOBIDAQ,ROD DAQ (if available) and MOBIDICK when needed. • 16 Nov-7 Dec: commission the 2 barrel partitions (~5000 channels) with ROD DAQ • The EBC and EBA will follow during end 2005, first half of 2006 TileCal
Organization We have started a reorganization of TileCal defining things to be done (Work Packages) and responsabilities, hopefully to improve on the efficiency. This process has now converged. In this scheme Pisa is well represented at all levels. TileCal
TileCal Organization (1) TileCal
TileCal Organization (2) TileCal
TileCal Organization (3) TileCal
TileCal Organization (4) TileCal
Activities in Pisa • Laboratory tests (PMT) • Simulation • Analysis TileCal
Tests in Pisa: PMT long run tests (G. Usai) Test of stability of PMT operating in LHC environement for 1-2 years at full luminosity. TileCal
Sample of results being obtained One measurement lasts 12 h light is setting: Qpmt = 50 mC Increase light to MB at LHC Stability (Am) Time I-dark Gain • We are still debugging. Most of the problem solved. • Am source is “old” • Poor room temp. conditioning • Some channels look “weird” Quantum eff. TileCal
Other ongoing activities: • On Line Monitor (Chiara, Andrea, Paolo); Chiara Roda coordinates the effort of a group of physicists from various subdetectors. The work started as an OnLine monitor for TileCal TB, evolved as “GNAM” at the CTB and now looks as a promising approach to a “low level” monitor for many sub detectors for ATLAS. GNAM is now a package of the standard TDAQ software. Chiara participates to the monitor working group of ATLAS. • monitor snapshot • TileMuId (G. Usai); the work continues in collaboration with muon community. The method of tagging muons with TileCal is a standard and well debugged tool in Athena and HLT and is evolving as a method for • Isolation of muons in the calorimeters • Recovery of muons large energy losses • Comparison G4/CTB(Andrea, Anna) has made large progresses and should be near to the end. • “Real Detector Simulation” in G4 (Anna) TileCal
Comparison CombinedTB - Geant4 (A. Dotti) pions in LArg+Tile • Pions at h = 0.35, Ebeam =20 - 350 GeV • Data calibrated at e.m. scale • Tested some methods of energy reconstruction in LArg • Fixed few little bugs (now in Athena version 10.0.2) • Now agreement in energy reconstruction is within 5% (Ebeam = 20 - 350 GeV). • Works on shower shape still going on. TileCal
Energy distribution Ebeam = 180 GeV 180 GeV h=0.35 Entries (A.U.) LArg E (MeV) Entries (A.U.) TileCal E (MeV) LArg + TileCal Entries (A.U.) TileCal E (MeV)
G4 DATA Reco E (GeV) E Beam (GeV) Edata / EG4 E Beam (GeV) ±5% Mean reconstructed energy TileCal
We can do better! Using weighting techniques on CTB data (Chiara, Iacopo, Andrea) The energy of cell i is weighted: 20 Gev 50 Gev a, b are obtained by minimizing: 100 Gev 200 Gev Linearity Resolution Raw Corrected TileCal
This activity comes along with the Jet Energy reconstruction/calibration (Chiara, Iacopo). Calibration of DC1 dijet (QCD) sample has been done, in progress the work on the “Rome-layout” production. Few methods of jets reconstruction (cone, kt, topojet) and then recalibration. Results of our method: linearity +-2% (0.02-4 TeV) resolution improves by 15% The package is now a standard method in Athena. TileCal
Physics analysis. • Two analyis to check the possible use of a LVL2 “b-tagger” (FASTRACK a la CDF or battery of CPUs). • pp->j+Z+X with Z->bb(b-tagged jets); if possible to trigger on this channel it would be the ideal way of calibrating the b-jets. • pp->bb+A/H with A/H->bb(3/4 b-tagged Jets); this is a standard discovery channel of the supersymmetric Higgs. • In both studies the b is assumed to decay hadronically and be identified by impact parameter. • The advantage is the BR, the disadvantage is the tag efficiency, mistags. • pp->Hqq +X with H->tt TileCal
Jet+Z->bb (V. Cavasinni and I. Vivarelli) Needs to lower the jet thresholds to have sidebands for bknd subtraction, hence reduce the rates at LVL2 by fast tagging b-quarks. TileCal
pp-> bb+A/H->4b (3/4 tagged) (V. Cavasinni and I. Vivarelli) The proposed trigger allows to have a factor 10 more statistics. To avoid too large QCD rate it needs fast b-tagging. It is a counting experiment where the new scheme of triggering can improve the significance over the standard trigger menu. TileCal
ATLAS light HIGGS discovery potential at 30 fb-1 • Vector boson fusion qqHtt • (at least one t decaying leptonically) • fundamental at masses 120-140 GeV. TileCal
HVBF tt hhnn(F.Sarri, V. Cavasinni, I.Vivarelli) In this channel we have an additional huge background from QCD: Fundamental the algorithm to identify t’s/reject QCD jets Use the results of the Milan,Freiburg groups: D. Cavalli, M. Heldmann TileCal
HVBF tt hhnn: signal vs QCD background preliminary “Hard” cuts TileCal
HVBF tt hhnn: signal vs QCD background preliminary “Soft” cuts TileCal
Richieste • Un nuovo dottorando:Paolo Adragna • Richieste MI: 5 KE per riunioni ATLAS-It, riunioni per Monitor, Roma Wshp etc. • Avuto 8KE speso ad Aprile 3KE. • Richieste ME: 12 mu. • Avuto 90KE speso ad Aprile 37KE ma: • 7mu (30KE) di installazione (tecnici), promessi alla collaborazione saranno utilizzati a Settembre. Ci rimane per metabolismo 20KE. • Ci viene richiesto di mantenere un fisico sempre al CERN per il commissioning. Vivarelli e’ al CERN con resonsabilita’ di test finali del Barrel (MobiDAQ). Al commissioning dovremo partecipare anche con altri fisici. TileCal
Energy in a cone around a tagged muon (G. Usai) Cone radius Back TileCal
Mean value for CIS signal as PMT function Distribution (48 PMTs) of mean value for CIS signal Distribution (48 PMTs) of rms for CIS signal Signal Timing as PMT function (no corrections applied) 1 3 4 2 Back TileCal Back
Tile Muon Trigger Set-Up (june 2005) • The tile muon trigger will take advantage of the output of the trigger towers (used later for LVL1, sum of the signals of all cells in one tower). • One trigger tower covers ∆ηx∆φ=0.1x0.1, readout for the tile muon trigger via Chicago coincidence boards (see later) up to η<0.8. • For 0.8<η<1.0 there are still some cells in the first samplings. They could be included into the trigger by changing a patch panel (now the Chicago trigger boards read only 8 towers in 1 mod.) • Each trigger tower will provide a signal. Coincidence with back to back tower. NIM signal. • 4 boards will be produced to read out 24 modules (12 on the top and 12 on the bottom) Expected rate:130/h Test equalization, timing,... TileCal