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This report discusses technical progress, challenges, and new developments in the EMODnet Chemistry CDI interfaces and advanced services, including data architecture, spatial distribution, data modeling, and upcoming database management issues.
EMODnet Chemistry 2 Technical progress and new challenges Service Contract MARE/2012/10 S12.656742 By Dick M.A. Schaap – Technical Coordinator Venice, Italy, 3 December 2015, SC meeting
Requests for extending the CDI User Interfaces • Outcome of discussions with Regional Sea Conventions • Include areas of Regional Sea Conventions as extra search item: • Polygons received for HELCOM and OSPAR; how about Barcelona and Bucharst Conventions? • Inclusion can be done like MARIS has done earlier for Sea Areas (C19) with geographic analysis and labelling of all CDIs (initially for 1.8 M) and integration in CDI import process • Only for the EMODnet Chemistry CDI interfaces • Distinct between ‘monitoring’ and ‘research’ data in CDI interface: • Complex because of mix at several institutes • Not feasible to maintain this centrally unless CDIs are labelled by providers. Option: using EDMERP to describe monitoring activities as existing attribute in CDI model • Include medium (water, seabed and biota) as extra search item: • BODC has implemented S26 Vocabulary which maps ‘medium’ to ‘P02’ terms => can be integrated by MARIS in interfaces • Other wishes?
Advanced services • The validated and aggregated buffers of data sets are input for the products and advanced services: • Interpolated maps as produced with DIVA software • Time series graphics for all collected data sets via WPS (Deltares) • OceanBrowser viewer (Ulg) as common service for viewing the DIVA maps and giving access to the time series graphics • Sextant catalogue (Ifremer) to document all products with metadata
Spatial distribution and density by GeoServer layers in OceanBrowser • Speed of acquiring locations enhanced • No WFS anymore, but a combination of WPS/WMS • Density information available by colours
Spatial distribution and density • Speed of acquiring observations of particular parameter improved • Enhanced plotting
Data architecture Oceanbrowser Step 4 OGC services Step 3 WFS, WPS Step 2 ODV Step 1 Metadata enriched ODV files
Data model for metadata enriched ODV collections into PostgreSQL/PostGIS database (hosted at CINECA)
Committing ODV data collections to the database • Creation of data model • Reading QA/QC’d files from regional coordinators • Adding vocabularies, EDMO, Local_CDI_ID, • So far one version of collection loaded for the nutrients parameters • Loading of additional parameters for same CDIs – ODVs will give no problem in present set-up • Regional coordinators must make sure that their ODV collections from the new harvests (early November and early December 2015) will only contain additional parameters! • Updating of existing parameters needs discussion, also considering version management
Structure of Request Cdi_Get_Parameters Bbox_Get_Parameters bbox_Plot_Timeprofile Cdi_Plot_Maps Cdi_Plot_Profiles GetCapabilities bbox_Plot_Maps bbox_Plot_Profiles bbox_Plot_Timeseries Cdi_Plot_Timeprofile Cdi_Plot_Timeseries Plot a profile in binary mimetype Plot a timeprofile Plot a map in binary mimetype Plot a profile in binary mimetype Query all observations using cdi Plot a timeseries Plot a timeprofile Plot a map in binary mimetype Plot a timeseries Query all observations using bbox What services
Status of data uploads by number of observation values at 11 June 2015
Status of data uploads by number of observation values at 26 November 2015
Next technical challenges – management of the database • Need for input-output management tools with interfaces: • Existing is a set of scripts for input => evaluation if these are fully fit for new data sets, corrected data sets, updated data sets and versioning • Integrate input scripts into a CMS as workflow manager for non-database experts • For managing content by non-database experts it is also required to develop a user interface on the database, including relations with the CDI system • MARIS and Deltares will have a meeting early next year to discuss the data model, rules and interface development
New harvesting rounds • 11 November 2015: new harvested data sets delivered for each of the 5 regions for other parameters (acidity, chlorophyll, organic matter, oxygen and dissolved gasses) • And comparison delivered of new / old / updated files of new harvest against the previous of 28 October 2014 • Greater North Sea (ca 283.000); Baltic (ca 59.000); North Atlantic (ca 27.000); Mediterranean (ca 97.000); Black Sea (ca 41.000)
New harvesting rounds • This week 4 December 2015: new harvested data sets will be delivered for each of the 5 regions for contaminants • And comparison will be delivered of new / old / updated files of new harvest against the previous of 28 October 2014 • Greater North Sea (ca 25.000); Baltic (ca 3.000); North Atlantic (ca 1.000); Mediterranean (ca 5.500); Black Sea (ca 23.000)