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An organic product is a product of a way of crop or livestock that do not use chemical synthesis, or a processed product of which at least 95% of the ingredients meet these criteria.
What is organic food? Legally, an organic product is a product of a way of crop or livestock that do not use chemical synthesis, or a processed product of which at least 95% of the ingredients meet these criteria. Discover our range of organic and healthy food . Organic: why? An INRA study indicates that a French "average" ingests nearly 1.5 kg of additives, pesticides and other undesirable compounds per year !! When we realize that it is our power that allows our body and our brain to function, do we really want to give them knowingly toxic food? A recent US study in children between 2 and 4 years (age group most at risk because of the amount of food intake relative to their body mass) indicates that children fed organic food pesticide residue levels six times lower than those who eat conventional food products ... food for thought! Thus, organic foods are richer nutritionally. They also have more flavor. With them, the meal becomes a moment of discovery favors and benefits.
Organic: how? Who says return to traditional practices does not say much to return to a simplistic agriculture. Rather, the basis of organic farming is that crop rotation and reuse of organic matter, requires strong knowledge. Crop rotation involves knowing different cultures, unlike conventional farming where the farmer is focused on a single plantation. Moreover, the refusal to use herbicides, insecticides and fungicides involves knowing use the weapons offered by nature, and bend to their operation. How can this be happening in practice? Nature, well done as everyone knows, has scheduled a predator for each parasite. For example, beetles feast on chinch bugs, while the hedgehog will make his feast slugs from the garden. These animals are brought into organic crops. Using these natural methods can be offered a success rate of around 100%. Similarly, plants interact with each other: the smell of leeks hunting flies carrots, while the smell of carrots deters moths that could cause parasitic worms leeks ... a virtuous circle and totally natural ! other remedies used successfully in organic farming are those plant extracts: homeopathy and aromatherapy .
Organic: how? Organic farming As for agriculture, the only drugs used were homeopathy and herbal medicine. This prevents the consumer to ingest regular doses of antibiotics or growth hormones previously ingested by animals on which it feeds. High breast milk and natural food, animals evolving in organic farms have a larger area per head to move. Slaughtered later because it gives them time to grow naturally, much attention is paid to them avoid stress in their last moments. Short duration of transport to the slaughterhouse (maximum 2 hours), local soundproof, rest rooms, can limit the toxins released into their bodies by animals suffering in the conventional, strong stress before slaughter. All these factors make the meat more tender and tasty organic than conventional meat.
Organic: how? Why choose local and seasonal? Our company of "all at once" has accustomed us to consume tomatoes from Morocco in December or pears from Argentina in March. But this requirement has an important ecological cost: use of non-renewable natural resources, pollution, greenhouse ... are generated by these unnecessary transport. When making the LCA of a strawberry yogurt, the total kilometers traveled by different trucks to transport strawberries, milk, pot, etc. at the factory, then the purchasing center, supermarket, then at you can reach ... 2400 km !!!! Would it not be wiser and responsible to taste that which is done on the farm, the cow pie in its pot in your department? Discover all organic products you need.
Wines and Beverages Fruit juices from organic farming are richer in vitamins and minerals than traditional juices. Indeed, the producers expect the mature fruit to perform the collection, so the vitamin content, trace elements and minerals are at their maximum. Once picked, the fruits (and vegetables) are pressed immediately to preserve their flavors. With an alcohol content often lower than conventional beers, organic beers contain no additives. Based on wheat or spelled, they provide vitamins and minerals to the body. The wine "organic“ is made from grapes from organic farming, treated like other productions, for homeopathy and herbal medicine. The vines are weeded by hand and are not heated. Organic wines are no chemical additives, and in particular does not contain sulfur, this toxic preservative in conventional wines and often responsible ... headaches!
Dairy products Organic milk have long been followers, including among consumers of conventional products. The yogurt and cottage cheese, for their part, have an authentic taste that is not found in conventional products and surprise the first time. No chemical additives, no artificial flavors ... Organic cheeses are many and varied. The milk is processed immediately after milking, representing a significant freshness advantage compared to industrial production. Responsible for the entire manufacturing process , the producer can ensure to maintain perfect hygiene, and each cheese is unique in its conditions manufacturing.
Fruits and vegetables Virtually all Western fruit trees are grown in France in organic farming, while the emergence of a market of exotic fruits imported. An orchard is fragile, and its maintenance in organic farming demand attention. Insect pests of apples are treated with Bordeaux mixture and the bacillus of Thuringia, an insect that gave the butterfly larvae. A strict size in winter and the careful selection of trees and their associations are essential to the success of an organic orchard. Among the exotic fruit, organic bananas is the most requested. Cultivated in the Dominican Republic in the French overseas territories and Africa, it is harvested when ripe (not green) and is not dipped in a fungicide bath (which also distinguishes it from conventional bananas). Organic pineapples in turn are often offered more green than yellow, which is not a sign of immaturity but quality. As to vegetables, the care taken in soil that matters most, thanks a thorough plowing and natural fertilization of the land . crop rotation, smart control "weeds", mechanical weeding and use natural remedies can produce vegetables rich in micro-nutrients and free of chemical residues. of course, their lack of treatment leads to a difficulty conservation of organic fruits and vegetables . To preserve all their virtues, be sure to consume very fresh or frozen, do not peel (scrape the skin with a brush) and taste raw or steamed.
Bread and cereals Although cereals represent 40% of the organic products market, France has to import, not least to ensure that animal feed. Indeed, organic cereals provide a low return, farmers must absolutely respect the crop rotation to enrich and let rest the earth. To grow organic grain farmer practicing mechanical weeding or by fire, and enriches the soil with natural fertilizers (compost, manure ..) and green manure (long root plants that till the ground in depth and richer). But these crops are also the source of great creativity, putting to date ancient grains or neglected by conventional agriculture. Quinoa ( "rice of the Incas") Kamut (very high protein wheat), millet can be found on the tables of organic food lovers to bring their variety and complementarily. This is also the case for pulses, often forgotten on French tables, which are yet to be favored in the framework of a healthy and balanced diet.