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Learn the basic terminology of cryptography in computer networks, including encryption, decryption, symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption, and substitution and transposition ciphers.
EEC-484/584Computer Networks Lecture 15 Wenbing Zhao wenbing@ieee.org
Outline • Reminder: • Wiki page peer review due tonight (4/23) • Quiz#4 results • Introduction to cryptography EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
Quiz#4 Result • Max: 96 • Min: 64 • Average: 84.5 • Q1 avg: 40/50 • Q2 avg: 19/20 • Q3 avg: 6.8/10 • Q4 avg: 18.7/20 EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
Cryptography Terminology • Encryption is the process of encoding a message so that its meaning is not obvious • Equivalent terms: encode, encipher • Encryption addresses the need for confidentiality of data • Encryption can also be used to ensure integrity (i.e., unauthorized change can be detected) • Encryption is the basis of protocols that enable us to provide security while accomplishing system or network tasks EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
Cryptography Terminology • Decryptionis the reverse process, transforming an encrypted message back into its normal, original form • Equivalent terms: decode, decipher • A system for encryption and decryption is called acryptosystem EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
Cryptography Terminology • The encryption and decryption rules are called encryption and decryptionalgorithms • Encryption/decryptions algorithms often use a device called a key, denoted by K, so that the resulting ciphertext depends on the original plaintext message, the algorithm, and the key value • An encryption scheme that does not require the use of a key is called a keyless cipher EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
Cryptography Terminology • Plaintext: message to be encrypted • Ciphertext: encrypted message • DK(EK(P)) = P EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
Symmetric Encryption • The encryption and decryption keys are the same, so P = D(K, E(K,P)) • D and E are closely related. They are mirror-image processes • The symmetric systems provide a two-way channel to their users • The symmetry of this situation is a major advantage of this type of encryption, but it also leads to a problem: key distribution EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
Asymmetric Encryption • Encryption and decryption keys come in pairs. The decryption key, KD, inverts the encryption of key KE, so that P = D(KD, E(KE,P)) • Asymmetric encryption systems excel at key management EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
Cryptology • Cryptologyis the research into and study of encryption and decryption; it includes both cryptography and cryptanalysis • Cryptography– art of devising ciphers • Comes from Greek words for“secret writing”. It refers to the practice of using encryption to conceal text • Cryptanalysis–art of breaking ciphers • Study of encryption and encrypted messages, hoping to find the hidden meanings EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
Basic Encryption Methods • Substitutionciphers: one letter is exchanged for another • Transpositionciphers: order of letters is rearranged EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
Substitution Ciphers • Idea: each letter or group of letters is replaced by another letter or group of letters • Caesar cipher – circularly shift by 3 letters • a -> D, b -> E, … z -> C • More generally, shift by k letters, k is the key • Monoalphabetic cipher – map each letter to some other letter • A b c d e f … w x y z • Q W E R T Y … V B N M <= the key EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
Substitution Ciphers • Not difficult to determine the key using frequencies of letters, pairs of letter etc., or by guessing a probable word or phrase • Most frequently occurred • Letters: e, t, o, a, n, … • Digrams: th, in, er, re, an, … • Trigrams: the, ing, and, ion, ent • Words: the, of, and, to, a, in, that, … EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
Transposition Ciphers • Transposition cipher – reorders (rearrange) symbols but does not disguise them. It is also called permutation • Transpositions try to break established patterns • Both substitution and transport ciphers can be broken using language statistical information EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
Columnar Transposition • Plaintext written in rows, number of columns = key length • Key is used to number the columns • Ciphertext read out by columns, starting with column whose key letter is lowest EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
Columnar Transposition • A transposition cipher example EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
One-Time Pads • One-time pad: construct an unbreakable cipher • Choose a random bit string as the key • Convert the plaintext into a bit string • Compute the XOR of these two strings, bit by bit • The resulting ciphertext cannot be broken, because in a sufficiently large sample of ciphertext, each letter will occur equally often => there is simply no information in the message because all possible plaintexts of the given length are equally likely EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
One-Time Pads Original one-time pad used I L O V E Y O U . E L V I S L I V E S If someone tries to decrypt using another one-time pad EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
One-Time Pads • Disadvantages • The key cannot be memorized, both sender and receiver must carry a written copy with them • Total amount of data can be transmitted is limited by the amount of key available • Sensitive to lost or inserted characters EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
Stream Ciphers • Stream ciphers: convert one symbol of plaintext immediately into a symbol of ciphertext • The transformation depends only on the symbol, the key, and the control information of the encryption algorithm EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
Block Ciphers • Block cipher: encrypts a group of plaintext symbols as one block • Block ciphers work on blocks of plaintext and produce blocks of ciphertext • The columnar transposition is an example of block ciphers EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
Cryptanalysis –Breaking Encryption Schemes • Ciphertext-only: cryptanalyst has a quantity of ciphertext and no plaintext • Known plaintext: cryptanalyst has some matched ciphertext and plaintext • Chosen plaintext: cryptanalyst has the ability to encrypt pieces of plaintext of his own choosing EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
Symmetric-Key Algorithms • DES – The Data Encryption Standard • AES – The Advanced Encryption Standard • Cipher Modes • Other Ciphers EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
Data Encryption Standard • Developed by IBM. US standard for unclassified info(1977) • Same key for encryption as for decryption • Encrypts in 64-bit blocks • Uses 56-bit key • Has 19 stages, 16 parameterized by different functions of the key EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
Triple DES • Triple DES – effectively increases the key length. It uses two keys and three stages • In first stage, the plaintext is encrypted using DES in the usual way with K1 • In second stage, DES is run in decryption mode, using K2 as the key • In third stage, another DES encryption is done with K1 Triple DES encryption Triple DES decryption EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
AES – The Advanced Encryption Standard • AES is a result of a cryptographic contest • Organized by NIST in 1997 • Rules for AES proposals • The algorithm must be a symmetric block cipher • The full design must be public • Key lengths of 128, 192, and 256 bits supported • Both software and hardware implementations required • The algorithm must be public or licensed on nondiscriminatory terms • Winner: Rijndael (from two Belgian cryptographers: Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen) EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
AES • Creating of the state and rk arrays EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
Cipher Modes • Despite all the complexity, AES and DES (or any block cipher) is basically a monoalphabetic substitution cipher using big characters • Whenever the same plaintext block goes in the front end, the same ciphertext block comes out the back end • If you encrypt the plaintext abcdefgh 100 times with same DES key, you get the same ciphertext 100 times • An intruder can exploit this property to help subvert the cipher EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
Electronic Code Book Mode • In ECB mode, each plaintext block is encrypted independently with the block cipher • ECB allows easy parallelization to yield higher performance. However, no processing is possible before a block is seen EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
Electronic Code Book Mode - Problems • In ECB, plaintext patterns are not concealed • Each identical block of plaintext gives an identical block of ciphertext. The plaintext can be easily manipulated by removing, repeating, or interchanging blocks • Example EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
Cipher Block Chaining Mode • To avoid the ECB mode problem: replacing a block will cause the plaintext decrypted starting at the replaced to become garbage • Exclusive OR the encrypted text with the next block of plaintext before encryption: C0 = E(P0 XOR IV), C1 = E(P1 XOR C0), etc. • Drawback: must wait until full 64-bit (128-bit) block to arrive to decrypt EEC-484/584: Computer Networks
Cipher Block Chaining Mode • Exclusive OR the encrypted text with the next block of plaintext before encryption: C0 = E(P0 XOR IV), C1 = E(P1 XOR C0), etc. Initialization Vector Encryption Decryption EEC-484/584: Computer Networks