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Chapter 29

Chapter 29 . Respiratory System Function, Assessment, and Therapeutic Measures. Review of A&P. Acid-Base Balance. Respiratory Acidosis Hypoventilation Respiratory Alkalosis Hyperventilation . Effects of Aging. History. Upper Respiratory Symptoms Lower Respiratory Symptoms

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Chapter 29

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 29 Respiratory System Function, Assessment, and Therapeutic Measures

  2. Review of A&P

  3. Acid-Base Balance • Respiratory Acidosis • Hypoventilation • Respiratory Alkalosis • Hyperventilation

  4. Effects of Aging

  5. History • Upper Respiratory Symptoms • Lower Respiratory Symptoms • Exposures/Smoking • Current Treatments • Family History

  6. WHAT’S UP? • Where Is It? • How Does It Feel? • Aggravating and Alleviating Factors • Timing • Severity • Useful Other Data • Patient’s Perception

  7. Inspection • Symmetry • Dyspnea • Use of Accessory Muscles • Color

  8. Inspection (cont’d) • Respiratory Rate and Rhythm • Chest Shape

  9. Palpation • Sinuses • Respiratory Excursion • Crepitus

  10. Percussion • Resonance • Hyperresonance • Dull • Flat

  11. Auscultation • Normal Breath Sounds • Adventitious Sounds • Compare Bilaterally

  12. Adventitious Breath Sounds • Crackles—Coarse or Fine • Wheezes • Stridor • Friction Rub • Diminished • Absent

  13. Laboratory Tests • CBC • ABGs • D-Dimer • Cultures • SpO2

  14. Diagnostic Tests • Chest X-Ray • CT Scan • VQ Scan • PFTs • Angiography • Bronchoscopy

  15. Therapeutic Measures • Behavior Modification • Counseling • Setting Quit Date • Nicotine Replacement • Drug Therapy • Hypnosis

  16. Therapeutic Measures (cont’d) • Deep Breathing and Coughing • Huff Coughing • Breathing Exercises

  17. Therapeutic Measures (cont’d) • Positioning • Fowler’s • Semi-Fowler’s • Good Lung Down

  18. Oxygen Therapy • Nasal Cannula

  19. Oxygen Masks

  20. Transtracheal Oxygen

  21. NMT

  22. MDI

  23. Spacer

  24. Incentive Spirometer

  25. Chest Physiotherapy

  26. Mucous Clearance Device

  27. Chest Drainage • Indications • Chest Tube Insertion • Drainage System • Nursing Care

  28. Chest Drainage System

  29. Tracheostomy • Definition • Indications • Nursing Care • Suctioning • Cleaning • Communication • Teaching

  30. Passy-Muir Speaking Valve

  31. Intubation

  32. Mechanical Ventilation • Invasive • Indications • Nursing Care • Trouble-Shooting Alarms

  33. Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation • Indications • Advantages • Nursing Care

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