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Social Media

Social Media. Living Bread Radio Canton, Ohio Friday, June 24, 2011. Social Media. Background What has changed? How quickly is the change happening? What should our reaction be to the change? Can we take advantage of New Media and Web Based communications?

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Social Media

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  1. Social Media Living Bread Radio Canton, Ohio Friday, June 24, 2011

  2. Social Media • Background • What has changed? • How quickly is the change happening? • What should our reaction be to the change? • Can we take advantage of New Media and Web Based communications? • What role does Social Media play? • What can we do now?

  3. The New Media WorldThe Past • Few media choices • Only three TV choices ABC, NBC, CBS • Only a few radio stations in each market • Typewriter not word processing • 35 mm Film and Cameras

  4. The New Media WorldThe Present • 100+ Television Choices • 30 or so radio choices in each market • 100+ satellite radio choices from two providers • Over 10,000+ Internet streaming choices • Digital photograph and printing • Social Media

  5. The New Media WorldThe Future • Constant change • Thousands of new choices doesn’t make the product better • “On Demand” media environment • Television in a non-linear fashion • New Devices with further synapse • Convergence of many media in one device

  6. Social Media, a fad or the biggest shift since the Industrial Revolution? • 96% of Generation Y is using social media. • Social Media sites have overtaken pornography as the #1 activity on the web. • 1-8 couples married last year met via social media.

  7. Years to reach 50 Million Users • Radio 38 years. • Television 13 years. • Internet 4 years • IPods 3 years • Facebook added 100 million users in less than 9 months! • IPod apps downloaded 1 billion in 9 months

  8. Growth • If Facebook were a country is would be the 3rd largest in the world. • Facebook totals 600 Million Users. • 200 Million Facebook users are mobile. • 68% of all mobile usage is social networking. • The fastest growing segment on Facebook is 55-64 females. • There are 200,000,000 blogs.

  9. 4 Ways Social Media is Changing Business • From “Trying to Sell” to “Making Connections.” • From “Large Campaigns” to “Small Acts.” • From “Controlling Our Image” to “Being Ourselves.” • From “Hard to Reach” to “Available Everywhere.”

  10. Essentials for Business • Customers are in control. • Conversations are two way. • Speak with ONE consistent voice. • Listen to what customers are saying about your brand. • Be Authentic. • Have a strategy. • Transparency and frequent consistent communications.

  11. Social Media • Social Media isn’t a fad, it is a fundamental shift in the way we communicate. • “Socialnomics” will become the new buzz word in the business world. • Social Media is a “conversation.”

  12. Social Media “Are you going to bet your business on the fact that things remaining the same a while longer, or that things will change faster than we think?” Nick Anthony

  13. Social Media • “In the technology industry people always over-estimate what you can do in one year and underestimate what you can do in one decade.” Marc Benioff, Founder and CEO Salesforce.com

  14. Social Media “Facebook advertising doesn’t feel like advertising because it comes from your friends.” Tim Kendall, Director of Monitization Facebook.com

  15. Social Media “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, the trouble is I don’t know which half.” John Wanamaker, Department Store Merchant

  16. Social Media Site Rankings • Facebook.com rank 2nd • YouTube.com ranked 3th • Blogger.com 5th • Twitter.com ranked 9th • Linkedin.com ranked 13th • Wordpress.com 19th • Flickr.com ranked 31rd

  17. Top Facebook Uses • Create profile page. • Find friends with similar interests. • Organize contacts. • Manage your identity. • Build everyday social capital. • Create ads or pages. • Post and promote events.

  18. Change • Only thing certain is change • New media changes coming quicker than ever • Streaming Audio • Podcasting • Cell Phones • High Definition • Side Channels

  19. Change • MP3 Players • Ipod • DVR’s and Time Shifting • Product Placement Advertising • facebook.com • Myspace.com

  20. Choice • Over 200 television choices • Over 10,000 streaming web sites • Over 1,000 titles on your Ipod • Digital delivery means more content • Multi-tasking • Simultaneous Media Usage • TV + Online + Cell phone+ more

  21. Control • Consumer chooses what he wants and when he wants it. Pull vs. Push • DVR’s allow consumer to time shift programs • IPOD’s allow consumers to listen to their favorite music whenever • Internet downloads allow consumer to pick and choose the time he listens or watches

  22. Community • Instant Messaging • Facebook.com • Myspace.com • Cell phone • Text messaging • Generation-C

  23. Content • Who really is the provider • Radio is merely a service provider when it comes to music • Only content is what’s between the records • News, sports, weather, games, contests etc.

  24. Convergence • Cell Phone/ Camera/ Video Viewer / MP3 • PDA, Cell Phone/ E-Mail • Blackberry, Trio etc.

  25. Customization • Consumers fall in love with the device • They customize it • They cover it, color it, accessorize it

  26. Radio 1.0 Radio 2.0 • Over The Air • Online Streaming • Push • Pull • Interactive • One Way • Brick & Mortar • Virtual • Arbitron (no. only) • Database (Name & Address) • Cume (Shotgun) • Tribes (Rifle)

  27. Online Music Popularity (Rhapsody, December 2005) Downloads Songs Available at Wal-Mart and Rhapsody Songs available only at Rhapsody Titles, ranked by popularity

  28. Online DVD Popularity (Netflix, December 2005) Downloads Songs Available at Blockbuster and Netflix Songs available only at Netflix Titles, ranked by popularity

  29. Online Book Popularity (Amazon, December 2005) Downloads Songs Available at Borders and Rhapsody Songs available only at Amazon Titles, ranked by popularity

  30. On-line Newsletters • Able to touch customers several times a year, not just during campaign. • Low cost, no postage, instantly delivered. • More timely because they can be turned over faster.

  31. Blogs • And ongoing opportunity to communicate with you customers. • Make it subscribable. • Update at least once a week. • Talk about “results”. • Make them feel good about their participation.

  32. Some other notables • Google.com/analytics • Quantcast • Tweetdeck.com • Search.twitter.com • Twitterbeep.com • Bit.ly • Twitterhat.com • Twollow.com

  33. More to think about • Bibo.com • Plunked.com • Classmates.com

  34. The One to One Future • Database marketing • Farming • One off printing • Internet as a database tool. • Newsletters. • Updates. • Text Messaging

  35. For a copy of these slides • http://tonysagnesi.com • Go to “Powerpoint Slides” (in the navigation bar) • Password: livingbread

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