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Lessons From the Book of Nehemiahu200b

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  1. 5 Lessons From the Book of Nehemiah By Kim Anderson

  2. A Bold Request • Short Commentary & Lesson From Nehemiah 2.1-10 • Any Unusual action or appearance on Nehemiah's part (the one who served the king his wine) may have caused the king to suspect Nehemiah was afraid when he realized his outward appearance had revealed his inner sadness! When the king offered to help, Nehemiah quickly prayed for the Lord's guidance and then asked the king for help. • We can't help but admire Nehemiah's boldness. A few minutes before, he was fearing for his life. Now he boldly asked the king to give him letters insuring his safe travel, as well as timber to rebuild Jerusalem's gate and the city wall! Not only did the king give Nehemiah everything he wanted, but the king made him governor of Judah. • Sometimes we are afraid to ask other people to support God's work for fear of being turned down. But if God is leading us, we can ask boldly and leave the results up to God.

  3. Making Past Wrongs Right • Short Commentary & Lesson From Nehemiah 5.1-13 • Although the famine and the heavy taxes did contribute to the Jew's situation, their problem was caused by the selfishness of some of God's own people. Their own Jewish countrymen were charging high-interest rates and forcing the people into financial bondage. Selling fellow Jews was clearly forbidden. • When we see any of our past sins still causing trouble, we should do as Nehemiah did. He faced the problem head-on, making specific plans to correct the problem immediately. Nehemiah also encouraged those involved to go on public record stating that they had decided to change their ways. This promise was made before the people and before God, with serious consequences for those who did not follow through on their words. • If you are struggling with making past wrongs right, it's helpful to make your new commitment known to someone you trust. Encourage this person to check up on you to see how well you are keeping your promises.

  4. Keep Up Your Gaurd • Short Commentary & Lesson From Nehemiah 7.1-3 • After experiencing a great accomplishment, it is tempting to let down our guard. That is the one thing, though, we dare not do. Nehemiah realized that the strong wall they had just completed was useless if the city gates were left open to attackers. He set guards in place with clear instructions designed to prevent any enemies from having an easy opportunity to get in. • Similarly, if we allow the gates to our lives - our eyes, ears, and thoughts - to remain unguarded then we are inviting the enemy (Satan) to come in. We must keep up our guard, especially after a time of victory.

  5. Food for Starving Spirits • Short Commentary & Lesson From Nehemiah 8.1-12 • When Ezra and the Levites read and explained God's Law; it was like a free banquet for starving people. Most of these people had been born and raised as captives in a foreign land, and many of them may never have heard the Word of God read and explained. • It is not surprising that their first response to hearing the truths of God was to weep. for the first time, perhaps, they recognized the sins of their fathers, as well as their own. But Ezra and Nehemiah let the people know that this was a day of celebration. God had given them a new start. Their sadness was turned to gladness because the Lord would be their happiness and strength. • When we allow God's Word to speak to our hearts. often our first response is to be aware of our sins. When we realize that God has forgiven us of our sins, we can experience true freedom and joy.

  6. Telling It Like It Is • Short Commentary & Lesson From Nehemiah 9.1-37 • Religion at its worst is to stand in the presence of a holy God and tell him what good people we have been. This is a very dangerous place for anyone to stand because only God is holy and good. The Israelites realized this only after they had suffered many humiliations. • The theme of the prayer in this chapter is God's faithfulness to his word and to his people, even when his people have not been faithful to him. In our lives, confession of our sins often follows a time of difficulty - a time when we realize the seriousness of our sins. We should keep a hold on the reality that we are sinners, but God loves us enough to send his beloved Son to die for our sins.

  7. For more information go to • https://www.facebook.com/Uplifting-verses-and-prayers-by-Kim-Anderson-2414785651929309/?ref=pages_you_manage

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