5 Steps To Success – The Ultimate Simple Success Formula By Kim Anderson
SET GOALS • You can’t expect to hit your target if you don’t know what the target is. A man without goals is like a pilot without a destination. You could end up anywhere and it most likely won’t be pretty.DEFINE what you want and WHY you want it and write it down. This is the first and most important step toward obtaining anything you want in life – knowing clearly what it is you want and setting a DEADLINE of when you want to achieve it.
REVIEW YOUR GOALS DAILY & BREAK THEM DOWN • It’s no use writing down your goals if you only do it one time and then forget about it. Keep it fresh in your mind by reviewing it every single day. For best results do it morning and night. • Break your goals down into mini-goals, mini action steps you can take to reach your main goal. For example:If your goal is to make $1 million this year, your mini goals might be.1. Complete the development of your product by ____2. Develop a successful marketing plan by ___3. Sell 1000 products at $100 each within 12 months • Although this is very simplistic the process of breaking down your goals makes it easier to take action and achieve them.
TAKE ACTION TOWARDS YOUR GOALS • Goals without action are just dreams. Make your dreams a reality by taking massive action towards your goals.Write down 3 key action steps you can take toward your goal immediately and take that action! If you need to: do this every day until you reach your goal.If you have to work like a crazy person for a temporary period to bring your dream to life: DO IT. If the reward is worth fighting for, fight for it! This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.
VISUALIZE • Visualize and feel what it would be like when you complete your goal.This process activates strong feelings in your brain and emotions and when you are emotionally attached to a result you are much more likely to see it through to success.Some prefer the process of vision boards, and others simply like to meditate or write down what they want. Whatever works for you: do that, just make sure you engage the emotion of what it would feel like to have your goal achieved. This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.
NEVER SETTLE • Promise yourself, no matter how many set backs you will never settle for anything less than your goal, your dream, your vision. If at first you don’t succeed, try again, try harder or think of a better path to your goal. There is always a way if you are willing to find it.
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