5 motivational quotes to inspire your personal success By Kim Anderson
Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear - George Addair • What are you aiming for this spring? A promotion? Better grades? A new Friend? • You can achieve them by trying new things; step out of your comfort zone and explore new opportunities just by overcoming your fears. You see, most of us get so used to doing the same things day in and day out and in turn lose sight of the bigger picture. • There are new opportunities out there waiting for you. Step out of your shell, open your eyes and seek them out.
You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore - Christopher Columbus • Sometimes we're not comfortable where we are, but we're afraid to explore new worlds. This is common, and perfectly normal to our human nature. • Perhaps it is because our ancestors felt safe in the vicinity of their shelters given the extreme weather conditions and dangers of the wild. But in the modern world, when you put things into perspective you don't have to try something extreme. A trip out of town, taking on a new hobby or traveling to another town or country might be all you need to seek. • The capability to move forward despite of fear of the unknown is what makes people pioneers! Push yourself further and one thing is for sure. Eventually you will look back and you will be in a different place than you started, often for the better.
Creativity is a habit and the best creativity is the result of good work habits - Twyla Tharp • We all need creativity in our lives to find new roads and make the best out of anything that comes our way. • Despite the common belief, creativity is not a divine expression that comes to some lucky people once in a lifetime. • You can exercise and grow your creativity every day by implementing good working habits, exploring new tasks and new possibilities. • When it comes to creativity, the sky is truly the limit!
Challenges are what make life interesting, and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful - Joshua J. Marine • The average person feels that challenges are too difficult and can't be easily overcome. But successful people see them as a new opportunity to improve, learn new and overcome challenges. • Challenge makes you stronger, more capable and more flexible and along the way introduces new ideas that could push you into new directions. For example in case of entrepreneurs, for every challenge they find an opportunity and launch new ventures that help to solve those problems.
Every successful individual knows that his or her achievements depends on a community of persons working together - Paul Ryan • Last but not least, personally I'm not a big fan of his Policies, but can't disagree with his quote. • Remember that any good leader recognizes the value and importance of each of his or her team members. Whether you are part of an athletic team, a class or a company, no one can do it all by him or herself. • Recognize the value of new ideas and brainstorm with your team. Build a strong team that's ready to face every day challenges with optimism and efficiency; one of the ultimate goal for being leader.
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