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CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT AND SERVICE DELIVERY IN MOZAMBIQUE: Problems, Challenges and Opportunities Bratislava, 21-23 November 2005. UNDP Mozambique. Country context Factors influencing Capacity Development Changing environment: Capacity Development in PRSP/DBS,
CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT AND SERVICE DELIVERY IN MOZAMBIQUE: Problems, Challenges and Opportunities Bratislava, 21-23 November 2005 UNDP Mozambique
Country context Factors influencing Capacity Development Changing environment: Capacity Development in PRSP/DBS, Enhanced donor coordination and challenges UNDP? Public Sector Reform in Mozambique UNDP Capacity Development: Lessons & Experiences Questions for Discussion Content
Post conflict PRSP and DBS country, Located in South East Africa, Population: about 19.4 m (2005) 10 years war, independence in 1975 Peace Accord 1992 after 17 years civil war Established functioning democracy: Multiparty Presidential & Parliamentary elections (1994, 1999, 2004) Country context
1987 Change from Marxist-Leninist to Market led economy Structural Adjustment Programs Recently massive inflows of FDI, large projects (aluminum smelter, gas pipeline) One of the highest growth rates in Africa 7%, but not broad based. One of the poorest LDCs with GDP per capita US$374 (2005) HDI rank 168th out f 177 (UNDP 2005) Country context – cont.
Historical neglect in training by the Portuguese, Brain Drain to the North especially Portugal and North America, Depletion of human resource by HIV/AIDS, New Job profiles/demands, Poor physical and social infrastructure, Other constraints (logistical, institutional and incentives). MDGs New Aid modalities Factors influencing HD in Mozambique.
Liberalization, deregulation & privatization of the economy; Emerging CSOs & private sector pressures; 1st PRSP (2000) with the advent of DBS environment: HIPC, highly dependent country (about 50% of budget externally sourced) Strong donor presence…capacity development? Changing environment
DPG Chair UNDP/WB GoM G17 HoMs/HoCs EWG PAF CoG MoU Thematic WGs (6) CSOs Technical WGs (22) Changing environ. & Coordination 2005
The PRSP (PARPA) Process Poverty & Macroeconomic stability Governance Human Capital Capacity building for poverty reduction & Sustainable development Economic Development Cross cutting issues
The Programme & Objectives: (2001-2011) to improve service delivery,reduce corruption, prommote econ. devel. & work towards poverty reduction; At central & decentral govt levels as well as in public institutions with Components: Public service provision, Policy formulation & monitoring, Professionalization of civil servants, Public Finance Management, Good governance & combating corruption. No overall reduction of size of civil servants, Salary increases for high qualified staff to compete with donors and private sectors. Public Sector Reform in Moz.
Projects: Local govt reform; Support to Civil Service Training System; Support to Functional Analysis & Restructuring of Ministry of State Administration. Other: Decentralised Planning & Finance; Support to: Justice Sector, Parliament, Police, Media, ICT for Develop.; Participatory design, training & dissemination of an M&E system, Mainstreaming cross-cutting issues in Central & Decentral Policies & Institutions. UNDP in the context of PSR
Effective policy advocacy required a combination of attributes: credibility, reputation, comand of, access to, technical expertise, financial resources & operational field experience; Moz remains one of the best African Peace Keeping & Strengthening experiences. UNDP acted as policy catalyst, coach & advocate in the process. It became less project focused, less operational & less interventionist; It focused more on consensus-building, facilitation, generator, demonstrator & modeler of new ideas in support of capacity building. Lessons & Experiences
Coherence between the different policies, instruments and programmes addresing CD (MDG,NEPAD, PRSP, etc); Changing environment vs short term capacity needs (quick fix and gap filling); How to retain qualified nationals in the public sector in light of donors and private sector competitive incentive schemes? What kind of incentives need are to be addressed within PSR? How best to address local personnel gaps in light of a DBS environment? Challenges & Questions