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Financial Management Modernization Initiative (FMMI)

Financial Management Modernization Initiative (FMMI) . APHIS Master Data Discussion July 2010. What is Master Data?. Master Data is data in FMMI that Agencies will reference and use in order to execute business transactions in the system FMMI Master Data Elements: Application of Funds

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Financial Management Modernization Initiative (FMMI)

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  1. Financial Management Modernization Initiative (FMMI) APHIS Master Data Discussion July 2010

  2. What is Master Data? • Master Data is data in FMMI that Agencies will reference and use in order to execute business transactions in the system • FMMI Master Data Elements: • Application of Funds • Functional Area • Fund • Funds Center/Cost Center • Funded Program/Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)** All obligations at a minimum will include a Functional Area and a Cost Center. If further identification is needed, a WBS would be necessary.  The particular obligations will use a shorthand code that will point to a Functional Area and Cost Center, the shorthand code will be determined at a later date. 2

  3. Master Data ElementsApplication of Funds & Functional Areas • The Application of Funds used in FMMI is the equivalent of the Treasury Symbol used in FFIS. Each Application of Funds is tied to one or more FMMI Funds. • Functional Areas represent “mission critical” programs without an end date. These programs are core to the operations of USDA agencies and staff offices. • OMB Recognized Category Programs • Cat A – Defined by Time, most APHIS Program • Cat B – Project Specific, such as Supplemental, CCC funding, and in this FY the ARRA and H1N1 funding. • FMMI will capture Cat B programs by the line item on the apportionment and the structure would be AP01, AP02 as necessary.

  4. Functional Area is used to represent Cat B Programs or agency specific programs Structure: Digit 1-2: Agency Identifier Digits 3-4 – Reserved for Cat B usage (SF-132) Digits 5-6 – Functional Area ex. PM = Plant & Animal Monitoring AHMS Example: AP00PMAHMSBSE – AHMS BSE AP00PMAHMSADT – AHMS Animal Disease Traceability Funding control would be at AP00PMAHMS EPP Example: AP00PDEPPSALB – Emerging Plant Pest Asian Longhorned Beetle AP00PDEPPSSRX – Emerging Plant Pest Sirex Funding control would be at AP00PDEPPS The rule remains that all obligations at a minimum will include a Functional Area and a Cost Center. If further identification is needed, a WBS would be necessary.  The particular obligations will use a shorthand code that will point to a Functional Area and Cost Center, the shorthand code will be determined at a later date. Functional Area Structure 4

  5. Master Data ElementsFund • Funds in FMMI are used to represent funding from external sources. A Fund can represent a source of funding such as a federal appropriation where the funding is limited based on the time available (no year, annual funds, multi-year funds). A Fund can also represent the specific expenditures which can be covered (direct or reimbursable).

  6. Fund Structure • The Fund Structure has been confirmed as the following: • Agency Identifier (digits 1 - 2) – this is the designated identifier for each agency • High Level Business Area (digits 3 - 4) – unless otherwise specified by an Agency this will always be “00”. The high level business area is considered the Agency as a whole which is represented by “00”. • Agency Defined - (digits 5 - 10) – many agencies have chosen to configure positions 5-8 for the base Treasury code, with the 9 digit equal to the “fund type” (R=Reimbursement, D=Direct or an agency-defined purpose. • Agency Defined - last digit is whether it is category A or B • The Fund Structure will always be 10 digits. The Budget Period will distinguish No year, Multiyear, or Annual. • AP001600NB Budget Period 1010 Farm bill • AP001600DA Budget Period 1010 AHMS 6

  7. Master Data ElementsCost Centers and Funds Centers • Cost Centers are organizational elements that identify the costs incurred for performing activities within an organization. • Cost Centers reflect the levels at which a Division spends at a location. • Funds Centers is the same as Cost Center but it is located in the Financial Module and Cost Center is located in the Cost Management Module of FMMI. • Funds Centers and Cost Centers typically map to FFIS Divisions, Organizations, Sub Organizations, and Cost Organizations • Building a one-to-one relationship between Funds Centers and Cost Centers simplifies derivation rules in FMMI.

  8. The Cost Center Structure has been confirmed to represent the organization levels at which each Agency/Staff Office tracks spending or collects costs. The Cost Center Structure has been reconfirmed as the following: Agency Identifier (digits 1 - 2)  - this is the designated identifier for each agency Lower Level Business Area (digits 3 - 4) – this is an organizational level such as a division Remaining six digits (digits 5 – 10) are FFIS ORGN and State or Country Code. Since digits 3-4 now cover the program, it may be meaningful to restructure digits 5-10; e.g., PQ8109, PQ indicates PPQ so using 8 as the first number is now redundant. The Cost Center Structure will always be 10 digits. APPQ810924 = PPQ (Farm bill example) APVS966136 = VS (AHMS example) Cost Center Structure 8

  9. Master Data ElementsWBS Elements and Funded Programs • WBS Elements provide a means of collection and tracking costs of a specific job, service, or task; and also generate bills. • They should be thought of as a program or project with an operational purpose and defined time frame. • WBS Elements are the same as Funded Programs but it is located in the Financial Module and WBS is located in the Cost Management Module of FMMI. • WBS Elements have a one-to-one relationship with Funded Programs.  This helps to provide consistency between the Controlling and Funds Management modules in FMMI. A WBS Element is required for all revenue and for other projects as designated and determined by the Agency.

  10. WBS Structure For all WBS • Full String Level 1 • AP. RA.EPPS • Positions 1-3: AP. = APHIS • Positions 3-5: RA. Project Type + a period. = Project Type (See below) • Positions 7-10: Project Activity, agency defined to mirror functional area when possible. • Project Types - • Reimbursable: • For the reimbursable funds, build the first part of the WBS element for them: AP.RA. • For non WS fund 83 program codes, this would be AP.TF. • For WS fund 73 program codes, this would be AP.RA. • Expense Projects • For fund 85 program codes, this would be AP.BF. • Others will mirror the functional area, this would be AP.PM or AP.ST as appropriate. • WBS Level can be expanded into 3 levels.

  11. WBS Rules - Expense Projects • WBS elements for expense projects can be mapped to multiple cost centers. • Spending can only occur at WBS Level 2 • Programs within CCC and Contingency Fund will be assigned WBS for tracking purposes. • As programs evolve and become congressional line items they will then be assigned a functional area.

  12. WBS Structure - ExampleEmerging Plant Pests ALB – Expense Projects Funded Program = WBS Level 1 WBS Level 2 As a rule WBS’ can not be locations. When necessary WBS elements can be created to track a temporary project, which happens to be organized by location; such as in a emergency response.

  13. Shorthand Code Overview • The objective is to review the Data Mapping approach for the “crosswalk-to-a-crosswalk” Shorthand Code solution. • Shorthand Code Decision: • Agencies will be able to create an agency-defined Shorthand Code, up to 27 characters • The new shorthand code approach will map the agency-defined / current shorthand code values to the full FMMI accounting string • Relationships between shorthand codes to full FMMI accounting can be 1:1 and many-to-1, but 1-to-many shall not be allowed. • These codes will be what is entered in the Feeder systems (Smart pay, PACS, Govtrip, IAS, etc…) 13

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