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Internal Assessment. The Internal Assessment - The Written Account Every student must produce a written account consisting of the following six sections. • A Plan of the investigation (0-3) • B Summary of evidence (0-6) • C Evaluation of sources (0-5) • D Analysis (0-6)
The Internal Assessment - The Written Account • Every student must produce a written account consisting of the following six sections. • A Plan of the investigation (0-3) • B Summary of evidence (0-6) • C Evaluation of sources (0-5) • D Analysis (0-6) • E Conclusion (0-2) • F Sources and word limit (0-3) • TOTAL POINTS (0-25) – 20% of IB Certificate Grade • Total: 1,500–2,000 words • 25 marks
What kind of questions can I use? • It is not necessary to have your title in the form of a question but that may help you focus your investigation.Do not explore the obvious. A title like, "Was Lenin an important figure in the Russian Revolution?" is redundant because everyone knows, without exploring or investigating anything, that he was. Remember, this is an investigation. Your title should enable you to explore and investigate different views of the historical period you choose. "Lenin's political ambition was more important in bringing about the Russian Revolution than the failures of Nicholas II's reign. To what extent is this assertion true?" would be a more appropriate title.
When stating your research question, be sure to address why your topic is interesting, or how you came to choose your topic. • As for the scope of your investigation, include the sources you plan to use and the issues you will examine in order to address your research question. • Make sure that your subject can be treated in the WORD LIMIT! • The topic should be something you are INTERESTED IN!!!!!!!!!
Why did the United States enter WWI Who was the better general Lee or Grant? How did the U.S. Civil War impact Canadian Confederation? Was the Northern or the British response to Uncle Tom's Cabin more influential in the South's losing the Civil War? Did Freedman's Bureau have a significant influence on freedom during Reconstruction in regards to its attempts at providing social welfare? How did Adolf Hitler’s German-nationalism viewpoints lead him to become dictator of Germany? How did the relationship between Abraham Lincoln and his cabinet members influence his presidency?
Does anyone want to discuss their question so that the class can provide suggestions?
Part A (0-3 Points) • Approximately 150 words • Method used (types of sources – NOT OPVL) • What is the question? • ALWAYS have a question with a QUESTION MARK! (?) • What do I need to examine to answer the question • Crime scene? Witnesses? Physical, etc
PART A Plan of Investigation Examples • These are several examples from Internal Assessments • From the IA guide: • For Section A: • A suggested number of words for this section is 100–150. • The plan of the investigation should include: • the subject of the investigation, which may be formulated as a question • the methods to be used in the investigation. This is a relatively brief but important section. A sharply focused question and a clearly structured plan will be more likely to produce a successful investigation.
Example 1 • This plan earned 3 out of 3 marks The purpose of this investigation is to answer the question of whether the bombings of Dresden, Germany in 1945 were justifiable considering the event's emotional impact on the people present in the city when the attack occurred. The main body of evidence will investigate what events lead up to the bombings, and why the city was targeted. Evidence will include eyewitness accounts of the bombings and sources such as journal articles and speeches from the time. Documents will be analyzed in regards to their origin, purpose, value, and limitations in order to properly evaluate the evidence. Documents include a book containing government records of the orders given to British and American commanders as well as an eyewitness account of the bombings written by British prisoner of war in Dresden during the bombings. An analysis of these documents as well as the summary of evidence will be used to formulate a conclusion stating whether the bombings were, or were not, justifiable. • comments: The first line (in red) is clearly focused. I know exactly what the subject • of the investigation is going to focus on. • The plan is well lined out, which informs the reader how the author will explore his subject.
Example 2 • This plan earned 2 out of 3 marks. The purpose of this investigation is to establish the extent to which the gulags, over time, evolved into a separate civilization within Russia. The main body of the investigation focuses on how the gulags differed from classical prisons. The gulags of the Soviet Union were unique in the fact that they housed prisoners of diverse origins and this bred a completely unique civilization- having their own laws, hierarchy, and literature. The background on the prisoners sent to live in the gulags, and Stalin's original plan for the gulags will also be analyzed. Finally two of the sources used in this paper, Gulag: A History and Gulag Archipelago, will be evaluated according to their purpose, value, and limitations. • comments: The first line (in red) is clearly focused. I know exactly what the subject • of the investigation is going to focus on. • The blue highlighted sentence is appropriate, informing the reader as to what sources will be • evaluated for their effectiveness during the research process.
Example 5 • This plan earned 1 out of 3 marks. The successfulness of the American troops in changing their war tactics in order to fight the Vietcong more effectively will be investigated. The war tactics that the American troops used during critical years in the war will be assessed. These years are determined as critical in that US tactics changed significantly or the geographical area in which the US troops were fighting changed. These critical years that will be analyzed are 1961, 1965, 1967, and 1970. These tactics will include what kinds of weapons were used and how they were used, the geographical areas of Vietnam that were attacked, and by what means these were attacked. These two year increments will be analyzed to determine if the tactics changed with the intent of countering Vietcong tactics. Success will be defined and compared with the effectiveness of the American troops war tactics. This will determine the degree of success on the part of the American troops. comments: The first line (in red) is not well focused. It only mentions the enemy, not • which war is going to be examined. It also seems somewhat broad. • The plan is very wordy and not well defined.
PART B (0-6 Points)Summary of Evidence • 500 – 600 Words • Summary of Evidence • MUST HAVE 8 – 10 Sources MINIMUM!!! • Must be FACTS • A quote from an author is NOT a fact – the fact is a fact but not his analysis • Best to use “real” documents • “The position taken by Dr. Bailey….” is a fact but not “The south lost the Civil War (Bailey, 421)
Can use prose or bullets (understand what prose is?) • All illustrations, charts, graphs, maps should go in appendix • Bullets should be THEMATICALLY organized – can use subheadings – examples? • MUST!! Organize the factual content in some manner • Limited or poor sources negatively affect score • USE ALL SOURCES
You must link your overview of evidence to your research question. • The goal is NOT to include every piece of information, but only salient pieces of information. Present ONLY information that will help you answer your research question; do not waste words providing lengthy background information. • Your summary must be brief, concise, and written with clarity; do not address the section to a teacher as the reader. • Use plenty of footnotes in this section using background sources, not just the two books you are analyzing for Section C.
PART C (0 – 5 Points)Evaluation of Sources • 400 – 500 words • Evaluate 2 sources • Either primary or secondary • Use the words Origin Purpose Value Limitation • Don’t say “wasn’t helpful” • Don’t use conditional wording – “Possibly, maybe, perhaps, etc) • Limitation is not “biased” or “only the other side’s perspective”
PART D (0 – 6 Points) • 500 – 600 words • No new evidence – evidence is in part B • References from part b required • Should be all analysis
This is where you examine different historical interpretations of your research topic in analyzing the historical event itself. • YOU MUST CONNECT THE ANAYLYSIS SECTION WITH THE ORIGINAL RESEARCH QUESTION OR TOPIC. This is true for the entire paper. There should be a thread running through the entire paper connecting all sections back to the research question. • That said, you must integrate an analysis of the author’s arguments into this section. Analyze the authors’ conclusions in reference to your research question.
PART E (0- 2 Points)Conclusion (200 words) • What is “the answer to the question” • Make connection between analysis and question • Don’t do “Perry Mason”
Part F (0 – 3 Points)Sources • The source list, generic headings, (e.g., “Part A”), and references do not count toward the word count. Everything else does. Your IA must be between 1500-2000 worlds. If the essay is UNDER or OVER the word count parameter, you receive NO POINTS in this section. You must list all sources consulted. You must separate primary from secondary sources if appropriate, as well as electronic vs. print sources.
Your bibliography must follow a standard citation format, as should all footnotes in the body of the paper. NO PARANTHTICALS. We hate them. Footnotes are easiest to use throughout, and are easy to reference by the reader. Endnotes are acceptable. Don’t forget that explanatory footnotes are an excellent way for you to express ideas without being penalized in the word count.
Please, no references to Wikipedia, Encarta, WorldBook, Groliers, Facts on File, or other non-scholarly encyclopedias. Please include the word count at the bottom of the last section. • Cover page AND table of contents are needed and do not count towards word count. • EACH Section should have part title AND word count total.
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