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Odyssey Review Game. The Homecoming. Who ‘Dat?. Characters in the Odyssey. 100. The king of Ithaca. Odysseus. 200. Removes the suitors’ weapons from the great hall. Telemachus. 300. The loyal swineherd who brings Odysseus his bow. Eumaeus. 400.
Odyssey Review Game The Homecoming.
Who ‘Dat? • Characters in the Odyssey
100 • The king of Ithaca • Odysseus
200 • Removes the suitors’ weapons from the great hall. • Telemachus
300 • The loyal swineherd who brings Odysseus his bow. • Eumaeus
400 • Dies after seeing Odysseus make it home. • Argos
500 • Recognizes Odysseus while giving him a footbath. • Eurycleia
That’s What Heroes Are Made Of • Epic Hero Traits Revealed in Quotes
100 • “He draws between his thumb and forefinger / a sweet new string upon a peg: so effortlessly / Odysseus in one motion strung the bow.” • Battle Skills • Not one of the other suitors can string the bow, but Odysseus does it in one try!
200 • “‘Now listen to your orders: / when the time comes, those gentlemen, to a man, / will be dead against giving me a bow or quiver. / Defy them. / Eumaeus, bring the bow / and put it in my hands there at the door. / Tell the women to lock their own door tight. / Tell them if someone hears the shock of arms / or groans of men, in hall or court, not one / must show her face, but keep still her weaving. / Philoeteus, run to the outer gate and lock it. / Throw the crossbar and lash it.’” • Authority/Leadership • Odysseus demonstrates authority as he tells Eumaeus to bring him the bow and Philoeteus to lock the gate when the fight begins.
300 • “‘I am home, for I am he. / I bore adversities, but in the twentieth year / I am ashore in my own land.’” • Determination/Persistence • Even after 20 years of hardships, Odysseus never gives up and returns to Ithaca!
400 • “Now from his breast into his eyes the ache / of longing mounted, and he wept at last, / his dear wife, clear and faithful in his arms.” • Loyalty/Persistence • Odysseus is finally home, happy to be reunited with his wife.
Name That Epic Characteristic • Applying Epic Characteristics to Quotes
100 • “Athena / lent him beauty, head to foot, She made him / taller, and massive, too, with crisping hair in curls like petals of wild hyacinth / but all red-golden.” • Divine Intervention • Athena transforms Odysseus into a strong, young, good-looking man.
200 • “‘Now watch me hit a target that no man has hit before.’” • Boasting • Odysseus is bragging that he can hit the target that no one else could.
300 • “‘The stranger / you welcomed in your hall has not disgraced you. / I did not miss, neither did I take all day / stringing the bow. My hand and eye are sound, / not so contemptible as the young men say.’” • Boasting • Odysseus brags that it didn’t take him forever to string the bow and hit the target.
400 • “‘I find / the two of you, alone among my people, / longed for my coming. Prayers I never heard / except your own that I might come again. / So now what is in store for you I’ll tell you: / If Zeus brings down the suitors by my hand / I promise marriages to both, and cattle, / and houses built near mine. And you shall be / brothers-in-arms of my Telemachus.’” • Hospitality Code • If Eumaeus and Philoeteus help bring down the suitors, Odysseus will reward them with ladies, cattle, and homes—not too shabby!
“My Name Is Nohbdy!” • More Characters from the Odyssey
200 • She holds off the suitors with a weaving trick • Penelope
400 • This suitor is the first to die because he was the ringleader. • Antinous
600 • This suitor tries to get Odysseus’ forgiveness by promising to pay back wine and food. • Eurymachus
800 • This character (the cowherd) is told to lock the outer gate. • Philoeteus
1000 • A disloyal maid; calls the beggar a drunk • Melantho
I Know That Hero Trait • Applying Epic Hero Traits to Quotes
200 • “Now flashed / arrow from twanging bow clean as a whistle / through every socket ring, / and grazed not one, / to thud with heavy brazen head beyond.” • Battle Skills • Odysseus is able to make his shot go through all the holes and not hit a one.
400 • “‘You yellow dogs, you thought I’d never make it / home from the land of Troy. You took my house to plunder, / twisted my maids to serve your beds. You dared / bid for my wife while I was still alive. / Contempt was all you had for the gods who rule wide / heaven, / contempt for what men say of you hereafter. / Your last hour has come. You die in blood.’” • Authority/Leadership/Persistent • Odysseus tells the suitors they will pay for invading his home, taking advantage of his wife, and plotting to kill his son.
600 • “‘Not for the whole treasure of your fathers, / all you enjoy, lands, flocks, or any gold / put up by others, would I hold my hand. / There will be killing till the score is paid, / You forced yourselves upon this house. / Fight your way out, / or run for it, if you think you’ll escape death.’” • Authority/Leadership/Cleverness • Odysseus refuses to accept any payment from the suitors for their despicable behavior; their payment will be death!
.The Bold, the Brave, and the Boastful • More Characters from the Odyssey
200 • Calls the beggar a pig and kicks him on the way to town • Melanthius
400 • Odysseus’s father’s name • Laertes
600 • Calls Penelope “cold-hearted” for not taking Odysseus back immediately • Telemachus
800 • Where Odysseus and Telemachus first go when they return to Ithaca • Eumaues
1000 • Reassures Odysseus and gives him confidence that he can “whip those dogs.” • Athena
Prego—It’s in There! • It Could Be Anything!
200 • Epic hero trait that applies to this event: • Penelope holds off the suitors for 2-3 years by unweaving a loom she told them she must finish before she can marry. • Intelligence/cleverness
400 • Epic characteristic in this quote: • “Now flashed / arrow from twanging bow clean as a whistle / through every socket ring, / and grazed not one, / to thud with heavy brazen head beyond.” • Exaggeration • Odysseus can shoot an arrow through twelve tiny holes and not hit a one?
600 • Name this character: • Throws a stool at Odysseus • Antinous
800 • Epic characteristic in this quote: • “He draws between his thumb and forefinger / a sweet new string upon a peg: so effortlessly / Odysseus in one motion strung the bow.” • Exaggeration • Odysseus can string the bow in one try, yet the suitors could barely even bend it.
Gods, Goddesses, and Mortals, Oh My! • Characters in The Odyssey
200 • This king takes in Odysseus as a stranger, and Odysseus tells him about his travels • Alcinous
400 • Warns Telemachus that the suitors plan to ambush him • Athena
600 • Hangs the disloyal maids • Telemachus
800 • Devises a bow and arrow contest • Penelope
1000 • Tells Penelope that Odysseus is back and has defeated the suitors • Eurycleia