Gods and Goddesses Mere Mortals Monsters Travel & Tourism Misc. $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
The goddess who aids Odysseus. Category 1: $100: A
Who is Athena? Category 1: $100: Q
The Son of Cronus? Category 1: $200: A
Who is Zeus? Category 1: $200: Q
Keeps Odysseus a prisoner for seven years. Category 1: $300: A
Who is Calypso? Category 1: $300: Q
Homer calls on to help tell his story? Category 1: $400: A
Who is the Muse? Category 1: $400: Q
Gives Odysseus directions to Hades? Category 1: $500: A
Who is Circe? Category 1: $500: Q
The suitor who Odysseus kills first. Category 2: $100: A
Who is Antinous? Category 2: $100: Q
Menelaus’s wife. Category 2: $200: A
Who is Helen? Category 2: $200: Q
Odysseus puts this in his men’s ears to keep out the sound of the sirens. Category 2: $300: A
What is wax? Category 2: $300: Q
The nurse maid of Odysseus and Telemachus. Category 2: $400: A
Who is Eurycleia? Category 2: $400: Q
Daily Double!!! Category 2: $500: A
Who is Agamemnon? Category 2: $500: Q
The monster that sucks down sea water three times a day. Category 3: $100: A
What is the Charybdis? Category 3: $100: Q
The cyclops has these three things in his cave. Category 3: $200: A
What are milk, cheeses, and sheep. Category 3: $200: Q
The Scylla has this many heads. Category 3: $300: A
What is six? Category 3: $300: Q
The son of Poseidon. Category 3: $400: A
Who is Polyphemus? Category 3: $400: Q
The giant cannibals who destroy all but one of Odysseus’s ships. Category 3: $500: A
Who are the Laestrygonians? Category 3: $500: Q
The Phaeacianship takes Odysseus here. Category 4: $100: A
What is Ithaca? Category 4: $100: Q
This hero regrets being a king among the dead. Category 4: $200: A
Who is Achilles? Category 4: $200: Q
The name of Calypso’s island. Category 4: $300: A
What is Ogygia? Category 4: $300: Q
The island that contains magical flowers. Category 4: $400: A
What is the land of the lotus eaters? Category 4: $400: Q
Nestor’s palace is located here. Category 4: $500: A
What is Pylos? Category 4: $500: Q
The suitor who follows Antinous. Category 5: $100: A
Who is Eurymachus? Category 5: $100: Q
The singer of tales. Category 5: $200: A
What is a bard? Category 5: $200: Q
Odysseus travels to Hadesto talk to him. Category 5: $300: A
Who is Teiresias? Category 5: $300: Q
Recognizes Odysseus first. Category 5: $400: A
Who is his dog, Argos Category 5: $400: Q