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German Class Syllabus and Guidelines

Find class information, syllabus, and rules on Frau's Deutschseite website. Teach greetings, numbers, and commands. Follow participation rules and classroom expectations for a successful German learning experience.

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German Class Syllabus and Guidelines

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  1. Hausaufgaben (HAG): Go to our class website: fraursdeutschseite.weebly.com * Find your class (Stufe 1): -Read Syllabus -Both You and a Parent must sign the Syllabus Agreement -Answer the Information Sheet * Teach someone in your family/Friends to say: -Hello -My name is -Goodbye * Practice: -Numbers, ABCs, Hellos, Goodbyes, commands, My name is and I am_____ years old.

  2. Participation, Bathroom/Hall Passes and Expectations • Participation/Preparation • *It is MANDATORY! • If caught doing something you are not supposed to do (Like talking when I am, no book, etc.): • -First Offense: Warning ( Name goes on board) • -Second Offense: A check by your name • -Third Offense: Stay after class and pick up the floor, clean the board and/or organize the books • -Fourth Offense: A visit to the discipline office • Bathroom/Hall Passes • You get 4 a semester (MAKE THEM COUNT!) • -Bring a water bottle. Bathroom/ Hall pass will not be given for water fountain • -Sign out on clipboard near me • -Bathroom break is 5min long! Any longer will result in an immediate loss of participation points • Expectations: • Strebsamkeit (Ambition):Have an open mind and put the language skills learned in our class to use. Try to correctly pronounce the words, use the vocabulary/ sentence structures we are practicing and speak in German as much as possible. • Pünktlichkeit(Punctuality):Be on time to class and turn everything in on time. Late work will not be accepted. Major assignments will be penalized 10% per day late and will not be accepted more than a week late. • Ordentlichkeit (Organization) :Bring all of your supplies to class everyday. Develop an organization system for yourself that can allow you to find all assignments and resources easier. Keep our classroom neat! • Höflichkeit (Politeness/Courtesy):Respect each other, me and other school personnel at all times. Do not make fun of or put down anyone for any reason, even as a joke. Crude speech and cursing, in any language, is not appropriate and will not be tolerated. • Leitung ( Leadership):A leader is someone that helps others inside or outside of the classroom. If you see someone struggling with something, step in and help them out.

  3. Die Nummer • 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 • Null EinsZweiDreiVierFünfSechsSiebenAcht • 10 11 12 13 14 15 • NeunZehn Elf ZwölfDreizehnVierzehnFünfzehn • 16 17 18 19 20 • SechzehnSiebzehnAchtzehnNeunzehnZwanzig

  4. Begrüβung und Verabschiedung Begrüβungen im gesamten Deutschland: Hallo! Guten Tag! Tag! Guten Morgen! Morgen! Guten Abend! Abend! Begrüβungen im Nord/Süd Deutschland: Moin! (Nord) Grüβ Dich! (Süd) Grüβ Gott! (Süd) Servus! (Österr./ Bayern) Verabschiedungen im gesamten Deutschland: Auf Wiedersehen! Wiedersehen! Auf Wiederhören! Tschüss! Bis Bald! Bis Später! Gute Nacht!-Nacht!

  5. How do you ask for someone's name in German? Wie heiβt du? How do you answer it? Ich heiβe_________. How do you ask someone’s age? Wie alt bist du? How do you answer it? Ich bin ___________ Jahre alt. Leute Intervew Interview 3 people around you. Write down the answers. Say/Ask: Greeting Ask for their name Ask how old they are Say good bye

  6. Commands: BefehlenCommon Questions: Fragen • ÖffnenSieihreBücher auf Seite… 1. Darfichzur Toilette? • Schlieβen Sie das Buch! 2. DarfichzumSchlieβfach? • NehmenSieeinStückPapier! 3. DarfichWasserholen? • NehmenSieeinenBleistift! 4. Darficheinen Pass fϋr Advisory? • NehmenSieeinenKuli (Kulgerscreiber)! 5. DarficheinenBleistifthaben? • StehenSie auf! • SetzenSieeuch! • HörenSiezu! • SchreibenSieihrenNamen auf! • PassenSie auf! • GehenSie an die Tafel! • SchauenSie an der Tafel • GebenSiemir die Hausaufgaben! • GehenSieaus das Zimmer! • KommenSie ins Zimmer! • LaufenSie! • SchickenSie die Hausaufgabenvorne!

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