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LUSH PHEROMONE. Manhasset Science Research Jillian Wong. NEED. 2006- 881,000 people died from malaria 91% of those were children in Africa, and here was an estimated 247 million cases globally. http://www.cdc.gov/Features/dsMalariaSurveillance/. NEED.

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  1. LUSH PHEROMONE Manhasset Science Research Jillian Wong

  2. NEED • 2006- 881,000 people died from malaria • 91% of those were children in Africa, and here was an estimated 247 million cases globally http://www.cdc.gov/Features/dsMalariaSurveillance/

  3. NEED • 2004- 300 million people got sick, and 3 million died from malaria-most of them children http://www.cdc.gov/Features/dsMalariaSurveillance/dsMalariaSurveillance_450px.gif

  4. Knowledge Base • Pheromones- a chemical substance secreted by many animal species that alter behavior • cVA- drosophila pheromoneDrosophila, 11-cis-vaccenyl • acetate (cVA), mediates a variety of behaviors http://student.biology.arizona.edu/honors2006/group09/Drosophila_melanogaster.jpg

  5. Knowledge Base • Lush mutants are defective for the avoidance behavior to high concentrations of alcohol Structure of ethanol http://hood.eas.asu.edu/che211/wiki/images/thumb/a/a7/Ethanol_Structure.jpg/180px-Ethanol_Structure.jpg http://www.daneshema.com/upload/mayor/upload/image/technology_engineering/chemistry/article1/Ethanol_structure.png

  6. Knowledge Base The Lush protein is needed in the detection, discrimination, and perception of volatile odors Figure 2: X-ray Crystal Structure of LUSH-cVA complex. The VA is completely enveloped within the protein. http://www.uccc.info/for-healthcare-professional/cancer-center/cores/structural-biology/structural-biology.aspx

  7. Knowledge Base http://www.nsls.bnl.gov/newsroom/science/2004/images/01-Jones-figure1.jpg Fig. 1. a Surface representation of key residues in the LUSH alcohol-binding pocket. The pocket is lined with hydrophobic residues with the exception of Thr57 and Ser52, which form concerted hydrogen bonds with the alcohol. Ethanol is shown in a stick representation. The hydrogen bonds between the alscohol and the hydroxyl groups of Thr57 and Ser52 are shown as yellow dotted lines.

  8. Knowledge Base http://vosshall.rockefeller.edu/reprints/VosshallStensmyrNeuron05.pdf (A) Schematic of the Drosophila olfactory system. The distal tip of the third antennal segment is densely covered with olfactory sensilla (inset 1). Transverse section through a T1 trichoid sensillum. OSN, olfactory sensory neuron; L, sensillum lymph; OR, odorant receptor; OBP, odorantbinding protein (inset 2). B) Electrophysiological recordings from T1 OSNs in wild-type flies show responses to the pheromone 11-cis vaccenyl acetate that are absent in lush mutants. Mutant flies also show a drastic decrease (400-fold) in spontaneous spiking activity.

  9. Literature Review • Pingxi Xu- A Drosophila OBP Required for Pheromone Signaling • Purpose- to determine the role of OBP in vivo by examining the Drosophila mutant LUSH • Found that LUSH mutants are defective for the detection of VA

  10. Literature Review • Dean P. Smith- A Pheromone Receptor Mediates 11-cis-Vaccenyl Acetate-Induced Responses in Drosophila • LUSH are also required in non-T1 neurons misexpressing the receptor to respond to VA. S • Sensitivity of T1 neurons to VA requires LUSH, an extracellular odorant-binding protein (OBP76a) present in the sensillum lymph bathing trichoid olfactory neuron dendrites

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