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Submission Writing 2013

Submission Writing 2013. Presented by Gerard Byrne B Com FCPA FAIM Volunteering North Queensland Townsville City Council. Your presenter today – Gerard Byrne. 20 years experience in submission writing Co-author, Grants Management in Australia Chair, NQ Community Supporting Police

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Submission Writing 2013

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Submission Writing 2013 Presented by Gerard Byrne B Com FCPA FAIM Volunteering North Queensland Townsville City Council

  2. Your presenter today – Gerard Byrne • 20 years experience in submission writing • Co-author, Grants Management in Australia • Chair, NQ Community Supporting Police • National Not for Profit Advisor • Served on numerous boards, committees • Townsville based

  3. Submission Writing 2013 House Keeping • Safety Brief • Mobile Phones • Break • Finish • Questions

  4. Submission Writing 2013 Major Trends • National Reforms • Online Applications • Competition • Sponsorship and Philanthropy • Social Media

  5. Submission Writing 2013 What you will achieve today • The Grand Vision • Fundraising Strategy • Project Plan • Heaps of information • Where to get help for free • How to save time and be more successful

  6. Submission Writing 2013 The Grand Vision • Big is better • Number of direct beneficiaries • National trends that support your claim • Who else will benefit • How will you promote your success • How will you promote your funder

  7. Submission Writing 2013 Fundraising Strategy • Clear Goal • Plan and Organise • Involve more skilled people • Innovate (refer handout) • Ten Point Plan • Project Plan • References and Research

  8. 2013 Ten Point Plan • Plan Ahead • READ the Guidelines – use highlighter • PHONE the contact person • Be realistic • Do your homework • Gather your evidence • Collaboration • How can you measure your outcomes • Tailor your grant application to the criteria • Always proofread your own work

  9. 2013 Project Plan What makes a good Project Plan? • Clear • Concise • Complete • Correct • Comprehensive • Refer Handout

  10. Break Now is the time to network 

  11. Where do I get some good ideas?

  12. Submission Writing 2013 How to make your grant application stand out • Catchy Title • Facts Figures and Faces (3 F Rule) • Primacy and Immediacy Rule • Rule of Three

  13. Submission Writing 2013 Facts, Figures, and Faces (3 F Rule) • Number of people involved • Number of possible beneficiaries / users / customers • Geography / region • Percentages • Trends • Comparisons (Apples and Oranges) • Charts

  14. Submission Writing 2013 How to make your submission stand out Facts, Figures, and Faces (3 F Rule) “Townsville is a major tropical, regional centre of 178,000 residents, 1358 km North of Brisbane, located in North Queensland, Australia.”

  15. Submission Writing 2013 Possible sources of Facts, Figures, and Faces • Townsville City Council Library • Chamber of Commerce and Townsville Enterprise Limited • Office of Economic and Statistical Research, Townsville • Local Members of Parliament (ring or email if necessary) • Google (beware how much time this may take) • Websites (www.ourcommunity.com.au, www.deedi.qld.gov.au) • Newspapers e.g. Townsville Bulletin • Your networks

  16. Funding Sources • Newspapers (Too few, too late) • Easy Grants (Our community) • Internet / Websites (e.g. www.grantslink.gov.au) • Local Government Councilors • Local Members of Parliament • Council Libraries • Volunteering North Queensland

  17. L E T T E R S O F S U P P O R T

  18. The power of saying “Thank You”

  19. Submission Writing 2013 How to use Social Media? • Facebook? Consider having a “Page” (photos) • Is Twitter for you? Using alerts in Twitter. • Linkedin to contact content experts • Promoting events: Alerts and Photos

  20. Submission Writing 2013 How to use Google/Search Engines and Wikipedia? • Be as specific as possible • Specify pages from Australia • Link off the Ourcommunity website for links • Google Alerts, Google+, Docs, Wikipedia

  21. REFERENCES • Submission Writing Ten Point Model • Grants Writing Tips (Do’s and Don’ts) • References (Ourcommunity Books) • Volunteering North Queensland

  22. How to make Google work for you? Google Alerts If in doubt, “Google it”.

  23. Questions? Thank you for your attendance this morning Need further help? Volunteering North Queensland www.volunteeringnthqld.org.au Townsville City Council www.townsville.qld.gov.au Learning Links

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