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Swedish community pharmacy classification of pharmacy interventions Westerlund System

Patient drug counsell ing Information to representative Printed information Practical instruction Contact with medical care Switch of drug Referral to medical care Other intervention. Swedish community pharmacy classification of pharmacy interventions Westerlund System.

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Swedish community pharmacy classification of pharmacy interventions Westerlund System

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  1. Patient drug counselling Information to representative Printed information Practical instruction Contact with medical care Switch of drug Referral to medical care Other intervention Swedish community pharmacy classification of pharmacy interventionsWesterlund System

  2. Swedish database SWE-DRP Distribution of DRPs (n = 283 826) % April 2004-September 2005

  3. DRP documentation use • (1) Continuing professional development (CPD) • (2) Quality assurance of patient counselling • (3) Research

  4. DRP database statisticsexamples • DRP documentation rates over time • Distributions of DRP and intervention categories • Distributions of gender and age of patients • Distributions of DRP categories by gender and age • Numbers and categories of DRPs and interventions,respectively, by number of dispensed prescriptions or by sold OTCs, by ATC group

  5. Pharmacy A Pharmacy C Pharmacy B Pharmacy n Feedback Assessment DRP #1 SWE DRP DRP quality assessment feedback method Pharmacy B documents a DRP which is then stored in the SWE-DRP database. Pharmacy A assesses the DRP from Pharmacy B and delivers feedback. The method is then applied in a circular fashion for n pharmacies.

  6. Pharmacy counselling model

  7. In conclusion, our study demonstrates that community pharmacy interventions in patient drug related problems are most likely to lead to favourable clinical and economic outcomes. Westerlund T, Marklund B.Assessment of the clinical and economic outcomes of pharmacy interventions in drug-related problems. J Clin Pharm Ther 2008 In press Potential annual societal cost savings corresponding to £ 260 million

  8. Patient medicine reviews • 15- and 30-minute-long pharmacy based medicine reviews • Patient medicationprofiles • Nursing home basedmedicine reviews • Home medicine reviews • Medication reports

  9. Upcoming changes of the Swedish pharmacy system • The monopoly system will cease on July 1st 2009 • Apoteket remains a Government-owned chain in competition with multinational chains and probably independent pharmacy owners • OTCs available in other outlets in late 2009 • Cognitive services, fast services or big revenues?

  10. Thanks for your attention!

  11. tommy.westerlund@apoteket.se

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