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Numbers , There is / are , C ountable nouns / U ncountable nouns

Numbers , There is / are , C ountable nouns / U ncountable nouns. NUMBERS. CARDINAL NUMBERS. 0 = oh, zero 11= eleven 30= th ir ty 1 = one 12= twelve 40= for ty 2 = two 13= thir teen 50= fif ty 3 = three 14= four teen 60= six ty

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Numbers , There is / are , C ountable nouns / U ncountable nouns

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  1. Numbers,Thereis / are,Countablenouns / Uncountablenouns


  3. CARDINAL NUMBERS 0 = oh, zero 11= eleven 30= thirty 1 = one 12= twelve 40= forty 2 = two 13= thirteen 50= fifty 3 = three 14= fourteen 60= sixty 4 = four 15=fifteen 70= seventy 5 = five 16= sixteen 80= eighty 6 = six 17= seventeen 90= ninety 7 = seven 18= eighteen 100= a hundred 8 = eight 19= nineteen 9 = nine 20= twenty 10 = ten 21= twentyone

  4. Be Careful! TwoTwelveTwenty 2 12 20 Three ThirteenThirty 3 13 30 FourFourteenForty 4 14 40 FiveFifteenFifty 5 15 50

  5. Examples • 23= twentythree54= ……………… • 48= fortyeight 38= ……………… • 99= ninety nine 86= ……………… • 71= seventyone95= ……………… • 65= sixtyfive 77= ……………… • 87= eighty seven 43= ……………… • 34= thirtyfour 69= ……………… • 58= fiftyeight 22= ……………… • 29= twenty nine 74= ……………… • 92= ninetytwo 89= ……………… I am thirtytwoyearsold.

  6. OrdinalNumbers 1st= first 12th= twelfth 2nd= second 13th= thirteenth 3rd= third 14th= fourteenth 4th= fourth 15th= fifteenth 5th= fifth 16th= sixteenth 6th= sixth17th= seventeenth 7th= seventh 18th= eighteenth 8th= eighth19th= nineteenth 9th= ninth20th= twentieth 10th= tenth21st= twentyfirst 11th= eleventh

  7. My office is on thesecondfloor. My office is on the2ndfloor. • Shakespeare lived in thesixteenthcentury. Shakespeare lived in the16thcentury. • This is mythirdyear in Uşak. This is my3rdyear in Uşak. • Weare in thetwenty-firstcentury. Weare in the21stcentury. • Anna is myfirstdaughter. Anna is my1stdaughter.

  8. Exercise • How oldareyou? ………………………….. • How old is yourfather? ………………………….. • How old is yourmother? ...................................... • How old is yoursister? ………………………….. • How old is yourbestfriend? ……………………………..

  9. Thecafe is on thefifthfloor. • ……………………………. • ……………………………. • ……………………………. • ………………………….... • ……………………………. • ……………………………. • …………………………… • …………………………… • …………………………… • ……………………………

  10. There IsThereAre

  11. (+) There is a man over there. There are apples on the tree. (-) There isn’t a man. There aren’t any apples. THERE IS THERE ARE (?) Is there a man? -Yes, there is. -No, there isn’t. Are there anyapples? -Yes, there are. -No, there aren’t. (-, ?) Isn’t there a man? Aren’t there any apples?

  12. THERE IS/ THERE ARE • There is ve thereare, Türkçe'deki var ifadesinin karşılığıdır. Eğer varlığını bildirdiğimiz şey tekil ise there is, çoğul ise thereare kalıbını kullanırız. Bu yapıyı, ayrıca bir şeyin yerini bildirmek için kullanırız. • There is a big tree in the garden. (Bahçedebüyükbirağaçvar.)- There is a good programme on TV tonight.(Bu gecetelevizyondagüzelbir program var.)- Excuse me, is there a good hotel near here? (Afedersiniz,buralardagüzelbirotelvarmı?) • There is a vase on the table. (Masanınüzerindebirvazovardır.)

  13. THERE IS There is a cat in thispicture. There is onecat in thispicture.

  14. THERE ARE Therearetwocats in thispicture.

  15. THERE ARE Thereare 81 cities in Turkey.

  16. THERE ARE There are alot of people in Korea.

  17. Complete thesentencesusingthere is, thereare, is thereorarethere • …………….. a bigtree in thegarden. • …………….. 11 players in a footballteam. • …………….. anyrestaurantsnearhere? • …………….. a red car outsideyourhouse. • …………….. seven days in a week. • …………….. lions in thezoo. • …………….. a computer in yourroom? • …………….. somemicedownstairs! • …………….. anybooksabouttheOttomanEmpire? • …………….. anysheep on his farm?

  18. Bu yapıyı olumsuz yapmak için yardımcı fiilden sonra not getirilir. Thereisn't ve Therearen'tTürkçe'deki yok ifadesinin karşılığıdır. - Thereisn't a whitebook on thetable. (Masanın üzerinde beyaz bir kitap yok.) - Thereisn't a poster on thewall. (Duvarda bir poster yok.)- There is not an apple in the basket. (Sepette bir elma yok.) - Therearen'tanystudents in theclassroom.(Sınıfta hiç öğrenci yok.)- Therearen'tanybooks on theshelf. (Rafta hiç kitap yoktur.) www.ekolayingilizce.com

  19. Bu yapıyı soru şekline çevirmek için yardımcı fiiler (is veya are) cümlenin başına getirilir. - Is there a box on thechair? (Sandalyenin üzerinde bir kutu var mı?) - Is there an apple in thebox? (Kutunun içinde bir elma var mı?) - Is there a catunderthetable? (Masanın altında bir kedi var mı?) - Aretheretwobooks on thetable? (Masanın üzerinde iki kitap var mı?) - Aretherefourboxes on thechair? (Sandalyenin üzerinde dört kutu var mı?) www.ekolayingilizce.com

  20. CountablenounsandUncountablenouns



  23. UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS Happiness News Information Advice Knowledge Time ABSTRACTS

  24. İngilizce’de bazı sayılamayan isimler karışıklık yaratabilir. fruitfurnitureadvice homeworkinformationknowledge luggagemoneymusic news pasta traffic chocolatehairmeat

  25. COUNTABLE NOUNS Sayılarla ifade edilebilen isimler “Countable” yani “Sayılabilen” olarak kabul edilirler. Bananas Apples Eggs Boys

  26. Sayılabilen isimlerin tekilleri 'a','an' tanımlayıcılarından birisini alır ve çoğul olabilir. • Sayılamayan isimler tanımlayıcı almazlar ve çoğul şekilleri yoktur. Some/ any / a lot of gibi miktar ifadeleriyle kullanılırlar. • There is somecheese. • Thereisn’tanyfurniture in her house. • Is thereanywatertodrink? • There is a lot of butter in thefridge. www.ekolayingilizce.com

  27. COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS Therearesomemoneys UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS COUNTABLE NOUNS • Her zaman tekil • Thereis somemoney. • Thereisn’tanymoney. • Isthereanymoney? • Tekil yada çoğul • Thereis anegg. • Therearesomeeggs. • Therearen’tanyeggs. • Arethereanyeggs?

  28. Some, any, a lot of • Some, biraz, birkaç anlamında kullanılmaktadır ve hem sayılabilen, hem de sayılamayan isimlerle birlikte kullanılabilir. Sayılabilen isimlerle birlikte kullanıldığında birkaç, sayılamayan isimlerle kullanıldığında ise biraz anlamlarına gelir. e.g : Thereissomesugarin thatbowl. (Şu kasede biraz şeker var.) Therearesomestudentsin theclassroom. (Sınıfta birkaç öğrenci var.) Thereisn’tsomesugar in thatbowl. Therearen’tsomestudents in theclassroom.

  29. Any kelimesi hiç anlamında kullanılmaktadır ve hem sayılabilen hem de sayılamayan isimlerle kullanılabilir. Sayılabilen isimlerle kullanıldığında her zaman çoğul, sayılamayan isimlerle kullanıldığında ise hep tekil olur. Any kelimesi yalnızca olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde kullanılır. • e.g : Thereisn’tanyflourforthecake. (Kek için hiç un yok.) Therearen’tanypeoplein thecafe. (Kafede hiç kimse yok.) Isthereanymilkin thefridge? (Dolapta hiç süt var mı?) Arethereanyrestaurantsnear here? (Buralarda hiç restoran var mı?)

  30. Some ve any sayılabilen bir isimden önce kullanıldığında isim her zaman çoğulkullanılmalıdır. - Therearesomestudentsin theclassroom. - Therearen’tanybiscuitshere. - Arethereanygeese in thepond? - Arethereanyquestions? - I haven’tgotanytoys. - It’sa smallroomandtherearen’tanywindows. - Mysister has gotsomebirds in her office.

  31. A lot of hem sayılabilen isimlerle ve hem de sayılamayan isimlerle kullanılır. Sayılabilen isimlerle kullanıldığı zaman isimler daima çoğul olur. Sayılamayan isimlerle kullanıldığı zaman ise tekilolur. Düz, olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde kullanılabilir. e.g : Therearea lot of cars in thestreet. (Caddede pek çok araba var.) Thebaby has gota lot of toys. (Bebeğin birçok oyuncağı var.) Thereisa lot of riceat home. (Evde çok pirinç var.)

  32. Weusea….. of ….. in orderto talk aboutthequantity of something, especiallytheuncountables. Abowlofsoupaglassof wateraloafofbread A bar ofchocolateapieceoftoastasliceofcake A cup ofcoffeea litre ofwatera kilo ofpotatoes • Youshouldmakethesephrasespluralas follows: Twobowlsofsouptwoglassesofwater Twoloaves of breadtwobarsofchocolate ………………………. ………………………… ………………………. ………………………… ………………………. …………………………

  33. Exercises

  34. Write ‘c’ forcountable, ‘u’ foruncountable

  35. a/an, some/any • There’s ……… interesting news about the football match in today’s newspaper. • I want …… food but I haven’t got ……. money. • …. onion is …. vegetable. • She has got …….. carrots in her shopping bag. • Are there …… theatres in this town? • There isn’t ….. post office near here. • I have got …. exam next week. • Have you got …… juice in the fridge? • There are …… letters on the floor. • I usually have …. egg for breakfast.

  36. Exercises • There isn’t …………….milk in the fridge. • There are ……………..people on the streets. • ……………. any furniture in the house? • ……………. enough chairs for everyone? • …………….. any money in my wallet.

  37. References • Hutchinson T. (2012) English For Life. Oxford University Press. • Davis F. & Rimmer W. (2012) Active Grammar. Cambridge University Press. • Ozcan F. (2007) Start Up. Nüans Yayınevi • Walker E. & Elsworth S. (2000) New Grammar Practice. Longman Publishing.

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