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Attendance Dashboard Inquiry

Day 2. Attendance Dashboard Inquiry. ATTENDANCE Entry Points. School Report Card. Attendance Rate All and lowest attending subgroup Chronic Absenteeism Rate. ATTENDANCE Question Topics. Which questions are most important to explore?. About the ATTENDANCE Dashboard.

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Attendance Dashboard Inquiry

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  1. Day 2 Attendance Dashboard Inquiry Finco & Torkelson

  2. ATTENDANCEEntry Points • School Report Card • Attendance Rate • All and lowest attending subgroup • Chronic Absenteeism Rate Finco & Torkelson

  3. ATTENDANCE Question Topics • Which questions are most important to explore? Finco & Torkelson

  4. About the ATTENDANCE Dashboard • Use the filters to view the attendance rates for subgroups. • View year-by-year trends. Finco & Torkelson

  5. Thinking Ahead about“Drilling-Down” • Some helpful “drill-down” investigations when studying “attendance.” • Who are the low-attending students? • How do attendance patterns align with WSAS achievement patterns? • Respect confidentiality. Save data in a secure data folder. Finco & Torkelson

  6. Finco & Torkelson

  7. ATTENDANCE Data Inquiry – Get Started • Go to your data inquiry ATTENDANCE question to start. • Follow the four inquiry steps. Finco & Torkelson

  8. Use the Fillable Form to Guidethe Data Inquiry Process • QUESTION • Enter your data question and select the data source • INVESTIGATE • Enter WISEdash. Navigate and apply filters to find the data picture that answers the data question. • CLARIFY • Document data findings. Fill in the areas indicated on the Fillable Form. • HYPOTHESIZE • Pose and categorize hypotheses of teacher and leadership practices related to the data findings. Finco & Torkelson

  9. Reflecting… • What did you learn through this Inquiry Process? Finco & Torkelson

  10. Access Dashboard Inquiry Finco & Torkelson

  11. ACCESS Question Topics • Which questions are most important to explore? Finco & Torkelson

  12. Thinking Ahead about“Drilling-Down” • Because WISEdash allows you to “drill down” to specific students, think ahead about the role that the ACCESS LEP levels play in planning for students.. • Respect confidentiality. Save data in a secure data folder. • Student Lists • Will you need lists of … • Students who are at different ACCESS levels in the four domains? • Students who are at levels one and two overall? • Student Profiles • Will you need individual student data such as … • Specific language domain results and history? • ELL student performance on the WSAS to relate to ACCESS results? Finco & Torkelson

  13. Finco & Torkelson

  14. Demo – Drilling Down intoACCESS Data • Example: Entry screen for ACCESS results • Note – take time to study the color coding of results. • Use caution when interpreting longitudinal patterns— annual ”newcomer” families can greatly alter these reports • Check “Enrollment” data to view the shifts in population over time. Finco & Torkelson

  15. Demo – Drilling Down to theStudent Profile Example: • Note the ACCESS test history and details for the student. • Note the varying levels of English proficiency based on domain (reading, writing, speaking, listening) • Note the sorting functionality of column headings. Finco & Torkelson

  16. ACCESS Data Inquiry – Get Started • Go to your data inquiry ACCESS question to start. • Follow the four steps. Finco & Torkelson

  17. Use the Fillable Form to Guidethe Data Inquiry Process Fillable Form • QUESTION • Enter your data question and select the data source • INVESTIGATE • Enter WISEdash. Navigate and apply filters to find the data picture that answers the data question. • CLARIFY • Document data findings. Fill in the areas indicated on the Fillable Form. • HYPOTHESIZE • Pose and categorize hypotheses of teacher and leadership practices related to the data findings. Finco & Torkelson

  18. Reflecting… • What did you learn through this Inquiry Process? Finco & Torkelson

  19. Action Planning

  20. What? So What? Now What? Finco & Torkelson

  21. Fillable Form on CESA 4 Website Finco & Torkelson

  22. Action Planning

  23. Don’t Forget Your Exit Ticket! • We want and need your feedback!

  24. Finco & Torkelson

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