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E.Qs. What led to the rise of newly established Western Europeans Empires? How did they impact affairs both locally and abroad/foreign? Aim: What were the similarities and differences of the Spanish and Dutch Empires ?. Do Now : Hand in your HW. Quietly have a seat
E.Qs. What led to the rise of newly established Western Europeans Empires? How did they impact affairs both locally and abroad/foreign? Aim: What were the similarities and differences of the Spanish and Dutch Empires? Do Now: Hand in your HW. Quietly have a seat Retrieve all of your writing utensils with the intention of partaking in today’s lesson – Copy the E.Q & Aim.
Assignment I: As per this section, what was the purpose & impact of Western European conquest &/or colonization of the “new world” from the year 1492 onwards? Use the questions below to help direct you: Why might one nation conquer another nation or place, and then establish colonies? What avenues [methods] might be utilized to colonize a nation/region?
Possible responses to the Assignment I • Varying responses may include: natural resources, wealth, power, control of strategic sites. Also include slavery/encomienda system, genocide, prejudice, countless forms of discrimination, cultural diffusion [introduction of Christianity], various new foods, diseases, etc. • 3 Gs: God (Christianity), Gold (bullion = wealth & power for the monarchy/conquering nation), Glory(adventure = prospect of see new lands, meeting new people, chance of gaining immense, etc). a. You can definitely add Mercantilism to the mix. I wonder, what does that phrase mean? Hmmm! Mercantilism, anyone? Anyone?
Assignment II (Read carefully): • Read “Colonial government and society” on p. 401 & “Phillip II” on p. 402. As you read along: • Imagine that you were advisors to King Philip II of Spain. • Now, write the advice that you would give to the king about how to improve the economy, domestic, & foreign issues plaguing Spain. As examples, you might want to suggest possible changes in foreign policy, religious policy, or ways to become less dependent on imports. Please note that volunteers may be asked to present their advice to the rest of class. - Write all responses on the handout titled, Spanish policies throughout the reign of King Phillip II).
Assignment III • Work in small groups (with your neighbor) to create a web diagram, like the one shown, showcasingthe reasons for the Dutch’s success in the 1600s. • Based on your responses, examine how listed traits/examples helped the Dutch succeed.
Possible answers to Assignment III Answers may include: banking, the Dutch East India Company (noted for trade =$$$). Also, unlike the Spanish and other Europeans, the Dutch didn’t attempt religious conversions (very tolerant of cultures), were expert sailors, and built good ships, which were excellent for long distance trade & travel. To sum it up, the Dutch focused more on wealth and growth of their own country, and not the direct interference of people’s/country’s issues.
Assignment IV: What was the Inquisition? • Based on the HW and prior knowledge (stay clear of the text &/or your notes – just utilize your memory for this part), students are asked to write what they know surrounding the Inquisition. Focus on the: • Purpose • Effects • Individuals involved/impacts
What was the Inquisition? • Complete the handout titled, Spanish Inquisition – Causes & Effects. • Work with your group members to address all of the queries listed.
Origins • Established by Isabella and Ferdinand in 1478 • Isabella and Ferdinand got the approval of the Pope Sixtus IV to expel Jews, Protestants and non-believers from Spain • Tomas de Torquemada-Grand Inquisitor • Also spread throughout Portugal and Rome
Motives for the Spanish Inquisition • Political and religious unity • Strengthen power of the Spanish monarchy • Hoped to unite Spain under one flag/leadership • Wanted to rid Spain of all foreigners and non-Catholics, e.g., Jews, Muslims, Protestants, etc. • Very Xenophobic & prejudice. • Economic (confiscating property of those who were forced out) • Fear
Persecution • It is believed that 40,000 Jews were forced out • Those that stayed in Spain had to convert to Catholicism • Those Jews that became Catholics became known as “converso”
Sentencing • People that refused to convert or leave were subject to trials • There were several options when it came time to sentence someone • Acquited • Suspended (let go, but still under suspicion) • Penance (guilty and had to pay fines and confess) • Reconciled (guilty and may be tortured) • Relaxation to the secular arm (burnt at the stake)
Strappado-When someone’s arms are tied behind their back and they are suspended from a ceiling. Also has weights on legs
Toca-This is when a cloth is placed in a person’s mouth and he/she is forced to ingest water. Simulates drowning
Spanish Chair-Person was seated and fastened into chair that had up to 2,000 spikes
Iron Maiden-Person was placed in side of a sarcophagus that had spikes in it. Spikes would stab person, but miss vital organs
Garrot-Sometimes if a person repented, they would strangle someone before burning them
HW • Review the homework assignment - The handout: comparing & contrasting Mercantilism vs. Manorialism.