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Q1) What is the formula for calculating someone’s BMI?

Answer the following questions by clicking on the correct answer. If you get it wrong you will have to do it again until it is correct. Q1) What is the formula for calculating someone’s BMI?. a) Weight (kg) / Height2 (m). b ) Height2 (m) / Weight (kg). c ) Weight (kg) + Height2 (m). Q2 :.

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Q1) What is the formula for calculating someone’s BMI?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Answer the following questions by clicking on the correct answer. If you get it wrong you will have to do it again until it is correct.

  2. Q1) What is the formula for calculating someone’s BMI? a) Weight (kg) / Height2 (m) b) Height2 (m) / Weight (kg) c) Weight (kg) + Height2 (m)

  3. Q2:

  4. Back To Q1

  5. Back to Q1

  6. Q2) Which of these is a fruit? a) Bilberry b) Avocado c) Alfalfa Sprouts

  7. Q3:

  8. Back to Q2

  9. Back to Q2

  10. Q3) What is one of the best ways to lose weight? a) Healthy Diet and regular exercise b) No exercise c) An unhealthy diet

  11. Q4:

  12. Back to Q3

  13. Back to Q3

  14. Q4) How many calories are there in a Kit Kat Chunky bar? a) 263 b) 214 c) 107

  15. Q5:

  16. Back to Q4

  17. Back to Q4

  18. Q5) How long should you do exercise for each day? a) 60 minutes b) 10 minutes c) 30 minutes

  19. Q6:

  20. Back to Q5

  21. Back to Q5

  22. Q6) What is the metabolic rate? a) The rate at which chemical reactions take place in our body b) The amount of chemical reactions taking place in our body c) A way of producing energy

  23. Back to Q6

  24. Back to Q6

  25. Next:

  26. WELL DONE!

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