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Determining Partial Molar Enthalpies Using Adiabatic Calorimeter

This experiment aims to determine heat of mixing and partial molar enthalpies of two components using an adiabatic calorimeter. The theory involves heat of mixing, adiabatic calorimeter setup, and experimental procedures including calculating water equivalent, measuring temperature changes, and calculating partial molar enthalpies. By plotting graphs and analyzing data, the partial molar enthalpies of components at given mole fractions are calculated.

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Determining Partial Molar Enthalpies Using Adiabatic Calorimeter

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  1. TH201 : Determination of Partial Molar Enthalpies by Adiabatic Calorimeter Aim :To determine the heat of mixing and partial molar enthalpies of two components using adiabatic calorimeter Theory : Heat of mixing Adiabatic Calorimeter

  2. Theory: For a heating coil: For known amount of heat, Q (Joules) is supplied to calorimeter containing water if ΔT is the observed temperature change, then: Combining the above equations by assuming perfectly adiabatic conditions: The heat evolved due to mixing: The heat of mixing Δhm is given by:

  3. Experimental procedure: • Calculate the water equivalent of thermometer. • Find out the specific heat of pure components. • Measure the change in temperature ΔTm and correspondingly find out the heat of mixing and the specific heat of mixture. • Plot a graph of Δhm vs mole fraction of one of the components. • Find out the partial molar enthalpies of components at given mole fractions

  4. hm hm x1= 0.2 0 x1 1 Calculation of Partial Molar Enthalpies

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