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EXERCISES 2. TECHNICAL ENGLISH 1. Simple Present / Present idea. Food biotechnology is the evolution of traditional S V C agricultural techniques. ( however ). Mechanized agriculture is not desirable for many farmers.
Simple Present / Present idea • Food biotechnologyis the evolution of traditional S V Cagricultural techniques. ( however ). • Mechanized agriculture is not desirable for many farmers. S V • Genetic engineering does not providegood chances S A ( neg. ) V Cof success in this field. • Iamagriculturalist. Iam not agronomist. S V C ( N. P ) S V ( neg. ) C ( N.P )
Simple Present / Future idea / Future tense • The lecture / speech starts at 10 o ‘ clock this morning. S V • The Biotechnology congress begins next Monday. S V • The class willstart now. S Ax. V • Farmerswill rely on hybrids to provide uniform monocultures. S Aux. V
Present continuous / Present /Future idea • Some farmers arereturning to organic farming due to S Aux. V Con.chemical problems and costs. • Students arecoming back from their stay in U.S. S Aux. Vtomorrow.
Adjectives and Nouns Mechanized agriculture increases soil erosion and uses: • Different microclimates • Different nutrient mixes • Natural insect control • In industrialized countries. • Introduction of new plant varieties and farming methods. • Increased food production per hectare
Comparatives and superlativesadjectives • In modern agriculture: • Farmers often use monocultures because of more efficient planting, cultivating and harvesting. • Requires larger amounts of water and irrigation. • Most surviving parasites have characteristics that allowed them to tolerate the pesticide. • Subsequent pesticide applications become less effective. • Most pesticides are not species specific, and kill beneficial species as well as pest species.
Newer pesticides have fewer drawbacks than early hard pesticides, but none are devoid of problems. • Organic farming issafer to the environment than S V Adj.mechanized farming. /( is much more safer than ). Adj. N • Under – developed countries apply less modern agriculture than ( adj. ) S ( n) V • developing countries. Adj. N
Adjectives and adverbs TechnicalEnglishiseasy. S V Adj.Itis a veryhotdayforploughing.Adv. Adj. NWateringisaneasytask. S V Adj. NI can ridehorseeasily. S V Adv.
Price and availability of chemical fertilizers is S Vstronglyinfluenced by world’s energy prices. Adv. V Compound nouns ( adjectives ). • Sustainable agriculture creates quickly great opportunities • for farming in poor countries. • Organic farming is increasing slowly in developing countries.