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Active Reading for Academic Articles Using the SQ3R Method

Learn the SQ3R method - Survey, Question, Read, Remember, Review - to enhance your reading and research skills for academic articles and research papers. Acquire information effectively by engaging with your readings through active reading techniques. Improve exam recall, paper writing, and overall grades by mastering SQ3R.

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Active Reading for Academic Articles Using the SQ3R Method

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  1. Active Reading for Academic Articles Using the SQ3R Method Alexander College Writing & Learning Centres

  2. What is SQ3R ? • SQ3R stands for: • Survey • Question • Read • Remember • Review • It is an active reading technique designed to help you learn from materials you are reading for your course and for your research papers. Reading is about acquiring information. You need to interact with your readings to learn from them.

  3. Let’s Go through SQ3R step by step

  4. Active reading: SQ3R METHOD • Survey: • Quickly skim the first section of the article to get an idea of what the author(s) main point is.

  5. Active reading: SQ3R METHOD • Questions: • What is the main point of what I am reading? • Why is this important? • What does this mean? • Are there important key terms I should know?

  6. Active reading: SQ3R METHOD • Read: • Concentrate on the topic • Avoid distractions! • Find a quiet place to read so you can focus on the information being read. • Take notes. Write notes in the margin as you read. This creates a “quick reference” system for you to use later when you are studying or writing an essay.

  7. Active reading: SQ3R METHOD • Read: • Remember: • Test your memory. • Recall the key words and/or ideas. • What are you missing or not remembering? • Answer the questions out loud. Answering the questions out loud allows the information to “get into your brain” by using another sense (hearing) rather than just using your eyes.

  8. Active reading: SQ3R METHOD • Read. • Remember. • Review: • Go back and reread if you must! • Refine your notes! Academic articles for University Transfer courses often involve complex theories and concepts that need to be reviewed more than one time to deepen your understanding.

  9. Reading effectively • You do nothave to memorize every word • Highlight onlykey terms and points! Ineffective highlighting … Effective highlighting

  10. Summing up • Active reading and learning from your sources will lead to: • Better recall of information for exams • Stronger paper writing • i.e. BETTER GRADES!!  • Remember the steps for SQ3R! • Survey • Question • Read • Remember • Review

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