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Federal Segment Architecture Methodology (FSAM) Practitioner’s Training

Learn about FSAM, a detailed results-oriented methodology for segment architecture development in the federal government. Developed by FSAWG, it promotes best practices and alignment with strategic goals for enhanced agency performance.

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Federal Segment Architecture Methodology (FSAM) Practitioner’s Training

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  1. Federal Segment Architecture Methodology (FSAM) Practitioner’s Training Version 1.0

  2. What is FSAM?

  3. What is Segment Architecture? Segment Architecture: Detailed results-oriented architecture (baseline and target) and a transition strategy for a portion or segment of the enterprise. • A scalable and repeatable process for architects to engage business stakeholders and deliver value to business areas • Helps to establish clear relationships between strategic goals, detailed business and information management requirements, and measurable performance improvements Source: FEA Practice Guidance

  4. Introduction to the new FSAM What is FSAM? • The new Federal Segment Architecture Methodology (FSAM) is a step by step process for developing and using segment architecture that leverages existing “best practice” analysis techniques and easy to use templates to expedite architecture development • FSAM includes process steps to identify and validate the business need and the scope of the architecture to be defined (e.g., new initiative or integration / consolidation of existing initiatives). • FSAM includes the interfaces to other processes including performance / investment management, enterprise transition planning, solution architecture development, and system lifecycle management Who created FSAM? • The Federal Segment Architecture Working Group (FSAWG) is a cooperative effort with the federal architecture community formed in January 2008 as a sub-team to the Architecture and Infrastructure Committee (AIC) and therefore, an element of the Federal CIO Council, at the request of the OMB Chief Architect

  5. Since the FSAWG was initiated, the team has made great headway. Some notable facts include… • 13 Federal organizations, including 2 cross-agency initiatives participated • 13 people on core team • 34 people on sub-team • 10 best practice presentations delivered • 18 assessed best practices considered • 78 analytical techniques cataloged • Including 232 templates / examples • Best Practices • HUD - Segment Architecture Development Guidance / Work Product and Decision Templates • DoD – DoDAF Version 2.0 (Draft) • DOI - Methodology for Business Transformation (MBT) • DOJ - Information Sharing Segment Architecture (ISSA) • PM-ISE - Information Sharing Environment EA Framework • PM-ISE - FEA Information Sharing Environment Profile • DHS – Information Sharing Environment • DOL - EA Quick Reference Guide • DOL - IT Investment Management Quick Reference Guide • DOL – STREAMLine Methodology • Treasury - Segment Architecture Analysis Guide • Treasury - Segment Architecture Process Guide • Treasury - Segment Architecture Roadmap • HRLOB – Segment Architecture Approach • EPA - OSWER Segment Architecture Line-of-Sight: From Architecture through Implementation • HHS - HHS Architecture Development Methodology (ADM) • FEA - Security and Privacy Profile (v2) (Draft) • FEA - Records Management Profile

  6. The FSAWG team made a few observations on EA as a discipline … • No consensus on what constitutes a complete performance, business, technology, service and data architecture • Segment Architecture is often focused on populating artifacts rather than synthesis of recommendations to deliver business value • A lack of formal sharing of analytical techniques and best practices exists across the Federal government • Varying levels of maturity exist across Agency EA programs • No standard Federal-wide approach exists for defining segment architecture FSAM addresses these issues

  7. FSAM promotes a consistent approach to developing segment architecture • Defines the core elements and attributes that are needed for defining a complete segment architecture. • Includes process steps, activities and associated tasks to identify and validate the business need and the scope of the architecture to be defined. • Includes the development of as-is, target and transition plans for the performance, business, data, services, and technology architecture layers. • Provides an online toolkit containing analytical templates to support the architecture practitioner towards expediting their segment architectures. • Provides case examples from participating agencies to relay real life examples highlighting specific facets of the methodology. • Assures business integration between mission priorities and financial investments, particularly IT investments.

  8. FSAM provides the Process Step decomposition of the ‘Develop Segment Architecture’ Lifecycle Phase The top level steps of FSAM start with the FEA Practice Guidance published by OMB as a launch point for use/refinement Determine Participants and Launch Project Develop the Segment Scope and Strategic Intent Define Business and Information Requirements Define the Conceptual Solution Architecture Author the Modernization Blueprint

  9. FSAM includes the steps for developing a Segment Architecture as well as hand-offs to Enterprise and Solution Architecture

  10. FSAM supports the entire lifecycle from strategic planning to execution with a primary focus on developing actionable architecture Strategic Planning Execution Architecture Strategic Planning Architecture Architecture CPIC Architecture Budget CPIC CPIC Execution

  11. FSAM Overview

  12. FSAM features a series of touch points to other disciplines such as security.

  13. FSAM features a series of touch points to other disciplines such as security. NIST 800-60 Security Categorization Process NIST 800-39 Organizational View of Risk Management

  14. In addition, FSAM has identified touch points with other Federal guidance NIST 800-39 FSAM FTF PGFSOA

  15. PGFSOA Integration 3 1 2 Task 4.2.1: Review FTF for service reuse opportunities PGFSOA, 3.2.3: Adoption of some common services across the federal government will start with infrastructure services (e.g., authentication, auditing) but quickly expand to business utility services (e.g., federal employee lookup, simple approval process, calendar services, scheduling). Task 3.2.2: Determine the required adjustments to the business architecture PGFSOA, Sec. 4.1.6: Many of the benefits of SOA are derived from sharing – sharing information, sharing business processes, sharing reference architectures, and sharing services. Task 3.2.3: Align strategic improvement opportunities to the information architecture PGFSOA, Sec. 4.1.7: Employ enterprise architecture tools and artifacts to identify significant information exchanges across domains of interest.

  16. NIST 800-39 Integration 3 1 2 Task 4.1.4: Determine adjustments necessary to the as-is conceptual solution architecture NIST 800-39, Sec. 3.3: Security controls should be reflected in the FEA solution architectures and should be traceable to security requirements allocated to mission/business processes defined in the FEA segment architectures... See also NIST 800-53, FIPS 199, and FIPS 200. Task 2.2.3: Identify segment risks and impacts NIST 800-39, Sec. 3.2: The first step in building an effective organization-wide information security program is to conduct a thorough analysis of the organization’s mission and business processes informed by the organization’s enterprise architecture… Task 3.1.4: Analyze processes and determine high-level information requirements including organizational relationships NIST 800-39, Sec. 3.2: Conducting the security categorization process as an organization-wide exercise helps ensure that the process accurately reflects the criticality, sensitivity, and priority of the information and information systems that are supporting organizational mission/business processes and is consistent with the organization’s enterprise architecture.

  17. FTF Integration 2 1 Task 4.2.1: Review FTF for service reuse opportunities FTF Usage Guide, Sec. 3.1: The FTF Catalog provides information to agency decision makers to support the implementation of cross-agency initiatives, and provides guidance to working groups with responsibility to develop cross-agency initiative architecture. The catalog supports usage scenarios for agency decision makers and cross-agency task forces, working groups or communities of practice with responsibility to develop initiative architecture. Task 1.2.2: Synthesize the common business challenges across the Business Owners FTF Usage Guide, Sec. 3.1: [The] FTF Catalog includes both mandatory and informational initiatives. Mandatory initiatives must be included in agency enterprise architecture and the agency EA Transition Strategy, and agency alignment with these initiatives is assessed as part of the annual EA assessment process.

  18. The EA Segment Report (EASR) Meta-model has been integrated with the FSAM Strategic Alignment Analysis Template P&I Tiger Team Reporting Template

  19. The FSAWG used a three-level decomposition for the new methodology 1 2 3

  20. Each process step is detailed in a step guidance document • Step Description and Purpose • Step Outcome • Step At-A-Glance • Activity Details • Activity Short Description • Activity Flow Chart with Tasks • Activity Inputs • Tasks • Communication Considerations • Activity Outputs • Suggested Analytical Techniques (with examples and templates)

  21. Analytical techniques have been included in the FSAM with templates from Agency best practices Each suggested analytical technique table includes: • Output name • Core – (Y,N) Outputs that support population of Segment Architecture Template in EAAF Ver. 3.0. • Associated FEA Layers • Name of suggested analytical technique • Link to the template/example • Contributing Agency

  22. FSAM outputs are designed to progressively elaborate the information required to define a segment architecture. Core FSAM outputs provide the information necessary for EAAF reporting requirements Non-core FSAM outputs provide additional information that can be used to inform decision making related to the segment mission, business, and information needs.

  23. Walkthrough of FSAM Steps 1-5

  24. Step 1 Determine Participants and Launch the Project

  25. Activities for Step 1: Determine Participants and Launch Project

  26. Key Questions Being Answered by Step 1: Determine Participants and Launch Project • What is the governance framework for the development of the segment architecture? • Does the business owner(s) understand the process and time commitment for developing the segment architecture? • Who is the executive sponsor? • Who is on the core team? Are these the right people? • What is the specific purpose for developing this segment architecture? • Is the charter approved to develop the segment architecture in the context of the purpose statement crafted by the business owner(s)? • Is there a project plan and communications strategy for the development of the segment architecture?

  27. Activity 1.1: Determine the executive sponsor

  28. Activity 1.2: Develop the purpose statement for the segment

  29. Activity 1.3: Solicit core team members

  30. Activity 1.4: Create core team charter and project plan

  31. Activity 1.5: Establish the communications strategy

  32. Step 1 Outputs

  33. Governance Framework Governance Framework DOJ

  34. Segment Architecture Development Purpose Statement – [Core] Segment Architecture Development Purpose Statement FSAWG

  35. Core Team Formation Memorandum Core Team Formation Memorandum FSAWG

  36. FSAM provides additional project management tools to support segment architecture development Communication Strategy FSAM Segment Architecture Development Project Schedule Core Team Charter Core Team Roster FSAWG

  37. Step 2 Define the Segment Scope and Strategic Intent

  38. Activities for Step 2: Develop the Segment Scope and Strategic Intent

  39. Key Questions Being Answered by Step 2: Develop the Segment Scope and Strategic Intent • Based on the high-level problem statement, what are the strategic improvement opportunities and gaps? • What are the major common / mission services associated with the strategic improvement opportunities? • Who are the segment stakeholders and what are their needs? • What is the scope of the segment architecture? • What are the current segment investments, systems, and resources? • What are the deficiencies within the segment or the inhibitors to success? • What is the target state vision for the segment? • What is the performance architecture through which the transition to the target state vision can be evaluated?

  40. Activity 2.1: Establish segment scope and context

  41. Activity 2.2: Identify and prioritize strategic improvement opportunities

  42. Activity 2.3: Define segment strategic intent

  43. Activity 2.4: Validate and communicate the scope and strategic intent

  44. Step 2 Outputs

  45. Business Drivers and Mandates – [Core] Driver and Policy Map HHS

  46. Stakeholders and their Relationships – [Core] Stakeholder Map HHS

  47. Segment Scope – [Core] Segment Summary HHS

  48. Stakeholder Needs Stakeholder Needs FSAWG

  49. Risks and Impacts Risk Capture Template DOT

  50. Segment Context Current Operating Environment Diagram EPA

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