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Preparation of future ENI CBC programmes - State of Play

Explore the current state and principles shaping the future ENI CBC programmes, including consultation processes, managing authority responsibilities, designation processes, financing agreements, implementation frameworks, and project selection procedures.

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Preparation of future ENI CBC programmes - State of Play

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  1. Preparation of future ENI CBC programmes - State of Play Vanessa De Bruyn (DG DEVCO) 3 December 2012

  2. Principles • Underlying philosophy is to align as much as possible with ETC/IPA CBC instruments • Working closely between services to ensure harmonisation between the different legal frameworks

  3. Preparation of the future CBC programmes Draft ENI Regulation adopted by Commission 7 December 2011. Consultations ongoing in Council/Parliament ENI CBC Implementing Rules – Interact Annual Conference in Jordan in October 2012 opened general consultations with all stakeholders. Meetings with Member States in Brussels in the context of ENI CBC IR working group: June 2012 September 2012 January 2013

  4. Who can host a Managing Authority Member State (Shared management - Preferred option) Continuation. But! New obligations imposed by new FR - designation; description of management and control systems - new reporting deadlines Partner Countries or International Organisations (Indirect management) Designationprocessof the MAs to bealignedwith ETC for shared management except for approval of DMCS with regard to the projectselectionprocedure.

  5. Framework of Implementation FinancingAgreements: Conclusion witheach Partner Country and RussianFederation – N+1 MoUs: MA canconcludeMoUswithparticipating countries Co-financing: Minimum 10% maintained Period of execution: - Alignedwith ETC

  6. Selection procedures • PRAG not anymore compulsory if shared management or indirect management with IO • Rules decided by participating countries BUT! compliance with standards developed in CBC IR • Prag for Indirect Management with Partner Countries and Russian Federation

  7. Transfer of funds from ERDF to ENI • Legal Basis Art. 9.2 ENI and Art. 4.4-8 ETC • Joint financial management and integrated programme management (same model as current ENPI CBC programmes 2007-2013) • Financing: up to 5 % of the ENI financial envelope (EUR 18.2 billion) to be allocated to the CBC. The rest depends upon the ERDF contribution and the national co-financing. • Application of ENI CBC implementing Rules (draft preparation on-going). Same rules apply to all participating countries.

  8. Transfer of funds from ENI to ERDF • Legal Basis: • Art. 7.6 ENI and Art. 28 ETC • 2 options: • 1. Joint financial management and integrated programme management (favourite option) A single set of rules applies to all participating countries. The applicable set of rules will be identified by DG REGIO and approved through a Financing Decision. • 2. Joint financial management but parallel programme management (current SEE programme) • Financial split per fund, public procurement in 3rd countries under the special rules for external action

  9. Indicative calendar (*) The chapterconcerning the new management modes willbe effective in January 2014 only

  10. Thankyou for your attention

  11. ENI regulation proposal • Art. 7.6 ENI: • When it is necessary to implement more effectively measures for the common benefit of the Union and partner countries, in areas such as transnational co-operation and inter-connections, funding under this Regulation can be pooled together with funding covered by other relevant Union Regulations establishing financial instruments. In this case, the Commission shall decide which single set of rules should apply to implementation.

  12. ENI regulation proposal • Art. 9.2 ENI: • The joint operational programmes shall be co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. The overall amount of the contribution from the European Regional Development Fund shall be determined pursuant to Article 4(4) of Regulation (EU) No [… of the European Parliament and the Council of [….]on specific provisions for the support from the European Regional Development Fund to the European Territorial Co-operation goal18]. The provisions of this Regulation shall apply to the use of this contribution.

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