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The IRS/MIPS/NOAO Collaboration aims to identify new classes of extragalactic objects at high redshifts, determine the dust-enshrouded star formation rate, identify AGN content in IR-selected samples, and identify unusual galactic sources at high latitude. The observational program includes a MIPS survey of the Bootes Field component of NWDS, followed by IRS spectroscopy of targets found with faint or no optical counterparts. The catalog with MIPS and optical position comparison data will be utilized to analyze the sample and explore the IR-selected luminosity function as a function of redshift.
The IRS/MIPS/NOAO Collaboration IRS/MIPS/NOAO Collaboration To Study NWDFS Bootes Field B.T.Soifer for the collaboration
The Collaboration Cornell Vassilis Charamandaris Lei Hao Terry Herter Jim Higdon Sarah Higdon Jim Houck Dan Weedman SSC /Caltech Lee Armus Harry Teplitz Leiden University Bernhard Brandl Caltech Chao Bian Tom Soifer (also SSC) NOAO Mike Brown Arjun Dey Buell Jannuzi U. Arizona Emeric Le Foch'h Casey Papovich Marcia Rieke JD Smith
Goals of the Project • Identify new classes of Extragalactic Objects at High Redshifts • Determine the dust enshrouded star formation rate with z • Identify AGN content in IR selected sample • Identify unusual galactic sources at high latitude (debris disks, dust enshrouded late type stars, cold Brown Dwarfs)
Observational Program • MIPS survey of Bootes Field component of NWDS • High ecliptic latitude required for low IR background, minimum contamination from asteroids • Sensitivity set to insure high s/n detection at 24microns of targets whose spectra can be obtained with IRS/low resolution in 1-2 hrs observing time (0.75 mJy limit) • Survey executed – late January 2004 • IRS followup spectroscopy of targets found with faint or no optical counterparts • MIPS 24um Catalog produced March 2004 • Target selection done 1 April 2004 • Observations planned for next available observing window (June/July 04) • Ground-based follow-up spectroscopy programs • Hectospec / MMT for sources brighter than ~ 21 mag • DEIMOS/LRIS/Keck for sources as faint as 25 mag
MIPS/Optical Position Comparison • Data from Bootes Field Survey • (collaboration between IRS, • MIPS instrument teams and • NOAO team) • Position difference between • 24um source and nearest optical • counterpart • Positions good enough to make • Meaningful IDs with deepest • possible optical imaging material
Features - 2 IRS Target Criterion
Early Spectroscopic Results Keck Observations – May 15-19 ¾ clear night w/LRIS 1 cloudy night w/DEIMOS 160objects observed in 6 masks 112(+0/-2) redshifts obtained Vast majority narrow lines Some obvious AGNs
What’s to come?? • Spitzer results • Analysis of planned spectra • Observations of more targets • Bolometric corrections from MIPS 70 & 160 micron observations • Ground-based follow-up • Use of existing data to test, calibrate photo-z from NWDFS photometry • Additional optical redshifts for AGN selection, z distribution, photo-z calibration • Near IR spectra for objects with no Spitzer/Optical z • Photo-z analysis of entire sample • Analysis • IR selected lum function as function of z • Lilley/Madeau diagram from 24 micron selected sample