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This report summarizes the discussions, decisions, and next steps of the SeON WG during GISFI #8, held from March 26-28, 2012 in Patna. It covers topics such as the SeON framework, business models and architecture, gap analysis, information management, and cloud computing.
Report – SeON WG GISFI #8 GISFI # 08, Mar 26-28, 2012, Patna Chair: ParagPruthi (NIKSUN) Chair-Delegate: Ashutosh Dutta (NIKSUN) Vice-Chair: Debabrata Nayak (Huawei) Niranth (Huawei) Doc No: GISFI_SeON_201203217
Minutes of SeON WG session • SeON WG GISFI #7 report was summarized and the SeON WG GISFI#8 agenda was approved. • Deliverables Status Discussed • Task 1: SeON Framework document – This document’s content was tentatively approved in the meeting based on the contribution (SeON-Framework-GISFI#8). It is required that the document be made available for comments to GISFI membership and should become a formal document to be shared with other SDOs through LS. The plan for the TR documents completion is shared in the subsequent slides. • Task 2: Business Models and Architecture – This document is approved and only requires editorial review. The plan for the TR documents completion is shared in the subsequent slides. • Task 3: Gap analysis with other SDO – The summary of the gap analysis has been captured in the framework document. Need to make this available in the TR document format. • Task 5: Information Management – BasavarajHooli.provided offline direction to this task as follows – “Information migration from Legacy to Next generation systems (3G, 4G) based on context of data using rule models. TMF’s SID model is considered as the foundation upon which best practices and end state of information model will be drawn.”. A TR contribution with this focus is expected from Basavaraj in GISFI#9 • Task 6: Cloud Computing Framework – The aim of the Cloud computing TR was approved during the discussion and further contributions from members are invited in GISFI#9. TCS, NEC, Huawei, NIKSUN, VNL expressed interest to contribute. All TRs will follow 3GPP TR document format.
Minutes of SeON WG session • Contributions Discussed • SeON WG Standardization Roadmap - 2012 – Ashutosh (NIKSUN), Niranth (Huawei) provided the roadmap of SeON standardization covering TR, TS and Visibility activities to be undertaken by SeON WG. This contribution was accepted with modification with closure of the SeON Business Models TR by Apr’12. • Liaisons – Ashutosh (NIKSUN), Niranth (Huawei) • LS to IEEE P1903 and ATIS SON were discussed. The content of the general GISFI text in the LS document needs to be consistent with other LS being sent in other groups. Other content of LS is approved. • It was further discussed and agreed that LS needs to sent to TEC and IETF. • It was decided to present all the 4 LS (IEEE P1903, ATIS SON, TEC and IETF) in the plenary session of GISFI. • A plan to send the LS was discussed and is as follows: • The LS attachments (TRs) to be made available for content review until 12th Apr’12 • The modified version of the TRs based on the comments should be available by 15th Apr’12 • TRs to be reviewed from editorial perspective until 19th Apr’12 • Final version of the TRs to be available by 24th Apr’12 • All 4 LS final version to be available by 24th Apr’12 • All 4 LS along with TR attachment to be sent to the respective SDOs by 27th Apr’12
Minutes of SeON WG session • Contributions Discussed • SeON Framework, Gap Analysis and Architecture – Ashutosh (NIKSUN), Niranth (Huawei) was presented and the content was tentatively approved. It is required that the document be made available for comments to GISFI members and should become a formal document to be shared with other SDOs through LS. The plan for the TR documents completion is shared in previous slide. • Initiation of Cloud Computing TR – Niranth (Huawei) was presented with the aim of the TR and the possible collaborations with other cloud computing groups like IETF, ATIS and IEEE India. This contribution was approved.
Minutes of SeON WG session • Next Steps • Deliverables • SeON Business Models TR to be editorially reworked and published by 15th Apr’12 • SeON Framework, Gap Analysis and Architecture TR to be reviewed, reworked and published by 24th Apr’12 • Liaisons • GISFI brochure to be made available - • LS to be sent to IEEE P1903, IETF Cloud Computing Group, ATIS SON/Cloud Services Forum and TEC by 27th Apr’12 • Call for Contributions for GISFI#9 • SeON Framework TR • Information Management TR • Gap Analysis TR • Cloud Computing TR • Liaison Reports • TS contribution emerging out of LS (Optional) • Visibility/Branding • SeON panel discussion can be co-located with GISFI#10 with ITU-T, TEC, IEEE.