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Explore the evolution of Sustainable Development Indicators in the EU, covering historical background, Europe 2020 Strategy, challenges, objectives, and policy guiding principles.
Statistics for policymaking EUROSTAT Unit C4: Key indicators for European policies European Statistical week Luxembourg, 22-26 October, 2012
Contents • Historical and policy background • EU SustainableDevelopmentStrategy (EU SDS) and Sustainable Development Indicators (SDIs) • Europe 2020 strategy and headline indicators • RIO + 20 - UN Conference on Sustainable Development • Dissemination products – videos, publications, dedicated web sections Statistics for policymaking
Timeline – 1 1983 1987 1992 1997 Rio Summit – Agenda 21 Called for development of indicators of sustainable development Earth Summit+5 UN General Assembly – Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development “Our Common Future” (Brundtland Report) Called for the development of new ways to measure and assess progress UN General Assembly - “to propose long-term environmental strategies for achieving sustainable development to the year 2000 and beyond” Global “sustainable development” introduced into EU Treaty “sustainable” introduced into EC & EU Treaties (growth respecting the environment) EU Statistics for policymaking
Timeline – 2 2001 2002 2005 2006 EU Policy Johannesburg Summit communication on external dimension • Feb/Dec: communications on SDS review • June: guiding principles June: renewed SDS June:EU SDS SDIs Sept: SDI Task force set up • Feb: SDI communication • March: SDI dedicated web section • - Dec: SDS monitoring report SDI Working Group set up Statistical and policy representatives at national and EU level Statistics for policymaking
Timeline – 3 2012 2007 2009 2010 2011 Global Rio + 20 UN Sustainable Development Conference “The future we want” – an outcome document June Europe 2020 Strategy SDS progress report EU Policy SDI review & SDS monitoring report SDS monitoring report July Europe 2020 dedicated web section SDS monitoring report Indicators Statistics for policymaking
The renewed EU Sustainable Development Strategy (EU SDS 2006) Statistics for policymaking
Social justice Economic development Protection of the environment SDS aimsat the continuousimprovement of quality of life and well-being for present and future generations Statistics for policymaking
EU SDS - 4 Key objectives • Environmental protection • Social equity and cohesion • Economic prosperity • Meeting our international responsibilities Statistics for policymaking
EU SDS - 7 key challenges for the EU: • Climate change and clean energy • Sustainable transport • Sustainable consumption and production • Conservation and management of natural resources • Public health • Social inclusion, demography and migration • Global poverty and sustainable development challenges Statistics for policymaking
EU SDS - 10 policy guiding principles • Promotion and protection of fundamental rights • Solidarity within and between generations • Open and democratic society • Involvement of citizens • Involvement of business and social partners • Policy coherence and governance • Policy integration • Use best available knowledge • Precautionary principle • Make polluters pay Statistics for policymaking
Sustainable Development Indicators (SDIs) Statistics for policymaking
Sustainable development indicators • A statistical measure that gives an indication on the sustainability of social, environmental and economic development • Such indicators are meant to present complex data and trends in simplified form to policy makers and general public Statistics for policymaking
Evolution of EU SDIs - 1 1. Agenda 21 (1992) UN SDIs list developed • “Indicators of sustainable development need to be developed to provide solid bases for decision-making” (Chapter 40: Information for Decision-Making) 2. Testing UN SDI list (1993 – 1997) • Presentation of publication at New York, 1997 3. Adapting UN list to EU context (1998 – 2001) • Workshop with European experts (1998) • Methodological input to UN and stakeholder consultation Statistics for policymaking
Evolution of EU SDI — 2 4. EU list based on EU SD Strategy (2001 – 2005) • Task Force of national experts (2001 – 2005) • Issue-oriented, multi-level framework derived from EU SD Strategy and related policies • Dedicated web section on SDIs (2005): http://europa.eu.int/comm/eurostat/sustainabledevelopment • The first SDS Monitoring Report(2005) Statistics for policymaking
SDI Task Force • Established by Statistical Programme Committee in 2001“to develop a common response from the European Statistical System to the need for indicators on sustainable development” • Nine meetings between 2001 and 2005 • 16 Member States, 12 DGs, Eurostat • Final report submitted to SPC in November 2005 Statistics for policymaking
Eurostat Taskforce on SDI confronted a number of basic issues • To measure SD or to measure the implementation of SD policies? • To respond to EU AND national needs? • To compare countries or monitor progress over time? • To include the best indicators: those available or those needed? • To include the regional level? Statistics for policymaking
Eurostat Taskforce on SDI – Interim report (Nov. 2003) The purpose … is to set up a framework … as a basis for the development of … indicators to be used in evaluating the implementation and effectiveness of the EU SD Strategy, and to propose a list of indicators. The … Task Force … did not attempt to give an … interpretation of the meaning of 'sustainable development' or to set up a universal list of SDI Statistics for policymaking
First SDI set Technical Working Groups SDI Task Force Commission services Task Force meetings Inter-Service consultation Eurostat-SDIs team 9 meetings 2001-2005 Input/co-ordination First monitoring report Dec. 05 Communication Feb. 05 Commission Statistics for policymaking
The thematic framework • SDIs - organized within a theme-oriented framework • Clear and easily communicable structure • Relevant to political decision-making • Flexible framework – to adjust to possible changes in the policy priority and objectives Statistics for policymaking
SDI framework – 10 themes • Socioeconomic development, • Sustainable consumption and production, • Social inclusion, • Demographic changes, • Public health, • Climate change and energy, • Sustainable transport, • Natural resources, • Global partnership, • Good governance. Statistics for policymaking
Headline indicators Overall objectives 69 32 13 11 Level 2 General policy performance indicators Level 3 Detailed level - Efficiency of policy measures Contextual indicators Background The different kind of indicators Level 1 Operational objectives and targets Explanatoryvariables Statistics for policymaking
SDI: Set up • Purpose: To monitor and evaluate the progress made towards a more sustainable EU • Frame of reference: EU Sustainable Development Strategy • Set-up processes: Iterative between policy and indicator experts • Focus: Performance of EU-27 • Goals: Direction of desired development, few quantitative goals • Evaluation: Trends or distance to target • Audience: Policy makers, the general public • Time horizon: Long-term • Periodicity: Yearly or less frequent data • Geographical coverage: EU, EFTA, candidate and acceding countries Statistics for policymaking
Is the EU on the way to sustainable development ? Statistics for policymaking
Eurostat SDS monitoring reportshttp://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/sdi/publications There have been four editions: • 2005 • 2007 • 2009 • 2011 Why does Eurostat publish the report? What purpose is it intended to serve? Statistics for policymaking
Meaning of the weather symbols Statistics for policymaking
SDS monitoring reports – Evolution of change for the headline indicators
Total Headline 2011 SDS Monitoring report 7 3 26 5 50 3 12 Level 2 Level 3 3 4 12 13 9 34 7 2 Statistics for policymaking
Headline indicators Statistics for policymaking
SDI dedicated web sectionhttp://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/sdi/indicators Statistics for policymaking
Europe 2020 strategy Statistics for policymaking
http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/index_en.htm Statistics for policymaking
Context • Worst economic crisis in the EU. Growth potential eroded. Public finance and financial system hit hard. High unemployment especially for young people • Highly interconnected economies - EU dimension in national policy making needed • New working method: the European Semester- collective discussion at EU level before national decisions are taken Statistics for policymaking
Three priorities • SMART GROWTH – an economy based on knowledge and innovation • SUSTAINABLE GROWTH – promoting a more resource efficient, greener and more competitive economy • INCLUSIVE GROWTH – a high-employment economy deliveringeconomic, social and territorial cohesion Statistics for policymaking
Five headline targets Employment - 75 % of the population aged 20-64 to be employed R&D/Innovation - 3% of the EU's GDP to be invested in R&D Climate change/energy: 20% reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990 20% increase in the share of renewable energy sources in final energy consumption 20% increase in energy efficiency Education - The share of early school leavers to be under 10% and at least 40% of 30-34 years old to have completed a tertiary or equivalent education Poverty or social exclusion -Reduction of poverty by lifting at least 20 million people out of the risk of poverty or social exclusion 20 June 2011 Statistics for policymaking
Seven flagship initiatives Statistics for policymaking
The European Semester: Who does what and when? Statistics for policymaking 26 October 2012
Recommendations to countries • Specific, measurable and objective actions to be implemented at national level • addressing the most pressing issues in each country • focusing on specific reforms that can be implemented over 12-18 months • Resulting from an extensive and objective analysis • Addressing a broad range of policy areas (fiscal consolidation, labour markets, pension systems, education, innovation, service market) adapted to the preconditions for growth Statistics for policymaking
Eurostat dedicated web section - 1http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/europe_2020_indicators/headline_indicators • The Europe 2020 indicators web page was launched in July 2010 • Availability of indicators for all the headline targets • Availability of quality profiles for all the indicators • The web page is constantly updated with supplementary information Statistics for policymaking
Eurostat dedicated web section - 2 16 261 views per month on average (July 2010 – December 2011) The most visited is the Headline indicators page 15 261 views per month on average (period July 2010 – December 2011) 19 April 2012 39 Statistics for policymaking
RIO + 20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development Statistics for policymaking
UN's dedicated webpage:http://www.uncsd2012.org/ Statistics for policymaking
Background • 20-22 June, 2012 – Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) • 20th anniversary of the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development (Rio de Janeiro) • 10th Anniversary of the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg) • AIM: to secure renewed political commitment for sustainable development, by assessing progress to date, indentifying remaining gaps in the implementation of past commitments and addressing new and emerging challenges Statistics for policymaking
“The future we want” - The outcome document of the conference and its implementations for the EU policy • Inclusive Green economy – a tool to achieve sustainable development • Action in priority areas – such as poverty eradication, sustainable agriculture, water, sustainable energy… • Sustainable Development Goals – to be developed • Effective Sustainable Development Financing Strategy – to be developed • Strengthening the Institutional Framework for sustainable development Statistics for policymaking
Outcomes and follow-up EU and its Member States … to set in motion actions and initiatives to move forward and … implement all the commitments in “The Future We want” at EU and Member States level, through the EU SDS, which therefore should be reviewed in due course, taking into account the communication to be adopted by the Commission in the first quarter of 2013, as well as through the Europe 2020 Strategy … Statistics for policymaking
Public ConsultationEnsuring Sustainable Development Globally: EU follow-up to RIO+ 20 • Period of consultation – 16/10/2012 to 15/01/2013 • Objective: • To provide input to the European Commission for the development of specific actions and measures • It will serve as input to a Communication from the Commission on Rio+ 20 follow-up (planned for the first half of 2013) Statistics for policymaking
LINKS: Eurostat SDIs dedicated web section:http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/sdi/indicatorsEurostat Europe 2020 dedicated web section: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/europe_2020_indicators/headline_indicatorsCommission’s Europe 2020 webpage: http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/index_en.htmRIO+ 20 dedicated webpage:http://www.uncsd2012.org/Public consultation:http://ec.europa.eu/environment/consultations/rio20_en.htm Thank you!!! Statistics for policymaking