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EUROCLIO General Assembly 2012 - Antalya, Turkey

Join us for the EUROCLIO General Assembly 2012 in Antalya, Turkey. Discuss and approve the results of the year 2011, plan for 2012 and beyond, and vote for new board members and member organizations.

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EUROCLIO General Assembly 2012 - Antalya, Turkey

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  1. EUROCLIOGENERAL ASSEMBLY 2012 Antalya, Turkey Friday 6 April 2012 14:30-18:00 PM

  2. AGENDA • 14.30 - 14.45 • Welcome and confirmation of the Agenda • Approval of the Minutes of the General Assembly on April 9, 2011 in Kryzowa, (Poland) • Announcements • Outcome of Voting EUROCLIO Membership Fee 2012 • EUROCLIO Ambassadors • 14.45 - 15.15 • Discuss and approve the results of the year 2011 • Presentation of the Board Report 2011 by the President • Certified Financial Report 2011 & Background Information • Report of the Audit Committee • Discharge of EUROCLIO Board • Election of new Audit Committee

  3. AGENDA • 15.15 - 16.00 • Discuss and approve the Planning: 2012 and beyond • Budget 2012 • Action Plan 2012 • Internal Rules

  4. AGENDA • 16.00 - 16.30 • Official Procedures • Presentation of candidates for the two Board vacancies • Sylvia Semmet (stands for re-election, and proposed president) • One candidate of: • Election of new EUROCLIO Board Members • ZiyadAmrahov, Azerbaijan • KaterinaBrentanou, Greece • Paolo Ceccoli, Italy • BojanaDujkovicBlagojevic, Bosnia-Herzegovina • SouadHalila, Tunisia • Albert Hani, Republic of Macedonia • RaufHuseynzadeh, Azerbaijan • LóaSteinunnKristjánsdóttir, Iceland • Neil McLennan, United Kingdom • Mire Mladenovski, Republic of Macedonia • SergiuMusteata, Republic of Moldova • HeigoRitsbek, Estonia

  5. AGENDA • Voting for new EUROCLIO Member organisations • Full Membership • Gesellschaft für Geschichtsdidaktik Österreich/ Society for History Didactics Austria, Vienna, Austria • History Teachers Association of Buriatia, Russia • Associated Membership • Auschwitz Jewish Center , Oświęcim, Poland • Association for Citizenship Teaching London England • Digital Heritage, London England • Educational Research Centre, Warsaw, Poland • Faculty of Philosophy, University of Split, Split, Croatia • Pedagogical Institute of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus • 16.30 - 17.00 • Coffee Break

  6. AGENDA • 17.00 - 18.00 • Voting Results (Announcement on the New President) • Discussion Points / Debates • Adoption of EUROCLIO recommendation on teaching migration in history education • Promotion Training seminar Northern Ireland 2012 and Annual Meeting 2013 Erfurt, Germany • Launch of EUROCLIO 20 years Anniversary: web-site • Presentation new EU programme Erasmus for All, • Consequences for EUROCLIO and its Member organizations, • 20. Any other notified business • Closure of the meeting

  7. 1. Welcome and confirmation of the Agenda

  8. 2. Approval Minutes of the General Assembly 2011 in Poland

  9. 3. Announcements a. Outcome of Voting EUROCLIO Membership Fee 2012 b. EUROCLIO Ambassadors

  10. The outcome of the voting for the proposal to change the membership fee system from 2012 on: 37 out of 65 EUROCLIO Members (More than 50%) have casted their vote. The result of this voting: Yes 76% No 11% Abstain 13%

  11. Discuss and approve the results of the year 2011

  12. Presentation of the Board Report 2011

  13. Certified Financial Report 2011 & Background Information

  14. Report of the Audit Committee

  15. Approval of the Annual Accounts by General Assembly

  16. Discharge of EUROCLIO Board

  17. Election of new Audit Committee

  18. Discuss and approve the Planning: 2012 and beyond

  19. Budget 2012

  20. 10. Action Plan 2012

  21. EUROCLIO Action Plan 2012

  22. International Focal Point for the Advancement of History, Heritage and Citizenship Education Organisation 2012 Annual Training Conference in Turkey Preparation 2013 Annual Training Conference in Erfurt OrganisationHistoriana Seminar ‘Conflict and Cooperation’ in Northern-Ireland Piloting and finalization of 40 online educational modules, and 25 under development Dissemination and analysis of questionnaires related to teaching about Turkey and the HistorianaProgramme Celebration of 20 years EUROCLIO with research into the systemic impact of EUROCLIO

  23. Association and Governance General Assembly 2012 and preparation of General Assembly 2013 3 Board Meetings Focus on internal and external Assessment procedures and measuring impact. Updating and maintenance of www.euroclio.eu Active representation within Intergovernmental and international Organisations including Council of Europe NS-Center, Council of Europe iNGO conference, UNESCO and cooperation with OSCE

  24. Regional programmes An International and a national training conference in Turkey Publication of 30 modules for active history and social studies learning in Turkey 3 study visits with training seminars to Armenia, Azerbaijan and Moldova Regional training seminar in Ukraine 3 regional training seminars in the Balkans A National symposium and 3 training seminars in Macedonia A stock taking meeting on history and citizenship education for the MENA countries

  25. Professional Expertise Centre • Performing lectures, trainings and/or workshops in a variety of audiences. • Consultancy services to third parties. • Contributions to partner projects • Participation in (online) consultations by the EU • Participating in the international discourse on the learning and teaching of history, heritage and citizenship

  26. Administrative/Operational Registration training events in the Comenius/Grundtvig database to and an active approach to include teachers and trainers. Submission of project proposals by EUROCLIO. Support Friends of EUROCLIO Foundation Investigation of opportunities for commercial sponsorship Lobby Meetings with organisations in the field of history, citizenship and heritage education of transnational importance, Develop and strengthen Partnerships

  27. 11. Internal Rules

  28. Official Procedures

  29. Voting procedures Only full members, with an official delegate present in person, have voting rights at the General Assembly; the number of votes is based on size (maximum of 4 votes)(statutes articles IX.1, IX.3 and internal rules article IX.2 a and b) Only Associations who have paid their previous year’s membership fee are eglible to vote(statutes article VII.2 and internal rules article IX.2.c) The Board can use its discretionary authority to (partly) dispensate membership fees and to reduce the corresponding number of votes(statutes article V.4 and internal rules article IX.2.c and V.1.d)

  30. Voting procedures With regard to the fees for 2011 the Board has used its discretionary authority to (partly) dispensate membership fees and to reduce the corresponding number of votes The fulfilment of the membership fee payments for 2011 has been checked The above has been has been reported and disclosed to the Audit Committee The attendance of official delegates of the Membership Associations has been checked also  Based here on there are .. valid votes

  31. Voting procedures Board Members Proposal re-election Sylvia Semmet Election of new Board Member(s)

  32. Re-election Sylvia Semmet According to the statutes (article X.7) a Board Member can be re-elected once for another period of three years. This is a decision of the General Assembly.Decisions are made by a simple majority of votes (article X.10). Objection in voting by show of hands? Voting by yes/no/abstain for second term of Sylvia According to article X.4 the Board chooses amongst itself a President. Providing Sylvia will be re-elected, the Board decided to choose Sylvia as President and Marjan de Groot-Reuvekamp as vice-President.

  33. Election new Board Member According to the statutes (article X.2) the Board decides about the size of the Board. The Board decided to remain with a size of 6 Board Members. According to article X.7 a Board Member is elected by the General Assembly.Decisions are made by a simple majority of votes (article X.10). Voting by a secret procedure with voting papers One voting paper per vote will be provided; members who have more than one vote will receive the corresponding number of voting papers In case a majority lacks, a second voting round will be held between the candidates with the most and the second most votes

  34. Election new Board Member According to the statutes (article X.2) the Board decides about the size of the Board. The Board decided to remain with a size of 6 Board Members. According to article X.7 a Board Member is elected by the General Assembly.Decisions are made by a simple majority of votes (article X.10). Voting by a secret procedures with voting papers One form per vote will be provided; members who have more than one vote will receive the corresponding number of voting papers In case no candidate will have a majority, a second voting round will be held with between the candidates with the most and the second most votes

  35. Presentation of candidates for the two Board vacancies • Sylvia Semmet (stands for re-election, and proposed president) • One candidate of: • Election of new EUROCLIO Board Members • ZiyadAmrahov, Azerbaijan • KaterinaBrentanou, Greece • Paolo Ceccoli, Italy • BojanaDujkovicBlagojevic, Bosnia-Herzegovina • SouadHalila, Tunisia • Albert Hani, Republic of Macedonia • RaufHuseynzadeh, Azerbaijan • LóaSteinunnKristjánsdóttir, Iceland • Neil McLennan, United Kingdom • Mire Mladenovski, Republic of Macedonia • SergiuMusteata, Republic of Moldova • HeigoRitsbek, Estonia

  36. 14. Voting for new EUROCLIO Member organisations • a. Full Membership • GesellschaftfürGeschichtsdidaktikÖsterreich/ Society for History Didactics Austria, Vienna, Austria • History Teachers Association of Buriatia, Russia • b. Associated Membership • Auschwitz Jewish Center , Oświęcim, Poland • Association for Citizenship Teaching London England • Digital Heritage, London England • Educational Research Centre, Warsaw, Poland • Faculty of Philosophy, University of Split, Split, Croatia • Pedagogical Institute of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus

  37. 16.30 - 17.00 Coffee Break 17.00 - 18.00 15. Voting Results (Announcement on the New President)

  38. Discussion Points / Debates 16. Adoption of EUROCLIO recommendation on teaching migration in history education 17. Promoting Training seminar in Northern Ireland in September 2012 Annual Meeting in March 2013 Erfurt, Germany 18. Launch of EUROCLIO 20 years Anniversary: web-site 19. Presentation new EU programme Erasmus for All, consequences for EUROCLIO and its Member organizations. 20. Any other notified business Closure of the meeting

  39. ERASMUS FOR ALL 2014-2020

  40. New Transnational mobility Programme Life Long Learning 2014-2020 Establishing a stronger link between programmes and policy development (Europe 2020, ET 2020). Streamlining the programme, more efficiency Ensuring increased systemic impact Simplification for the beneficiaries.

  41. Benefits? Proposed budget increase of 70% Target on Mobility of Educational Staff So called third countries are able to join Simplification of procedures

  42. Possible Drawback/Challenges? Concern about equal opportunities for non-formal learning: one programme for all, no sectors Elimination of individual Comenius and Grundvig grants Closing down School Comenius programme No operating grants.

  43. Possible Drawback/Challenges? Emphasis on systemic impact and disregarding impact on individuals and Associations Third countries cooperation only for higher Education. Accent on employability, neglecting transversal competencies and citizenship Quantative no Qualitative targets

  44. What can we do? Active lobby with stakeholders in Brussels via EUCIS-LLL and many other networks in order to tailor the programme more to our needs. Acquire projects within the programme parameters

  45. What can you do? Active involvement innational lobby and network (meetings, sending letters etc) Active involvement in project applications Help us to build national consortia, including commercial world Understanding the parameters of the call for proposals

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