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Atlas SCT ROD FDR Implementation Model. Atlas Wisconsin Group Khang Dao, Damon Fasching, Douglas Ferguson, Owen Hayes, Richard Jared, John Joseph, Krista Marks, Mark Nagel Sriram Sivasubramaniyan (Oklahoma), Alden Stradling and Lukas Tomasek (Institute of Physics AV CR, Prague).
Atlas SCT ROD FDRImplementation Model Atlas Wisconsin Group Khang Dao, Damon Fasching, Douglas Ferguson, Owen Hayes, Richard Jared, John Joseph, Krista Marks, Mark Nagel Sriram Sivasubramaniyan (Oklahoma), Alden Stradling and Lukas Tomasek (Institute of Physics AV CR, Prague) August 20, 2002
ROD Overview Notes • FPGA real time data path with DSPs for back-end processing and operation control. • Different firmware and part loaded for SCT or Pixel RODs • 9U VME card, custom back plane. • Back-of-Crate Card for optical interface to modules. • Clock and Trigger. • Clock and trigger signals are available on the back plane from the Trigger Interface Module in the crate. • Supports 100 kHz trigger rate without an upgrade. • SCT: 96 input links at 40 MHz • Diagnostic FIFO Memories on board for testing and data monitoring • Register based interface with DSP list processor. • Fiber Optic S-Link to Readout Buffers. • 12 FPGAs, 4.7 Million gates of programmable logic. • 5 DSPs, One for control and 4 for calculations. • Cypress Semiconductor VME Slave Interface chipset. • Block Transfers - 2.2 Mbytes/second Slave DSP read access. • A32/D32 data transfers • Simple interface and supports standard VME transactions w/ interrupts.
Formatter and EFB FPGA Router FPGA S-Link & DSP DMA Data RCVR ROD Controller: Operation, Command, Trigger ROD Implementation Model: FPGA Front End / DSP Back End Xon/Xoff Router Halt Output S-link Data Slink on BOC 96 96 Data Valid S-link WR S-link Data 43 S-link Clk Serial Input Link Cnfg, Reset S-link Test R/W Bus Control & Status for Block Xfer/ DMA / S-Link ... DMA Cont. DMA 1 DMA 4 R/W Bus Input Memory & XCVR Control R/W Bus Cnfg, Reset Token and Dynamic Mask Busy DSP Event Trapping, Histograms (Four DSP Chips) Host Port Interface Back of Crate Card / Front End Electronics Control, Status, Mask Event Data/Tirg Type Dec. Trig Count R/W Bus Program Reset Manager Data Bus BOC Setup Bus VME Bus 32 VME Slave Interface Cont / Addr Serial Output Link ROD Busy Timing Interface Module Trig Data (TTC Bus) 48
Data Receiver Implementation FIFO Data Register FIFO In Register FIFO Out Register FIFO Data Register 48 48 Data Input FIFO 4k words Link Input from BOC Link or Diagnostic Data to Formatter Back plane Connector ADV OE RT 48 48 Data Input FIFO 4k words ADV OE Control FIFO Operation Advance FIFO and latch new input Input Memory & XCVR Control Enable FIFO output data R/W Bus Data Retransmit FIFO Read or write data 48 bits are read as 32 bit word bits 0:31 16 bit word bits 32:47 Select 16 or 32 bit part of word
Data Receiver Notes • Input Diagnostic Memories. • Play or record data to perform diagnostics and tests. • Start of record operation is triggered by the ROD Controller. • Trapping (record) of Link Data can be synchronized to triggers or configuration commands. • The controller can retransmit the list in a loop. The retransmit can be issued using the serial inputs (SP0 or SP1) from the DSP, or by a preset counter used in one of the Test Bench modes. Trigger information (from the ROD TIM FIFO) can also be retransmitted so that the ROD can have trigger rates up to 100kHz. • The SCT ROD implementation of the Input Diagnostic Memories is two groups of 4k x 48 bit FIFOs. The Pixel ROD will use 64k deep FIFOs. • Drivers and Registers • The input drivers allow the input link data to be routed to the Formatters and FIFOS simultaneously. The FIFO can not be read by the DSP while the Input Links are connected to the Formatters. • The Register ICs are used to latch the data from the ROD bus or the FIFO. The FIFOs receive data from the ROD Bus from the DSP through the Controller. The ROD Bus is not setup to handle a burst from a FIFO.
FPGA Formatter and EFB Event ID Checking, Dual EFB Design Event Formatting Error Counters Debug FIFO 4k x 39B Formatter 0 Serial to Parallel Conversion Flag Header and Trailer Errors Data Modes: Raw, Condensed, Expanded Header Trailer Limit Busy Limit Derandomizing FIFO 4k Deep Debug Memories Event Fragment Builder FPGA TokenCmd Token30 Gatherer Halt Output Data Input Links 12 Data Valid 32 Token01 46 Halt Output Input Links 12 Formatter 1 16Kx46 FIFO Control Input Links 12 Almost Full Data Valid Formatter 2 46 To/From Router FPGA Input Links 12 Format # Formatter 3 46 96 Input Links 16Kx46 FIFO Control Data Valid TokenCmd Token74 Almost Full Input Links 12 Formatter 4 Halt Output EV Fragment Header/Trailer 32 Token45 Input Links 12 Data Formatter 5 32 Cont header,trailer or data Input Links 12 Format # Formatter 6 Input Links 12 Formatter 7 Event ID Data / Trig Type Dynamic Mask Control, Status, Mask R/W Bus Debug FIFO 4k x 39B Dec. Trig Count Busy R/W Bus Mode Bits To/From Controller FPGA To/From Controller FPGA *Proposed for Pixel ROD: Formatters 0,1,4,5 only
Formatter 0: Top Level Formatter Writes Trailer Encoder: latch Trailers and store new internal state on ShowTrailerFLAGS MasterNSlave 1b Link Formatter And Link Output FIFOs FormatterWritesTrailer[11..0] 12b L1TriggerPulse 1b FormatterWritesTrailer 12b StoreTrailerHit 1ea 2 state state machine ClearCurrentFlag D FF TOKENin 1b from previous chip ShowTrailerFLAGS 1b TOKENout 1b to next chip OverflowError[11..0] 12b TimeOutError[11..0] 12b RodController CondensedMode[11..0] 12b Link[11..0]DATA 12b DataValid[11..0] 12b Link[11..0]hasTOKEN 12b ModeBitsIN[11..0] 12b HeaderTrailerLimit[11..0] 12b HeaderTrailerLimit HeaderTrailerLimit[11..0] 12b RODBusyLimit[11..0] 12b RODBusyLimit RODBusyLimit[11..0] 12b Configuration(11:0) FIFO Word Counts(12 x 8b) HeaderTrailerLimit FifoDATA 32b FifoDATA 32b RodBusyLimit HOLDoutput 1b HOLDoutput 1b TokenToReadOutTimeout DataOverflowLimit ModeFifoEmpty[11..0] 12b ModeFifoEmpty 1b OverflowError 1b OverflowError[11..0] 12b Status (12 x 16b) FormatterBUSStrobe 1b Operations Controller: Register Block TimeOutError 1b EFB TimeOutError[11..0] 12b Configuration (12 x 4b) RegTransferACK 1b CondensedMode 1b CondensedMode[11..0] 12b HeaderTrailerLimit 8b FormatterBUS 26b from RodContoller DataValid 1b RodBusyLimit 8b RodBusyLimit 8b DataValid[11..0] 12b TokenToReadOutTimeout 7b DataOverflowLimit 8b Link# hasTOKEN Link[11..0]hasTOKEN 12b Link Number: 12:4 Encoder Page 7 ThisChipHasToken
Formatter 0: 12 Links Shown Token from Controller EFB Halt Output Serial to Parallel Conversion and correction of 1 bit errors in header and trailer Record error in data words 32 b 39 b FIFO 256 W by 32 bits 32 b Data to EFB Link 0 7 b Valid Data Valid to EFB Cont Trailer Readout Control Trailer & Word in Busy Trailers to Controller Decrement Trigger Counters Token to Next Link Link 1 12 ea. converters 12 ea. FIFOs and Control Readout controller provides: Readout of data on token Link time out error detection, header generation Data over flow detection Header trailer limit Busy function and limit Dynamic mode bits Value Meaning 00 Normal 01 Skip Readout 10 Mask 11 Dump 1st read 2nd Trailers to Controller ... ... Link 10 Mux Serial to Parallel Conversion and correction of 1 bit errors in header and trailer Record error in data words Link 11 Busy to Controller 2 b Header Trailer Limit to Controller Token from Previous Link Config, Raw ABCD format per link bases Condensed 2 hits per 16 bits & not Config, Raw Not condensed and not Config, Raw Expanded 32 bits for 1 or 2 hits 39 b FIFO 256 W by 32 bits 32 b 7 b Valid Edge Mode Timeout data_to_Large 2 b Cont Trailer Readout Control Link on/off Trailer & Word in Fatal Error to Controller Busy Condensed Mode and Raw Mode Selects Token to Next Formatter Dynamic Mode Bits 2 bits per link R/W Bus Static Link Mask 1 bit per link R/W Bus
Formatter • Formatter FPGAs have separate versions of logic for SCT and Pixel Modules. • Link output FIFOs are implemented with FPGA internal memory. The XCV400E has 40 4Kbit RAM Blocks that can be implemented as 256x16 Dual Port RAM. The SCT Formatter must accept 12 input links, and each Link FIFO must be 32 bits wide. The maximum size of the Link FIFO with 12 links of input data is 256 words deep. • The next version of the Formatter will provide dynamic memory allocation to provide a 512 words deep FIFO if one link from a module is masked off. This modification will combine 256x32 FIFOs on adjacent links in the case that the Static Mask Bit is set. • Formatter can keep up with any input data rate (within memory availability). • Only headers and trailers shall be written to the Link FIFO when the occupancy reaches almost full (Header/Trailer Limit). The Header Trailer Limit value is set by writing to the HT Limit Register in each Formatter. The value a global setting for each group of 12 links. • Individual links can be put in raw, expanded or condensed hit data mode (SCT) by writing the appropriate value to the Formatter Configuration Register.
Formatter • Sorts data by sequentially transferring one event of data from each link to the Event Fragment Builder when the Controller issues a FE Command Pulse (Token Command). • When FIFO Dual Port Memory is almost full: • The Decoder forces the links that are almost full (Header/Trailer Limit)into write header/trailer only mode to reduce bandwidth. • If Memory continues to fill, and the Link FIFO reaches it set value of ROD Busy Limit, full flag, the ROD Busy signal is issued to to stop triggers. At this point, an error flag is issued to interrupt the ROD controller - fatal error condition(ROD busy) • This should not be possible unless flow control has been asserted by the S-Link for an extended period of time, Header/Trailer Limit is set to the same value as ROD Busy Limit, or the front end electronics have malfunctioned. • Support flow control - EFB can assert pause signal. The Link FIFO will continue to fill and can become full if back pressure is asserted for an extended period of time. In this condition, the ROD will lose any event data that is on the FE links, but will retain all events that are in the Link FIFOs.
Formatter • If the token has been sent to a specific link, and there is no data in the FIFO, the link will timeout after an internal counter reaches the value set in the Token to Readout Timeout Register. In this case the Link Formatter will output a header and a trailer with the timeout error bit flagged, and pass the token to the next link. • Events that exceed the length limit defined for a specific subset of links will have data deleted and a header trailer generated with an error flag. • Individual links can be masked off by writing a 1 to the Static Mask bit in the Formatter Configuration Register or dynamically using the Mode Bits. This allows the user to mask off known malfunctioning links from a list or table or on the fly. • Correct for loss of synchronization (module data is ahead or behind other modules) in a module (not required but is in VHDL). The dynamic mode bits correct for a link by advancing or withholding the link data with respect to the other links. The values are shown below:Dynamic mode bits: Value Meaning 00 Normal Readout Mode 01 Skip Readout of FIFO for this Trigger 10 Mask Link for this Trigger (full contents of the FIFO will be flushed) 11 Dump current event, read second for this trigger The L1 ID number is corrected in the EFB. BCID numbers are ignored.
Formatter • Serial-to-Parallel conversion with error checking. • Errors Detected: Header 1 bit error • Trailer 1 bit error • Condensed mode data error detection • Link time out error in readout • Header trailer limit • Data too large limit Header Errors Accepted: 111010 Head Det. Head Error 111010 Yes No 1111010 Y Yes 011010 Y y 101010 Y y 110010 Y y 111110 Y y 111000 Y y 111011 Y y 1110100 Y y Synchronization error detection: If one of the field separator bits is incorrect. The decoding is confused. The link will be changed to raw data till a trailer is detected. Condensed mode error detection: The ROD variable “edge_mode” is used to determine if the input hit data is consistent with the state of this variable. If not a condensed mode error bit is set. Link time out error detection: If a link has not received data in the time set in the time timeout register, a header and trailer will be written with error code. Trailer Errors : Trailer 1000000000000000 A changed bit in any position is accepted but trailer error is set. If in state “new_cluster” and trailer_det=1 set trailer error. Example below: <11101><0><nnn><bbbb,bbbb><1> <01><aaaa><ccc,cccc><1><ddd> chip channel hit ^ Trailer Detect error Header trailer limit error detection: If the Formatter header trailer limit is passed. The formatter will not place new data in the FIFO. When a trailer is detected the trailer is written with the header trailer limit error code. Data too large error detection: This is a historic state that is not longer needed. If the event is to large (based on a register) a status bit is set.
Formatter • Formatter Data Format • SCT all data is in 16 bit packets packed in 32 bit words • bit 31:0 Data • bit 35;32 Link Channel address (for all 32 bit words) • bit 36 Time Out Error (for all 32 bit words) • bit 37 Condensed mode bit (for all 32 bit words) Condensed example W1 001pLLLLBBBBBBBB 1FFFFCCCCCCCxfx0 Header+1 hit W2 010zhvxxxxxxxxxx 0000000000000000 trailer W1 001pLLLLBBBBBBBB 1FFFFCCCCCCCsfx1 Header+2 hit W2 1FFFFCCCCCCCxUx0 010zhvxxxxxxxxxx 1 hit+trailer Formatter Output (bits 31:0 bits 37:32 for all words) Name Bits 15:0 or 31:16 header 001pLLLLBBBBBBBB trailer 010zhvxxxxxxxxxx 1 hit cond 1FFFFCCCCCCCxfx0 2 hits cond 1FFFFCCCCCCCsfx1 1st hit clus exp 1FFFFCCCCCCC0DDD 1 hit clus exp 1xxxxxxx0xxx1DDD 2 hit clus exp 1xxxxxxx1DDD1DDD flagged error 000xxxxxxFFFFEEE raw data 011nnnxxWWWWWWWW cond=condensed, clus=cluster exp=expanded Raw data example W1 001pLLLLBBBBBBBB 011NNNxxBBBBBBBB Header+8bit W2 011NNNxxBBBBBBBB 010zhvxxxxxxxxxx 8 bit+trailer Expanded example W1 001pLLLLBBBBBBBB 1FFFFCCCCCCC0DDD Header+1 hit W2 1xxxxxxx1DDD1DDD 1xxxxxxx0xxx1DDD 2 hit +1 hit W3 010zhvxxxxxxxxxx 0000000000000000 trailer Key : x= do not care (The ROD fills these with 0’s) B=BCID W=raw data C=cluster base address D=3 bit hit data E=ABC error code F=FE number h=header trailer limit error L=L1ID n=count of raw data f=error in condensed mode data, 1st hit s=error in condensed mode data, 2nd hit p=preamble error z=trailer bit error v=data overflow error Condensed to raw on error Correct W1 001pLLLLBBBBBBBB 1FFFFCCCCCCCsfx1 Header+2 hit W2 1FFFFCCCCCCCxfx0 010zhvxxxxxxxxxx 1 hit+trailer Error on 1 before 3rd hit (could have done it before 2nd hit W1 001pLLLLBBBBBBBB 1FFFFCCCCCCCsfx1 Header+2 hit W2 011nnnxxWWWWWWWW 010zhvxxxxxxxxxx raw+trailer Format will switch to raw on the following errors for the rest of the event. 0 after beam crossing number first bit of hit data leader is 1 bit before hit pattern is 0
Debug FIFO Implementation FIFO In Register FIFO Data Register FIFO Data Register FIFO Out Register 39 39 Data OE Input FIFO 4k words Data Input from Formatter Link or Diagnostic Data to EFB ADV OE RT 39 39 Data Input FIFO 4k words OE ADV OE Control FIFO Operation Advance FIFO and latch new input Input Memory & XCVR Control Enable FIFO output data R/W Bus Data Retransmit FIFO Read or write data 48 bits are read as 32 bit word bits 0:31 16 bit word bits 32:47 Select 16 or 32 bit part of word
Debug FIFO Notes • Debug Diagnostic Memories. • Play or record data to perform diagnostics and tests. • Start of record operation is triggered by the ROD Controller. • Trapping (record) of Formatter Output Data can be synchronized to triggers. • The SCT and Pixel ROD implementation of the Debug Diagnostic Memories is two groups of 4k x 39 bit FIFOs.
Event Fragment Builder (EFB) Data 39 Router Halt Output EFB Data Engine 1 Event ID checking Error Counters Format event Event Data 43 Halt Output 16Kx46 Output FIFO Output Control Data Valid Almost Full Format # Data 39 43 EFB Data Engine 2 Event ID checking Error Counters Format event 43 Event Data To/From Router FPGA Halt Output 16Kx46 Output FIFO Output Control Data Valid Almost Full EV Fragment Header/Trailer Format # Word counts Error Summary Dyn Mask & L1-BCO 32 Control, Status, Data Type Header/trailer Event Fragment Generation Data Output Control Engine FIFO 32w x 107b 2 ea. R/W Bus Event Data Valid To/From Controller FPGA Derandomizing FIFO 4k x 16b Read Event Event Data / Trig Type Header FIFO 64w x 32b
EFB: Overview • Provides two parallel streams with data processing engine from half of the input links to mask the Formatters link-to-link latency. • Each engine has a 16k word output FIFO for derandomizing of data and to hold large events. • The two data processing engines helps achieve 40 MWords/sec bandwidth to the S-Link. • If “Router Halt Output” is issued, data can still flow through the EFB and fill the output memory. • If the output memory is full back pressure will be applied to the Formatter. • EFB checks Event ID (BCID and L1ID) and generates errors. The BCID error checking can be disabled by setting a bit in an EFB Internal Register. • Performs summary error counts with mask Counting of errors can be masked on a link by link basis by writing the appropriate value to the Error Mask Registers in the EFB. • The EFB formats input data event for the S-Link. • Generates S-Link compatible headers and trailers. The information for this step is sent to the EFB from the Controller over the Dynamic Mask Data bus. The Event ID and Dynamic Mask for a specific Event must be written to the EFB before a Token can be issued to the Formatter to read out the link FIFOs.
EFB: Event ID and Dynamic Mask • The Event ID,Trigger Type, ECR, and Dynamic Mask are sent to the EFB from the Controller. This data arrives after TIM has transmitted an L1 trigger, Serial ID and Trigger Type data to the Controller and before a FE Command Pulse can be sent to the Formatters. • The Event ID and Dynamic Mask is data set of 16 half words. The data format is shown on the next slide. • The EFB stores the 16 16bit words per event in a 4kword x 16 FIFO, transfers this group of data to 3 FIFOs used for Event Header generation, L1ID/BCID checking, and synchronization correction. • The Event Header FIFO is 16 words by 64 bits, stores the L1ID, BCID, ECR, and Trigger Type, and is used to build the Event Headers when the EFB is ready to send an event to the Router • Each EFB engine require a Dynamic Mask FIFO. This FIFO is 16 words by 64 bits, stores the L1ID, BCID, and the Dynamic Mask bits required by each link for correction. • The Event Header and Dynamic Mask FIFOs are ready for data processing 20 clocks after the EFB receives the full data set from the Controller.
EFB: Event ID and Dynamic Mask Data Format Word Name Engine FIFO Header FIFO Word 0 L1 ID [15:0] [3:0] yes Word 1 ECR ID [7:0] & L1 ID [23:16} no yes Word 2 BC ID [11:0] & 0000 [7:0] yes Word 3 TIM EvtType [1:0] & TrigType [7:0} no yes Word 4 ROD Event Type [7:0]/(spare bits) [15:8] no yes Word 5 Dyn Mask [7:0] yes no Word 6 Dyn Mask [15:8] yes no Word 7 Dyn Mask [23:16] yes no Word 8 Dyn Mask [31:24] yes no Word 9 Dyn Mask [39:32] yes no Word 10 Dyn Mask [47:40] yes no Word 11 Dyn Mask [55:48] yes no Word 12 Dyn Mask [63:56] yes no Word 13 Dyn Mask [71:64] yes no Word 14 Dyn Mask [79:72] yes no Word 15 Dyn Mask [87:80] yes no Word 16 Dyn Mask [95:88] yes no Dynamic mask 95:0 is 2 bits per link, used to correct module synchronization. DM Bits [1:0] “00” no change to L1 ID for this event DM Bits [1:0] “01” Increment L1 ID for this event DM Bits [1:0] “10” Decrement L1 ID for this event ECR = Event Counter Reset, TrigType = ATLAS Trigger Type
EFB: Data Engine - 1 Engine Shown Format Data & Count Output FIFO Almost Full Halt Output Data Valid 43 Output FIFO Data Add or subtract from L1 number 39 BCID / L1ID Check Error Detect, Count WR Output Data Data Link 1-48 Format # Mode bits add or sub 1 from L1ID Mask BCID Check L1ID and BCO Error Summary Data lnput bits to error summary Header bit error (0) Trailer bit error (1) Flagged error (2) Sync error (3) Hit pattern error (4) L1ID error (5) BCID error (6) Timeout error (7) Almost full (8) Data overflow (9) If summary AND Mask =True Count = Count +1 Summary Error = Summary Error | current Error Dynamic Mask & L1-BCO Word count to WC FIFO R/W Bus Mask (96 ea.) Summary and Count to Error FIFO
EFB: Data Engine • Correct L1 ID Number • Based on the Dynamic Mask bits, the L1 ID increments or decrements. This is used when a link is resynchronized on the ROD without stopping ATLAS triggers. • BC ID / L1 ID Check: • For Link Header, compare expected BCID and L1ID with the decoded data and flag any errors. All other data types are ignored. • Separate Event FIFOs provide L1/BCID data so each EFB data path can work independently on different events. • BCID check can be globally disabled if required. • Error Detect: • See EFB Data Engine above for error bit definition. • Looks at data bit fields to identify errors. • Generates the error summary block for the event. • One maskable error counter per link. • One global error counter • BCID errors can be ignored for a link that has been resynchronized
EFB: Data Engine • Error Bits Summary in the Link Error Mask Register: • Bit(0) => Header bit error • Bit(1) => Trailer bit error • Bit(2) => Flagged error • Bit(3) => Sync error • Bit(4) => Hit pattern error • Bit(5) => L1ID error • Bit(6) => BCID error • Bit(7) => Timeout error • Bit(8) => Almost full • Bit(9) => Data overflow • Format Data and Count: • Removes front end trailer words unless the trailer error flag or the almost full flag was set. • Removes header from links with no hit data and no errors. • After unnecessary half words are removed, it packs all the data into 32 bit words so there are no gaps in the data. • Counts number of words sent to the output FIFOs over an event and writes the count into a FIFO.
EFB: Header/Trailer Generation Engine 1 Engine 1 Engine 1 Engine 2 FIFO:Error Summary Data FIFO:Error Summary Data Data FIFOs Output Control FIFO:Word Count FIFO:Word Count 32 Event Header Data To\from Router Header/Trailer Event Fragment Generation Gather Error Summary, Word Counts and Event ID data and raise Event Data Valid Then Control Event Readout Halt output suspends readout Event Trailer Data 32 Data Type 3 Event Data Valid FIFO: Header Event ID Data Router Halt Output
EFB: Header Generation • Header/Trailer Block Generation, Data Output Control: • After the data counts are available from both EFB engines, an event is delivered to the Router then to the S-LINK (data is pushed). • A complete event must processed and written to the output FIFOs before Event Data Valid is true. • An Event Header block is first transmitted to the S-Link. • Data is then transmitted from the output FIFOs. • Finally, the summary and event fragment trailers are transmitted. • Pause: • If The DSP asserts Stop (calibration mode only) or the S-Link asserts Xoff, data will not be transmitted, but the EFB can still process data and write to the output memories. • If any of the internal EFB FPGA FIFOs are almost full or the output FIFOs are almost full, the FIFO controller will be told to pause and back pressure will be applied to the Formatters. • Output FIFOs are big enough to hold largest SCT/Pixel Event.
EFB: Output Format Event Header Word Contents Comment 0 0xB0F00000 (beginning of fragment) 1 0xEE1234EE (start of header) 2 0x9 (header size) 3 TBD (format version number) 4 TBD (source identifier) 5 L1 ID (level 1 ID) 6 BC ID (bunch crossing ID) 7 L1 TT (ATLAS Level 1 trigger type) 8 DET (detector event type ROD or TIM) Event Trailer Word Contents Comment 0 Error count (Status 1: count of words with error) 1 Error flags (Status 2: Bit error type occurrence) 2 0x2 (Number of status words) 3 nData (word count of data words) 4 0x1 (status block position: 0/1 = before/after data) 5 0xE0F00000 (end of fragment)
EFB: Output Link Format EFB Output (bits 31:0 bits for all words) Name Bits 15:0 or 31:16 header 001pLLLLBBBBBBBB trailer 010zhvxxxxxxxxxx 1 hit condensed 1FFFFCCCCCCCxfx0 2 hits condensed 1FFFFCCCCCCCsfx1 1st hit clust expan 1FFFFCCCCCCC0DDD 1 hit clust exp 1xxxxxxx0xxx1DDD 2 hit clust exp 1xxxxxxx1DDD1DDD flagged error 000xxxxxxFFFFEEE raw data 011nnnxxWWWWWWWW clust=cluster, exp=expanded • Link Data Format • SCT all data is in 16 bit • packets packed in 32 bit • words bit 31:0 • Data bit 42-32 are valid for • header word only • bits 42:32 • blktMMMMMMM EFB Output examples for two events Bits 42:32 Bits 31:16 Bits 15:0 Event header 9 words (Normal event) blKtMMMMMMM link header Condensed blKtMMMMMMM Condensed link header Note:link trailers Condensed condensed are removed on no blKtMMMMMMM link header condensed trailer error, link condensed condensed by link event trailer 6 words Event header 9 words (a trailer error) blKtMMMMMMM link header Condensed blKtMMMMMMM Condensed link header Condensed condensed blKtMMMMMMM link trailer link header Note:error in trailer condensed condensed condensed link trailer Note:special trailer fill event trailer 6 words If there are no errors in trailer and header and no data the linkheader is not written. Key : x= do not care (The ROD fills these with 0’s) B=BCID W=raw data C=cluster base address D=3 bit hit data E=ABC error code F=FE number h=header trailer limit error L=L1ID n=count of raw data f=error in condensed mode data, 1st hit s=error in condensed mode data, 2nd hit p=preamble error z=trailer bit error v=data overflow error t=time out error K=condensed mode l=L1 error b=BCID error M=link number
Router Implementation: Top Level Write link and error info into Link Headers, Format data for S-Link and Error Checking Stop Output S-Link Write Control Trap Event Data DSP FIFO Buffer Register Block event_info_in(45:0) 46b slink_data_out(31:0) tristate_n_in(2:0) slink_uctrl_out data_valid_in(1:0) slink_wen_out slink_cmd_reg(15:0) slink_xoff_in slink_bad_in stop_output_out stop_out_override Error Format Data dsp0_sbsram_clk_in dsp0_event_data_out(31:0) dsp0_send_data_in slink_data_out(31:0) dsp0_dataframeready_out dsp0_sbsram_me_in dsp0_trap_enable_in header detect dsp0_mask_dbr_in trap_event_type_reg(31:0) DSP 0 dsp1_event_data_out(31:0) dsp1_cntrl_in(3:0) dsp1_ dataframeready _out DSP 1 dsp2_event_data_out(31:0) dsp2_cntrl_in(3:0) dsp2_ dataframeready _out DSP 2 dsp3_event_data_out(31:0) dsp3_ cntrl_in(3:0) dsp3_ dataframeready _out DSP 3 router_bus_data_inout(15:0) router_bus_addr_in(7:0) router_bus_rnw_in router_bus_registers router_bus_ack_out router_bus_strb_n_in slink_test_out slink_rst_out clk40_in rst_n_in stop_out_override
Router: Data Format and Trap S-link Data 32 Slink on BOC Event Header Data Read event data and format for S-Link and DSP error data. Detect Errors in the Link Headers, and create error code words for the Error Format. Detect Event Headers to enable trapping algorithms 32 Event Trailer Data 43 DSP Error Data Output FIFO Data Event Data Valid Header Detect Data Type 4 event trapping filters Filters can trap on event types ATLAS, TIM , ROD or error data Each trap has a divided by factor that will reduce data to DSPs Control & Status for Block Xfer/ DMA / S-Link 4 DMA transfer engines. Each engine has a 1k 32b word derandomizing buffer. Each buffer is broken into 256 word blocks. DMA moves full blocks of data. The blocks are filled as shown below: small event word count & continue bit in last word large event word count & continue bit in last word exactly one block word count & continue bit in block 2 last word R/W Bus ... DMA Cont. DMA 1 DMA 4
Router: Overview • Write link and error information into the Link Headers for the S-Link Data Format. • When a link header is detected in the data, the Router moves the link number and error bits information from bits 45 down to 32 and overwrites the L1ID and BCID fields. (Shown on a later slide) • Write to S-Link if Data Valid is true, and the User has not set the S-Link Masking bit or setup to mask specific Events. • Detect errors in the Link Headers, and generate an error code for each link in Error Data Format. (Shown on a later slide) • The error codes are stored in a block of registers for the duration of the Event. When the data from EFB Engine 2 is done in the Router, the Error codes are written into the Event Trailer • Two bits error codes for each link • 00 = no data • 01 = good data • 10 = BCID or L1ID error • 11 = time out error • Router FPGA routes data to the S-Link and the Slave DSPs. • Internal FPGA dual port memory are used to asynchronously connect to DSPs. • During runtime monitoring, data is DMA’d into the internal SRAM of each DSP at 80 Mwords/sec. This channel must have the highest DMA priority or errors will be seen in the transfers. • DSP captures the data it needs, throws away the rest.
Router: Overview • The Register Block allows VME access to the Router over the ROD Bus. The registers in the Router include control and status for the DSP trapping algorithms and the S-Link. • Because the Router needs to monitor header words 8 and 9 to sense an Event to trap, the Router uses a 9 clock pipeline for the Event Data path. • If the S-Link asserts Xon/Xoff or S-Link Bad, the Router will mask the S-Link Write Enable to stop data transmission to the S-Link. • In Calibration Mode only, if the DSP FIFO is almost full, and the StopOutputOverride bit is set, the Router can assert the StopOutput signal and temporarily apply back pressure to the EFB and Formatters. The Router can not apply back pressure from the DSPs to the ROD data path in Normal Data Taking Mode.
Router: DSP Trapping Algorithm • The Router supports four sets of trapping filters, one set per DSP. Each filter set is comprised of two filters per DSP. • The first filter per DSP takes priority over second filter. Each filter has a mask bit to select a specific type of event (ATLAS, TIM, ROD). • The first filter can be set to trap all events which disables the second filter. • Each filter has a Trap Match (8 bits per filter) value used to match the event type. • Each filter has a divide by factor (8 bits per filter) which allows pre-scalable trapping. • The trap variables must be loaded by setting the Load Trap Bit in the Reset/Load Trap Register. This is done to protect from changing the trap type while the Router is in the middle of trapping an event. • Each DSP DMA port has a bit to select between S-Link data format or error data format. • Each DSP must set the Trap Enable bit to enable the Event trapping. Any the time that the Trap Enable bit is cycled from 0 to 1, the trap is reset and the FIFO counters are reset. • The Mask Data Frame Ready input to the Router masks the Data Frame Ready signal until the DSP ISR is complete. If this bit stays high for an extended period, the FIFO will become full, and DSP data will be lost. This does not affect the Real Time Data Path signals • When the an event has been trapped, a special event completion word is written to the last location of the FIFO block (256 words per block) that the event occupies. This word is made up of a pattern that does not appear in the data, and the total word count of the event. If an event end exactly on a block boundary, the word is written to the end of the next boundary.
Router: S-link Module Output Data Format The format for the module link header is changed. The L1ID and BCID is replaced with error codes and the link number as shown below: Router Output (bits 31:0 bits for all words) Name Bits 15:0 or 31:16 header 001ptlbKxMMMMMMM trailer 010zhvxxxxxxxxxx 1 hit condensed 1FFFFCCCCCCCxfx0 2 hits condensed 1FFFFCCCCCCCsfx1 1st hit clust expan 1FFFFCCCCCCC0DDD 1 hit clust exp 1xxxxxxx0xxx1DDD 2 hit clust exp 1xxxxxxx1DDD1DDD flagged error 000xxxxxxFFFFEEE raw data 011nnnxxWWWWWWWW clust=cluster, exp=expanded Key : x= do not care (The ROD fills these with 0’s) B=BCID W=raw data C=cluster base address D=3 bit hit data E=ABC error code F=FE number h=header trailer limit error L=L1ID n=count of raw data f=error in condensed mode data, 1st hit s=error in condensed mode data, 2nd hit p=preamble error z=trailer bit error v=data overflow error t=time out error K=condensed mode l=L1 error b=BCID error M=link number Replaced L1ID and BCID in Event Header EFB Output (bits 31:0 bits for all words) Name Bits 15:0 or 31:16 header 001pLLLLBBBBBBBB trailer 010zhvxxxxxxxxxx 1 hit condensed 1FFFFCCCCCCCxfx0 2 hits condensed 1FFFFCCCCCCCsfx1 1st hit clust expan 1FFFFCCCCCCC0DDD 1 hit clust exp 1xxxxxxx0xxx1DDD 2 hit clust exp 1xxxxxxx1DDD1DDD flagged error 000xxxxxxFFFFEEE raw data 011nnnxxWWWWWWWW clust=cluster, exp=expanded Bits 42:32 blKtMMMMMMM
Router: S-link Event Header Output Format The format for the header is not changed except for the addition of UCTL from the EFB input. The format is shown below: Event Header Word Contents Comment 0 0xB0F00000 + UCTL (beginning of fragment) 1 0xEE1234EE (start of header) 2 0x9 (header size) 3 TBD (format version number) 4 TBD (source identifier) 5 L1 ID (level 1 ID) 6 BC ID (bunch crossing ID) 7 L1 TT (ATLAS Level 1 trigger type) 8 DET (detector event type ROD or TIM) Event Trailer Word Contents Comment 0 Error count (Status 1: count of words with error) 1 Error flags (Status 2: Bit error type occurrence) 2 0x2 (Number of status words) 3 nData (word count of data words) 4 0x1 (status block position: 0/1 = before/after data) 5 0xE0F00000 + UCTL (end of fragment)
Router: Error Data Output Format for the DSP One of the slave DSPs is concerned with error diagnostics. It will need all error flags, module numbers and L1ID and BCID fields. The event header format is changes as shown below: Router error data output same as EFB Output (bits 31:0 bits for all words) Name Bits 15:0 or 31:16 header 001pLLLLBBBBBBBB All other bits are also the same Two bits error codes for each link 00 no data 01 good data 10 BCID or L1ID error 11 time out error EFB Event Header DSP Error Header Word Contents Word Contents Comment 0 0xB0F00000 0 same (beginning of fragment) 1 0xEE1234EE 1 same (start of header) 2 0x9 deleted (header size) 3 TBD deleted (format version number) 4 TBD deleted (source identifier) 5 L1 ID 2 same (level I ID) 6 BC ID 3 same (bunch crossing ID) 7 L1 TT 4 same (ATLAS Level trigger type) 8 DET 5 same (detector event type ROD or TIM) EFB Event Trailer DSP Error Trailer Comment Word Contents Word Contents 0 Error count 0 same (Status 1: count of words with error) 1 Error flags 1 same (Status 2: Bitter error type occurrence) 2 0x2 2 value (error status for links 1-16) 3 nData 3 value (error status for links 17-32) 4 0x1 4 value (error status for links 33-48) 5 value (error status for links 49-64) 6 value (error status for links 65-80) 7 value (error status for links 81-96) 5 0xE0F00000 8 same (end of fragment)
Back End DSPs • The Back End DSPs are TI TMS320C6701, floating point processors. The CPU clock is 160MHz, and each DSP has 32MBytes of SDRAM. • The DSPs are removed from the data path allowing them to work independently without affecting the ROD data taking • The VME host can access the Slave DSPs through a 16 bit Host Port Interface. • SDSPs are hardwired for HPI Boot and Little Endian byte order. • The interface to the Slave DSP is through the Master DSP to the ROD bus. • The Slave DSPs respond to D32 block transfers from the VME master. (2.2Mbytes/S) • The back end DSP performs histogramming, spying, and event trapping tasks. • Calibrations: raw data, histograms, summaries to reduce VME traffic and load on crate processor, or comparison to reference histograms. • Can trap specific events, i.e. embedded calibrations. • Uses Trigger Type Info.
ROD Controller: Implementation ROD Controller FPGA FE Command Streams 48 BOC Busy to TIM TIM TIM Data EMIF Bus ASYNC Master DSP TMS320C6201 Event ID Error DSP Serial Ports(1:0) HPI Bus (VME) EFB Event ID/ Dynamic Mask Dec. Trig Count Interrupts Formatter Token and Mode Bits FIFO Occupancy Status Input Memory & XCVR Control PRM FPGA GPI/O R/W Bus to FPGAs, BOC, FIFOs, SDSPs
ROD Controller: Implementation Formatter Readout Mode Bits 16b Test Bench Interface Rod Controller FPGA: FormatterReadoutModeBitsEncoder: FormatterTrailerInformation 12b EFB Dynamic Mask 12b FrontEndOccupancyCounters: EvntFrgHeaderAndControlEncoder: Front Panel Status/Indicator LEDs 8b FE Command Streams 48b AddressDecoder: FrontEndCommandEncoder: RodResourcesInterfaceProgramBits 1b BOCsetupBUS 8b TIM 8b En, Ack R/NW busBuffer: ControlREG, DebugMEM Interface: FormatterABUS 16b busBuffer: FormatterBBUS 16b busBuffer: EvntFrgBldrBUS 16b busBuffer: 32b RouterBUS 8b busBuffer: INMEM R/W & Control 32b busBuffer: DEBUGMEM R/W & Control 32b busBuffer: DSP CE0 Mtype=010b async 32b EVNTMEM R/W & Control 32b busBuffer: BootMode=01101x BootProcess=8bitROM defualt timings MemoryMap=Map1 BackEndDSP0 16b busBuffer: 2b 4b VMEbusIInterface: Interrupt 1b RodController DSPmodule: SPI TCU TMS320C6201 HPI EMIF BackEndDSP1 16b busBuffer: BackEndDSP2 16b busBuffer: BackEndDSP3 16b 32b 16b busBuffer: 32b DSP CE1 Mtype=000b rom BOOT Strap: PROM 8b Interrupt 1b 32b DSP CE2 Mtype=011b sdram DSP CE3 Mtype=011b sdram FPGA Program Manager: Reset Manager: RodResourcesInterfaceProgramBits, rst 5b DSP MEMORY: 16Meg Bytes SDRAM AFormattersProgramBits, rst 5b BFormattersProgramBits, rst 5b 32b EventFragmentBuilderProgramBits, rst 5b RouterProgramBits, rst 5b dspReset[4..0] 5b
ROD Controller: Master DSP • The Master DSP is a TI TMS320C6201B, fixed point processor. The CPU clock is 160MHz, and the DSP has 16MBytes of SDRAM (upgradeable to 32MBytes). • The VME host can access the Master DSP through a 16 bit Host Port Interface. • The Master DSP is hardwired for 8bit ROM Boot and Little Endian byte order. • The Boot ROM can be accessed on the VME Bus so that new versions of code can be downloaded and started when required by the DAQ system. • The Master DSP responds to D32 block transfers from the VME master. (2.2Mbytes/S) • The Master DSP provides the main path of communication to the ROD from the VME through the Host Port Interface. • The ROD Bus, controlled by the ROD Controller, is connected to the Master DSP EMIF asynchronous port, and utilizes CEn memory space 0. This is the path for access to all of the data path FPGAs, the Slave DSPs, the diagnostic memories, and the BOC. • The Host Port Interrupt out from the DSP is wired to a VME interrupt input. • The Master DSP has 2 serial communication ports (SP0 and SP1) that are used in the ROD to send serial commands to the FE Modules
ROD Controller: Master DSP • The Master DSP allows high level control operations to be performed on the ROD. • Because the control path of the ROD is not required to operate in real-time, performance is less critical. • Using Primitive Lists, the MSDP performs control of ROD functional setup (the specific mode of the ROD), histogramming, spying, and event trapping. Periodic Reset • When the periodic reset is issued, the ROD raises busy and interrupts the master DSP. The master DSP then waits for all events to be played out of the front end chips by monitoring that the counts of all events pending is zero. Configuration as needed is then performed within approximately 1 thousandths of a second. Near the end of the cycle, the reset is issued to the modules and busy is removed. • It is also possible to continue triggers while the ROD is correcting the state of the front end modules. In this mode busy would not be raised while the modules are configuring. Triggers would just return empty event with an error flag. • The exact details of the periodic reset if needed will have to be worked out with ATLAS Trigger/DAQ.
ROD Controller FPGA To data RCVR From Formatter From Formatter To Formatter To EFB Event ID Data Trig Type Dynamic Mask FIFO Dec. Trig Count Token and Mode Bits Input Memory & XCVR Control Decr Generate Dynamic Mask 96 4 bit Counters Trigger Operation Control r/w Incr All Zero Busy to TIM 48 bit Mask & Input bit by bit Back-of-Crate Card 48 r/w TIM Data Serial Expansion Event Data Control links 48 48 2 input or Circuits 48 bit Mask & Input bit by bit 48 TIM FIFO 4k W 8b ROD BCID, L1ID and Trigger Type in ROD based triggers r/w r/w r/w R/W bus to FPGAs and BOC Back End DSPs R/W Control Registers Host Port Interface (HPI) Bus DSP Serial Port 1 DSP Serial Port 0 Master DSP r/w
ROD Controller: FPGA • The main function of the ROD Controller FPGA is to control the operation of the ROD and coordinate the flow of data on the board in real time. • Listing of the real time functions: • Process commands from the TIM: Trigger, fast and slow commands and calibration signals • Process serial data from the TIM: Event ID and Trigger Type. • Count and store ECR commands, and include the count in the Event Header in the L1ID field. • Send FE Commands to the Modules. • Supply the Formatter Mode Bits and the EFB Event ID and Dynamic Mask Bits to the Data Path when an L1 trigger has been received and the appropriate data has arrived from the TIM. • Count and store triggers, and issue them to the Data Path when ROD is ready to process an Event. • Listing of quasi real time functions: • Issue and count corrective triggers sent to the data path. • Issue Corrective Mode Bits for an Event. • Issue a corrective Dynamic Mask and transfer it to the Default Mask. • Change the masking of FE Command Streams. • Interrupt the Master DSP to indicate the type of trigger sent to the data path. • Trap Configuration or Event data in the Input Diagnostic FIFOs. • Listing of non real time functions: • Read/Write to the internal memory mapped register set. • Read/Write to the BOC, diagnostic FIFOs, and the Slave DSPs.
ROD Controller: FPGA • The controller has an internal test bench block and a set of diagnostic registers to allow the ROD to be tested in a stand alone mode. This is required for initial debugging and some system testing. • Listing of the Test Bench functions: • Internal FIFO to mimic the TIM inputs • Separate states to run stand alone test on the ROD. • Trap all Link inputs to Inmem FIFOs • Trap all Link inputs to Inmem, send to Formatters, trap Formatter Output to Debug FIFOs, play data through the ROD to the SDSPs (Event ID data must be provided by a TIM or internal registers) • Load Inmem and TIM FIFOs with simulation data files and play through the ROD • Load Inmem and TIM FIFOs with simulation data files and play through the ROD with a set number of retransmits (1 to 65536). • Load Inmem FIFOs with simulation data files and trap in the Debug FIFOs • Load Debug and TIM FIFOs with simulation data and trap in the Event FIFOs • Load Event FIFOs with 1 Event of simulation data and trap in the Slave DSPs • Load Inmem FIFOs with 1 Event of simulation data, set the internal Event ID, Mode Bits and Dynamic Mask registers to the required values, send L1 Triggers over SP0 or SP1, trap in the SDSPs • Event ID FIFO stores a list of expected trigger IDs that the EFB can check against. • Process the DSP Serial ports to provide for module configuration and ROD based trigger information.
ROD Controller: FPGA • The controller has a memory mapped set of internal registers required for all ROD operations. • Listing of the internal registers by functional group: • Main control and status • FE Command Mask settings • Calibration Commands • Formatter Mode Bits/EFB Event ID and Dynamic Mask control and status • Formatter Mode Bits /EFB Event ID and Dynamic Mask Look-up Tables • Diagnostic control, status and counters • DSP interrupts • FE Occupancy Counter Control and Status • Diagnostic Event ID, L1ID and BCID values • Corrective Events FIFO access • Can execute a long command sequence without tying up the ROD Crate Controller. • Keeps count of the number of pending triggers to sense all events processed and for diagnostics. All events processed is used in a periodic reset to sense that the data is not in the front end chips. • The ECR Counter can only be reset by writing a 1 to the ECR reset bit in the RCF Spare Control Register
ROD Controller: FPGA • Normal Data Taking • The ROD receives L1A, Event ID, and Trigger Type signals from the TIM. • With a latency of 2 clocks after receiving the L1A, the ROD sends the L1 Trigger command to the FE modules on the output links that are active. • The FE Trigger Counter and the FE Occupancy Counters are incremented by 1. • The Formatter Mode Bits Encoder sends the default Mode Bits to the Formatters. • The EFB Event ID Dynamic Mask Encoder receives the deserialized ID and Trigger Type data, processes and sends the Event ID and default Dynamic Mask data to the EFB. • The Token is issued to the Formatters, the FE Trigger Counter is decremented by 1, and an interrupt is sent to the Master DSP to indicate that a default trigger has been processed by the ROD Controller. • The FE Occupancy Counters are decremented when a Link Formatter writes a trailer into the Link FIFO.
ROD Controller: FPGA • Resynchronization of modules during data taking • Slave DSP determines what link requires L1 ID adjustment. The information is transferred to the Master DSP. • The Master DSP writes the correction information to the Corrective Mode Bits and Corrective Dynamic Mask Registers in the ROD Controller FPGA then sets the “New DM Mask Ready” bit in the RCF Main Control Register. • When the next L1A is detected from the TIM, the ROD performs the steps listed in the Normal Data Taking description with the following exceptions: • The Corrective Trigger is trapped in the Corrective Events FIFO. • The Mode Bits and Dynamic Mask Encoders issue the corrective Mode Bits and Dynamic Mask, and send an interrupt to the Master DSP to indicate that a Corrective Mask has been sent. This mask is valid for 1 L1 Trigger only for the Formatter. It is permanent for the EFB. (This feature is in the VHDL, but not tested)
ROD Controller: FPGA • FE triggers from Master DSP Serial Streams • The ROD Controller FPGA contains a BC counter, L1 counter, and Event Type Register per serial stream. When the Calibration Trigger Decoder block detects a L1 Trigger from either serial stream, the L1 counter is incremented, the value of the BC counter is latched into a register, and the Event Type Register value is written to the Event ID FIFO. • The Default Mode Bits and Dynamic Mask Look-up tables are used when a trigger is detected on SP0 • The Corrective Mode Bits and Dynamic Mask Look-up tables are used when a trigger is detected on SP1 • Fast Reset Commands will reset the counters as specified. A BCR command will reset the ROD BC counter and the FE module BC counter simultaneously, an ECR will not produce this result because the BC reset happens after other resets are performed by the chip controller. • The BC ID register can be set to a static value. • This mode is used for triggers during histogramming and diagnostics.
ROD Program Reset Manager: Implementation To VME FPGAConfiguration Data FLASH 12MBytes 90ns VME Address Decoder and Data Bridge Flash Interface FPGA Cnfg/RST Controller Internal R/W Registers Master DSP Control To ROD Controller To MDSP HPI To FPGAs A(31:0) A(31:0) ID(7:0) ID(7:0) D(31:0) D(31:0) IA(18:0) IA(20:0) Control Control Control AckN AckN ID(7:0) D(31:0) Control HRDYN Control FPGA Config Control HD(15:0) Status HHWIL FPGA Config Status HCNTRL FPGA Reset Control HDS1 HRDYN DSP Reset Control GP I/O
ROD Program Reset Manager: Overview • Controls power on sequence of the ROD by configuring the data path FPGAs in a specific order, and controlling resets to the DSPs. • Allows VME host to configure and reset Data Path FPGAs. • Allows VME Host to reset all DSPs. • Allows VME Host to monitor status of the configuration status of Data Path FPGAs • Acts as a bus-bridge between the ROD and the VME Bus. • Enables D32 transfers between the VME and the Master DSP (16 bit HPI) • Controls the read and write access to the 12 Mbytes of Flash memory that stores the FPGA configuration data. • Stores the specific Serial Number of each board
ROD Program Reset Manager • Power on sequence of the ROD: • Configure ROD Controller FPGA • Activate Master DSP • Configure Formatters, EFB and Router • Active Slave DSPs • VME to Master DSP D32 access: • Write Access: The PRM receives a D32 data word from the VME bus, splits it into 2 half words and sends the first half word to the HPI data port. After HRDY_N indicates that the HPI is ready for the second half word, the PRM toggles the half word ordering bit, moves the upper word to the lower half of the bus and writes it to the HPI data port. At this point, the PRM asserts LACKN to the VME Chipset, and is ready for the next transfer. • Read Access: Same as above functionally.
ROD Program Reset Manager • Controls the configuration and reset of Data Path FPGAs, resets of all DSPs, and status of configuration and reset signals • Writes to the Configuration and Reset registers on the VME bus allow the configuration and reset of all of the Data Path FPGAs and DSPs • Reads to the Status registers show the state of configuration and reset signals • Controls the read and write access to the 12 Mbytes of Flash memory that stores the FPGA configuration data. • Internal registers and algorithms allow for simple access to the Flash memory. • The Address and Write Data register is used to set the memory address for writes and reads and the data to write if required • The Read Data register stores the data from the last read to the Flash • The control register allows reads, host algorithm writes and PRM algorithm writes • The host algorithm write gives complete control to the host to program the part. This is useful during chip or sector erase functions. • The PRM algorithm write keeps control of the programming operation in the PRM. It is most useful for programming the part because it takes care of the repetitive commands required to program a Flash, and only requires address and data from the host.