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Best Practices Review: Truancy Reduction Efforts

Best Practices Review: Truancy Reduction Efforts. Legislative Audit Bureau November 2008. Statutory Framework. Children are required to attend school until age 18 under the compulsory attendance law

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Best Practices Review: Truancy Reduction Efforts

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  1. Best Practices Review:Truancy Reduction Efforts Legislative Audit Bureau November 2008

  2. Statutory Framework • Children are required to attend school until age 18 under the compulsory attendance law • School boards are required to establish policies and plans related to attendance and truancy, and to review them periodically • Statutes define habitual truancy as five or more unexcused absences per semester

  3. Habitual Truants(1998-99 through 2006-07 School Years)

  4. Habitual Truancy in Large Districts(2006-07 School Year)

  5. Role of DPI in Truancy Reduction • Collect attendance and truancy data • Administer Title I funding awards • Provide consultation services

  6. Best Practice: District Review of Statutory Compliance • Distribute the attendance policy • Review the truancy plan every two years • Assess policy implementation • Definition of tardy • Personal contact

  7. Best Practice: Early Intervention • Statewide, truancy peaks in the 9th grade • Sanctions for truancy may be effective with younger pupils

  8. Best Practice:Alternative Programming • Recognize low academic achievement can hamper attendance of older pupils • Minimize opportunities for pupils to leave the school grounds • Modify the hours pupils are at the school building

  9. Best Practice: Involve Parents, Guardians, and the Community • Statutes require notification of parents and guardians • Community resources include law enforcement, university students, and local not-for-profit agencies

  10. Best Practice: Consider Available Sanctions • School-based sanctions may include detention time and prohibitions on extracurricular activities • Sanctions under municipal ordinance allow for more immediate enforcement of compulsory attendance law

  11. Habitual Truancy Rates in Milwaukee Public Schools • In 2006-07, 46.3 percent of pupils enrolled in MPS were habitual truants • Community collaboration involves numerous public agencies and varied funding sources • Program effectiveness of targeted efforts has been mixed

  12. Best Practices: Assess Effectiveness and Share Results • Districts’ truancy reduction efforts are best assessed at the local level • DPI is well-positioned to facilitate sharing of the results of district-level assessments

  13. Best Practices Review:Truancy Reduction Efforts Legislative Audit Bureau November 2008

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