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ESOL Program at Little River Elementary. Who Qualifies?. Three questions on registration form: Language that student first spoke Language spoken at home Language spoken most often.
Who Qualifies? • Three questions on registration form: • Language that student first spoke • Language spoken at home • Language spoken most often
WIDA-ACCESS Placement Test is given when at least one of these questions is answered with something other than “English” The W-APT assesses speaking, listening, reading and writing skills of students.
Students in 1st – 5th grade that score below a 5.0 on the W-APT screening qualify for ESOL and are considered EL’s or English Learners.
Kindergarteners are given the speaking and listening portion of the screening. Students who score 29 or 30 out of 30 do not qualify for ESOL. Kindergarteners who score below 19 are eligible for ESOL. Kindergarteners who score 19 to 28 are given the reading and writing portion of the test. To qualify, the reading score must be less than 11 and the writing score less than 12.
Forms?There are several forms that need to be signed by a parent.
Notification of Services
TestingAccommodation Form This form is only used for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students at Little River because they take state mandated tests.
English Language Proficiency Levels • Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 • Entering Emerging Developing Expanding Bridging
4 Areas of Language Addressed:ListeningSpeakingReading Writing
Our ESOL classes do not take the place of the regular reading and language arts classes. We reinforce what they do in the regular classroom and we also preview curriculum before it is presented. We read, work on the computer, write, learn English grammar and practice conversation. This year we will be reading more non-fiction, especially Science and Social Studies.
How parents can help? • Practice speaking English in the home • Read papers that come home from school • Get involved – Attend school events • Join PTA • Check agendas and homework each night • Use educational websites like Starfall at home.
Homework Read for 20 minutes Practice your English.
How do students exit out of the program? -score 800 or better on GCRCT in Reading -take the ACCESS test on Tier B or C -score 5.0 or better on the ACCESS test - Score 4.8 or better on the Literacy part of the ACCESS test
Monitored Students We monitor for 2 years We check on grades and progress throughout the year
How to contact Mrs. Ross or Mrs. Branson: • Call the school at: 770-926-7566 • Email: lynne.ross@cherokee.k12.ga.usgeorgia.branson@cherokee.k12.ga.us
News from the PTA • Join PTA! Forms available from your teacher or online at www.lrepta.org Receive a free water bottle when you purchase 2 memberships for $12! Help your teacher earn a GREAT prize! Each teacher that reaches 100% memberships will receive a Starbucks coffee and have a chance to win a weekend get-a-way to Lake Lanier Islands! • Your PTA membership card gets you into all school functions free of charge (non members pay $6.00 at the door for each event) while helping to support the children of Little River!! • Purchase your LRE Spirit Wear! Order forms are available on our website. Just print and send it in with your payment! • Visit our website at www.lrepta.org for an up to date calendar and contact info! • Volunteer opportunities are still available. If you would like to be a PTA volunteer, log onto our website where you can sign up to help. • We are looking forward to a GREAT year!
Pictures and Clipart: Ictkim.wordpress.com www.treehugger.com www.harvestdigital.com www. dreamstime.com Jlmurphey.blogspot.com www.esnips.com