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ESOL PROGRAM GUIDELINES. Program Goal. To provide English language learners (ELLs) with the opportunity to develop communication skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, thereby enabling students to be successful within the academic mainstream classroom. ESOL Parent Involvement.

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  2. Program Goal To provide English language learners (ELLs) with the opportunity to develop communication skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, thereby enabling students to be successful within the academic mainstream classroom.

  3. ESOL Parent Involvement • Parents are strongly encouraged to provide support for English Language Learners. • ESL teachers provide at least two Parent Involvement workshops during the year. • Bilingual ESOL Parent Facilitator • ESOL Parent Resource Center

  4. ESOLProgramEligibility Home Language Survey (HLS) • administered to all students upon initial enrollment (by law) • determines if the student is considered a language minority student • reviewed and verified by ESOL teacher

  5. ESOL Program Eligibility If HLS indicates another language other than English: • Student is administered the WIDA-ACCESS Placement Test (W-APT) • Test is administered by the ESL teacher or by qualified personnel at the Newcomer Center to the new student.s • Parents receive notification before/after the assessment9within 30 days) • Parents may refuse services- not testing

  6. INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM SERVICES • LEP students rightsas required by the Office of Civil Rights: • to receive daily English language instruction • to receive instruction from a certified ESOL teacher • to receive instructional and testing accommodations • to be assessed annually to determine progress toward learning English-ACCESS for ELLs

  7. StudentEducationPlan A Student Education Plan (SEP) will: • be developed for all limited English proficiency students including consultative. • identify the student’s instructional, environmental and material modifications • identify the student’s state testing accommodations • be jointly developed and signed by ESL and classroom teacher

  8. ESOL Instructional Models • Pull- Out - Elementary Schools • Pull-Out - Middle Schools • Elective class - High Schools • Co-teaching Model • Consultative

  9. Guidelines For Scheduling ESOL Classes ESOL students are grouped based on: • English proficiency level, literacy levels, grade levels • age appropriate groups or mixed performance level groups • the literacy block, not pulled from Math, P.E., or guided reading • use of data to choose the instructional model • needs; newcomers need more time in ESL during the day or week • small groups on the schedule, not individual student classes

  10. ESOL Curriculum The NC WIDA English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards for ESL instruction • Adopted level text • ESL Pacing Guide

  11. WIDA ELP Standards • #1: Social and Instructional Language (SIL) • #2: Language of Language Arts. (LOLA) • #3: Language of Mathematics (LOMA) • #4: Language of Science (LOSC) • #5: Language of Social Studies (LOSS)

  12. Exit Criteria To exit the ESOL program a student must: • be assessed with the ACCESS Test to determine progress in learning the language • score at least 4.0 on the reading subtest of the ACCESS test, at least a 4.0 on the writing subtest and score a 4.8 overall (listening, speaking, reading, writing) • be monitored for two years after exiting the ESOL program

  13. ClassroomTeacher Support ESOL teachers are required to: • share information at regular staff meetings, in grade level/department meetings or individually with teachers on a regular basis • provide training on ESL instructional strategies and ESOL program • maintain a documentation file of teacher contacts

  14. Program Evaluation The ESOL Program is: • evaluated annually by principals, teachers and parents to ensure its effectiveness • expected to meet the Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs) • supported by ESOL Program Director and Lead teacher

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