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questions. assessment. What does PPVT stand for? Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. What does the Woodcock (WRMT) assess? Reading. What is reliability? The consistency of results obtained from an assessment. What does IQ stand for?
questions assessment
What does PPVT stand for? Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test
What is reliability? The consistency of results obtained from an assessment
What does IQ stand for? Intelligence Quotient
What is validity? The accuracy and appropriateness of the interpretations and inferences drawn from the results of a test
What does the PPVT test? Receptive vocabulary
What is assessment? The systematic collection and interpretation of data
What is assessment bias? Bias may be indicated if the mean test of one group differs substantially from another group
Why do we screen students? To determine whether there is a reason or suspicion for continued testing
What percentage of people are between 1 and 2 standard deviations below the mean? Approximately 13%
What is measurement? The explicit quantification of the results obtained through testing--putting a number on it
What is a test? The instrument that yields a number
What is evaluation? The placing of value or interpretation of a measurement
Name an informal test strategy. Observations Work sample analysis Portfolios Task analysis Inventories Criterion referenced tests Diagnostic teaching Checklists and rating scales Interviews Rating scales
Name a formal test. WISC-IV Key Math PPVT-III WRMT-R and a host of others
Give a characteristic of formal tests. Very explicit instructions Uses a variety of score reporting types Scores are comparable to other scores
How do you determine the validity and reliability of a test? Look in the manual for the correlation scores.
What is a standard deviation? The average amount of difference from the mean of all the scores
If you are very confident of a test procedure, what level of confidence do you choose? 68%
What is the DEC 1 for? Special education referral
When do we use scaled scores? For subtests
What is the Buckley Act? FERPA
What is the definition of a learning disability? A disorder on one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or using language, spoken or written
In what areas is a learning disability manifested? Writing, speaking, reading, spelling, thinking, listening, and math
What is the definition of mental retardation or intellectual disability? Significantly subaverage intellectual disability existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior and manifested during the developmental period
What score is generally one standard deviation below the mean when the mean is 100? 85
Do the parents have the right to change their minds after signing the consent for evaluation? Yes
What is a percentile score? A ranking of performers: the value of the variable below which a certain percent of the participants fall
What records are not accessible to parents under the Buckley Act? Notes kept in the sole possession of the note maker
What is a bell curve? A distribution of scores around a mean
What is the DEC 2 for? Consent for evaluation or reevaluation
What does CBM stand for? Curriculum based measurement
What is the DEC 3 for? Eligibility determination
What score is generally two standard deviations above the mean when the mean is 100? 130
What does DIBELS stand for? Dynamic Indicators of Early Literacy
What score is generally one standard deviation above the mean when the mean is 100? 115
Persons with intellectual disability generally score lower than _____ on an IQ test. 70
Where does a percentile score of 16 fall? At one standard deviation below the mean
What score is generally three standard deviations below the mean when the mean is 100? 55
What is predictive validity? The use of a test score to forecast the student’s performance on another task or measure
What is the mean? The arithmetic average
Is it appropriate to change the aim line when using curriculum based measurement? Yes
What is a basal? The score below which all scores are considered correct
Where does a percentile score of 38 fall? Within one standard deviation of the mean
When do we use a raw score? As a tool to determine the standard scores