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Miami Dade College Operations 2007 Annual Report and 2008 Key Divisional Goals February 2008. “One Team, One Goal…Exceeding Expectations Together”. Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to share with you our first Annual Report
Miami Dade College Operations 2007 Annual Report and 2008 Key Divisional Goals February 2008 “One Team, One Goal…Exceeding Expectations Together”
Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to share with you our first Annual Report for Miami Dade College’s Operations’ divisions. This report highlights some of the many accomplishments of 2007 and our key goals for 2008 within the divisions of Business Affairs, Information Technology, Human Resources and Facilities Management. To be sure, each of our divisions has made significant contributions this past year: Business Affairs managed nearly $13 million in institutional financial aid support to students and our Budget Office skillfully developed a $333 million 2007-2008 annual operating budget in the face of reductions in state funding. Facilities Management completed over 14,000 work orders , initiated several major construction/renovation projects and developed new procedures for general contractors that will result in the most advantageous pricing for minor construction projects. Human Resources managed over 56,000 online applications for over 1,000 full-time and part-time positions, and piloted a new hiring process for Support Non-Exempt employees that resulted in an 83% reduction in time to hire! Not to be outdone, Information Technology implemented a new email service for students, helped reinvent the College’s home page, and completed a key systems upgrade resulting in reduced maintenance and software costs. I am especially proud of the efforts of our customer service philosophy committee, a 12 person team representing each of our divisions that, with input from all division employees, developed a service brand and philosophy to guide how we will serve our many and varied customers. Our brand: “One Team, One Goal….Exceeding Expectations Together.” Our philosophy--12 key principles--is listed on the following page, and is the foundation upon which we will do business. A second employee committee has now been charged with developing ideas to implement this critical initiative. Sincerely, Meredith E. Gibbs Meredith E. Gibbs Provost for Operations
We believe in: Quality Providing service that is complete, reliable, accurate and exceeds customer needs and expectations Teamwork Working together to achieve goals Accountability Taking ownership and bringing a higher level of commitment to our customers Knowledge Becoming proficient in our roles and understanding the roles of others Creativity Offering multiple solutions that address customer needs Communication Engaging in clear and informative exchanges by listening attentively and sharing information at all levels Reliability Consistently delivering our commitments Growth Participating in opportunities for training and development to enhance skills for optimal service Respect Creating a culture of trust, sincerity and consideration Attitude Maintaining a positive outlook by taking pride in our work Accessibility Being available to provide prompt, courteous and thoughtful assistance Delivery Providing solutions as efficiently as possible Our Service Philosophy“One Team, One Goal…Exceeding Expectations Together”
Business Affairs “As we enter a new calendar year and reflect on 2007’s accomplishments, I wanted to again thank all Business Affairs employees for their hard work, dedication and efforts over the past year. Keep up the good work and know that I truly appreciate all of your efforts.” E.H. Levering Vice Provost for Business Affairs/CFO 2007 Key Accomplishments • Disbursed over $65 million in Pell Grants to needy students • Managed nearly $13 million in institutional financial aid support to students • Effectively managed College and Foundation endowments to record balances at year-end • Implemented Higher One’s automated student refunds service, dramatically improving the speed of refunds and eliminating over 30,000 paper checks annually • Completed federal financial aid audits with no significant findings, and state financial audits with no findings for 7th year in a row • Successfully opened new college bookstores at the Hialeah and West Campuses and renovated stores at Medical and Wolfson • Developed and managed a $333 million Annual Operating Budget in the face of state reductions • Developed and established budgets for our newest campuses at Hialeah and West • Negotiated a favorable health benefits program renewal which reduced the amount of increase to the College and employee • Reduced student loan defaults to record low levels
Business Affairs 2007 Key Accomplishments (continued) • Effectively implemented the financial module of the Facilities Project Management System • Evaluated the Risk Management Consortium’s Safety Program to be piloted at Kendall Campus • Completed Facilities' accounting reconciliations resulting in additional dollars available for maintenance and repair projects • Successfully renovated food/coffee kiosk at North and opened a new café concept at West • Reduced Worker’s Compensation expenses college-wide by approximately $100,000 • Improved Perkins Loan collection rate and helped to reduce default rate among students by 6% • Processed payroll and completed reporting requirements for 9,657 employees without missing a pay date • Automated the transmission of all tax shelter annuity (TSA) deductions • Processed 50,300 invoices in accounts payable and issued 29,000 vendor checks in central accounting with an average turnaround time of 5 to 10 business days • Managed $8 million of new tangible personal property added to the College’s inventory system during 2007 • Hosted the College’s first ever Reverse Trade Fair, an open house event to establish new business relationships with the minority and small business vendor community • Issued 5,687 purchase orders totaling approximately $87 million • Completed a successful transition of Foundation leadership and integration of Foundation finance, accounting and scholarship management into the College • Evaluated and implemented a tri-lingual call center system for financial aid to serve students more effectively
Business Affairs 2007 Key Accomplishments (continued) • Processed 16,400 Purchasing Card transactions totaling $3.5 million • Presented nine architectural/engineer design and general contractor selections for capital projects to the Board of Trustees Key Goals for 2008 • Capitalize on business and financial opportunities • Ensure compliance with federal, state and local requirements, including accounting and financial principles and best practices • Improve College and departmental operational efficiency through reengineering, automation, outsourcing and other means • Provide accurate and timely analysis and reporting of business and financial information • Provide dedicated customer service to the wide variety of internal and external customers • Provide staff with the resources necessary to successfully achieve the department’s vision and execute its mission
Facilities Management “2007 was an exciting year in Facilities Management. None of it could have been done without a very strong team effort at every level within our organization. I give the highest praise to Facilities Management employees for their efforts.” Curtis Reynolds Vice Provost for Facilities Management 2007 Key Accomplishments • Initiated planning and design of several major construction/renovation projects: Homeland Emergency Defense Project at North: $6.2 million, Building 9000 at Wolfson:$14 million, Student Services Renovations at Medical:$2.2 million • Completed planning, design, and began construction of a $39 million 100,000 square feet new science complex at North Campus • Completed $19 million renovation projects across all campuses, including science lab renovations, faculty office space, multi-media classrooms and administrative office spaces • Effectively completed over 14,000 work orders for maintenance and refurbishing projects across the campuses • Developed $70 million PECO capital projects budget and managed capital project planning across all campuses • Expanded the capability of the online work order system to enhance ease of use • Restructured and reorganized Facilities Management Division to better focus on construction and maintenance operations • Implemented project team concept for major construction projects to incorporate key stakeholders and enhance project feedback • Implemented new procedures for general contractors to ensure most advantageous pricing for minor construction projects
Facilities Management 2007 Key Accomplishments (continued) • Implemented a budget cash flow and forecasting program to better manage general construction project budgets • Simplified contracts for architects and contractors to better reflect current business practices and legal requirements • Updated and revised Hurricane Emergency Response Procedures to create standardized building condition reporting • Developed automated approval and tracking processes for minor construction projects • Established a deferred Facilities Operations Maintenance database which allows the college to document existing physical needs and facilitate future projects • Implemented a Computerized Maintenance Management System to better track campus/college projects • Developed a College-wide master plan for landscape/irrigation projects • Implemented Americans with Disabilities Act transition plan to better accommodate students, faculty, and staff on the campuses • Expanded Facilities Project Management database to allow project related documents to be viewed within database • Added Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification requirements to design criteria and new construction contracts to ensure contractors address green design/sustainability issues • Expanded the college’s direct purchase program to include materials for major construction projects • Completed over $7.3 million of deferred maintenance projects, i.e. chillers, escalators, roof replacements, air handlers, building envelope refurbishments and automatic doors Key Goals for 2008 • Practice sound financial management and implement cost containment and efficiency measures • Provide excellent delivery of services to customers through feedback, use of technology and empowerment of Facilities’ employees
Facilities Management Key Goals for 2008 (continued) • Deliver all minor/major construction projects on time and within budget • Provide an infrastructure and environment that focuses on effective and productive communications • Ensure the academic, professional and personal success of all individuals within Facilities Management • Maintain services that keep the College in compliance with State Requirements for Education Facilities (SREF) and Florida Building Code
Human Resources “As I look back on our accomplishments during 2007, I am inspired to mention our HR Team. My thanks to each and every one of them---they are the unsung heroes who do a great job supporting our college. They are amazing!” Iliana Castillo-Frick Vice Provost for Human Resources 2007 Key Accomplishments • Handled over 56,279 online employment applications for over 1000 full-time and part-time positions • Completed a business process review of the hiring process and made numerous revisions, including revising the applicant life cycle to shorten the time to hire, re-vamping the on-boarding/new employee orientation • Piloted a new screening and hiring process for Support Non-Exempt Employees at Kendall and West Campuses which reduced the time to hire by 83% • Expanded the locations for background checks for new hires to offer a more convenient second location at Kendall Campus • Completed the Image Now project to scan and archive nearly 42,716 personnel documents • Assisted with the analysis and implementation of a new health benefits plan • Implemented online open enrollment for over 264 retirees • Successfully handled tuition reimbursement program for 198 employees totaling over $300,000 • Completed the College’s reclassification project for Student Services, Campus Services, Financial Aid and Facilities which included conducting a market assessment and review compensation levels for 60 positions, impacting 157 employees • Developed a new compensation philosophy for the college • Updated job descriptions for 135 classifications
Human Resources 2007 Key Accomplishments (continued) • Began the second phase of a college-wide compensation assessment project to benchmark key positions for market competitive salaries • Re-structured the Human Resources organization, without additional revenues, to focus on recruiting and retention and enhance benefits operations • Completed benefits open enrollment, including workshops and individual meetings, for more than 2500 employees • Processed 4200 RPAs and over 700 personnel requisitions • Re-negotiated contracts with vendors resulting in cost savings of $25,000 • Implemented many on-line/automation initiatives including, on-line United Way contributions, revising on-line employee handbook, creating on-line emergency management guidebook, updated ASTRA handbook and placed on web site, on-line annual contract renewals, electronic salary notifications • Handled 291 employee relations matters, with a reduction in time to close of 10% • Partnered with CT&D to implement training programs for employees and supervisors on college policy and procedures Key Goals for 2008 • Continue efforts to review compensation levels for employees • Contain expenditures to comply with college fiscal restraints • Review and improve resolution processes within Employee Relations • Enhance MDC hiring process to reduce time to hire and to provide a better experience for new employees • Enhance automated and on-line processes to provide greater efficiency and effectiveness • Improve guidance to MDC managers on all aspects of human resources policy and procedure
Information Technology “2007 was another great year for Information Technology. These accomplishments are just a few examples of over 100 successful IT-related efforts that were worked on in addition to making sure the college’s network, telephones, and enterprise applications are always available. My thanks to our IT employees for their hard work, energy and dedication.” Karl Herleman Vice Provost for Information Technology 2007 Key Accomplishments • Implemented Image Now, a new imaging system, in Human Resources, Financial Aid, and Business Affairs to reduce paper and physical storage needs, and enhance document security • Implemented a new College-wide email service for students and My Awards, a website for students to select financial aid on-line • Upgraded and enhanced the College’s on-line admissions application and student portal • Analyzed options for cellular service and consolidated vendors resulting in annual savings of $40,000 • Restructured our IT organization to improve operations for internet/information security, project management and quality assurance • Upgraded the College’s mainframe computer system to a 2096, 3-CPU 550 MIP machine, resulting in reduced maintenance and software costs, power and cooling consumption and floor space • Implemented a new Web-based help desk (Parature) in the College Call Center, Virtual College and IT to provide faster service to students • Assisted in developing a comprehensive budget for the College’s new learning management system (ANGEL) and supported the implementation of Phase I • Retired the College’s antiquated legacy system and upgraded it with a state of the art HP blade server system and VMWare virtualization infrastructure which offers 10 times the capacity of traditional servers at a much lower cost
Information Technology 2007 Key Accomplishments (continued) • With the District Office of Communications, developed a new MDC home page • Automated the communication infrastructure between MDC and the Department of Education to enable faster submission of key reporting data • Implemented a new firewall to increase capacity, security and reliability • Assisted in the implementation of the automated financial aid student refund service through Higher One • Upgraded the College’s Polycom video conferencing bridge system by implementing a new gatekeeper and upgrading equipment in conferencing locations college-wide • Completed Phase III of a college-wide WiFi initiative to provide wireless access for students in libraries, computer courtyards and other student common areas • Implemented anti-spam measures, including load balancing new anti-spam gateways to cut down on email spam • Completed a database and blueprint library for our fiber optic cable infrastructure across the college to quickly assess and remediate networking issues • Piloted a new Telecommunications work order and problem reporting system • Implemented a web based interface with Odyssey for our Community Education program • Enhanced the Background Check Appointment Scheduler • Provided design and implementation for communications infrastructure in hundreds of new construction, remodeling, renovation and quick job projects throughout the College • Implemented a faster, easier to manage and more reliable storage system that more than doubled the College’s storage at a much lower cost • Helped create and launch the College’s iTunes U site
Information Technology Key Goals for 2008 • Manage and control expenses within allocated annual budget levels • Update the College’s IT strategic plan • Ensure IT activities and actions are aligned with the College’s mission and provide the necessary support for students, campuses, and district administrative departments • Provide an always-available IT infrastructure with minimal levels of unplanned service disruptions • Continue to provide “keep the lights on” support for key College events, organizations and technologies • Support the successful completion of major College initiatives as detailed in the IT project portfolio including: Financial Aid, Learning Management System, Website Renovation, PC Refresh, and Odyssey Update