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DOK 1 5.OA.1

I can evaluate numerical expressions using the order of operations including parentheses, brackets, or braces. DOK 1 5.OA.1. I can write numerical expressions for given numbers with operations words. DOK 1,2 5.OA.2. I can interpret numerical expressions without solving. DOK 1,2 5.OA.2.

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DOK 1 5.OA.1

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  1. I can evaluate numerical expressions using the order of operations including parentheses, brackets, or braces. DOK 1 5.OA.1

  2. I can write numerical expressions for given numbers with operations words. DOK 1,2 5.OA.2

  3. I can interpret numerical expressions without solving. DOK 1,2 5.OA.2

  4. I can make two numerical patterns using two given rules. DOK 1,2 5.OA.3

  5. I can identify apparent relationships between corresponding terms. DOK 1,2 5.OA.3

  6. I can form ordered pairs consisting of corresponding terms from the two numerical patterns. DOK 1,2 5.OA.3

  7. I can graph the ordered pairs on a coordinate plane. DOK 1,2 5.OA.3

  8. I can recognize that each place to the left is 10 times larger in a multi-digit number. DOK 1 5.NBT.1

  9. I can recognize that each place to the right is 1/10 as much in a multi-digit number. DOK 1 5.NBT.1

  10. I can express powers of 10 using whole-number exponents. DOK 1,2 5.NBT.2

  11. I can explain patterns when multiplying a number by powers of 10. DOK 1,2 5.NBT.2

  12. I can explain the relationship in the placement of the decimal point when a decimal is multiplied or divided by powers of 10. DOK 1,2 5.NBT.2

  13. I can read and write decimals to the thousandths in word form, base-ten numerals, and expanded form. DOK 1 5.NBT.3a

  14. I can compare decimal numbers to the thousandths based on the place value of each digit and use the correct symbols (>, <, =) to show results. DOK 1 5.NBT.3b

  15. I can round decimals to any place. DOK 1 5.NBT.4

  16. I can explain and use the standard algorithm to multiply multi-digit whole numbers fluently. DOK 1 5.NBT.5

  17. I can divide a four-digit dividend by a two-digit divisor to find a quotient. DOK 1,2 5.NBT.6

  18. I can use equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models to solve division problems. DOK 1,2 5.NBT.6

  19. I can illustrate and explain division problems. DOK 1,2 5.NBT.6

  20. I can add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths. DOK 1, 2 5.NBT.7

  21. I can illustrate and explain the reasoning used to solve decimal problems in written form. DOK 2, 3 5.NBT.7

  22. I can determine common multiples of unlike denominators. DOK 1 5.NF.1

  23. I can create equivalent fractions using common multiples. DOK 1 5.NF.1

  24. I can add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators (including mixed numbers) using equivalent fractions. DOK 1 5.NF.1

  25. I can solve word problems using addition and subtraction of fractions with like and unlike denominators referring to the same whole. DOK 1,2 5.NF.2

  26. I can use benchmark fractions and number sense of fractions to check for reasonableness of answers. DOK 2, 3 5.NF.2

  27. I can understand that a fraction is division of the numerator by the denominator (a/b = a÷b). DOK 1,2 5.NF.3

  28. I can solve word problems that include dividing a whole number when the quotient is a fraction or mixed number using models or equations. DOK 1,2 5.NF.3

  29. I can multiply fractions. DOK 1 5.NF.4a

  30. I can understand that the product of a fraction times a whole number or a fraction times a fraction will equal the total number of parts of the whole. DOK 1 5.NF.4a

  31. I can model and compute the area of a rectangle with fractional side lengths. DOK 2 5.NF.4b

  32. I can prove multiplying fractional side lengths to find the area is the same as tiling a rectangle with unit squares. DOK 2 5.NF.4b

  33. I can interpret the relationship between the size of the factors to the size of the product. DOK 1,2,3 5.NF.5a

  34. I can explain why multiplying a given number by a number or fraction greater than one results in a product greater than the given number. DOK 1,2,3 5.NF.5b

  35. I can explain why multiplying a given number by a fraction less than one results in a product less than the given number. DOK 1,2,3 5.NF.5b

  36. I can explain multiplication as scaling (to enlarge or reduce) using a visual model. DOK 1,2,3 5.NF.5b

  37. I can multiply a given fraction by 1 (e.g., 2/2, 5/5) to find an equivalent fraction (e.g., ¾ x2/2 = 6/8). DOK 1,2,3 5.NF.5b

  38. I can represent word problems involving multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers. DOK 1,2 5.NF.6

  39. I can solve real world problems involving multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers. DOK 1,2 5.NF.6

  40. I can interpret the division of a unit fraction by a whole number. DOK 1,2 5.NF.7a

  41. I can interpret the division of a whole number by a unit fraction. DOK 1,2 5.NF.7b

  42. I can represent division of a fraction by a non-zero whole number and a whole number by a fraction in a variety of ways to solve real world problems. DOK 1,2 5.NF.7c

  43. I can convert (change) measurement units within the same measurement system. DOK 1,2 5.MD.1

  44. I can solve multi-step word problems using measurement conversions. DOK 1,2 5.MD.1

  45. I can create a line plot with a given set of unit fraction measurements. DOK 1,2 5.MD.2

  46. I can solve problems using data on line plots. DOK 1,2 5.MD.2

  47. I can recognize that a cube with 1 unit side length, called a unit cube, is “one cubic unit” of volume. DOK 1 5.MD.3a

  48. I can recognize and explain that volume is the measurement of the space inside a solid three-dimensional figure without any gaps or overlaps. DOK 1 5.MD.3b

  49. I can measure volume by counting unit cubes, cubic cm, cubic in, cubic ft, and improvised units. DOK 1,2 5.MD.4

  50. I can identify the volume of a rectangular prism by packing it with unit cubes. DOK 1,2 5.MD.5a

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