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Take a lesson from: Ahhrnold, the Plural-nator. All the rules and tricks you need to know to form PLURALS. “I take puny singular nouns and PLURAL-NATE THEM! Ha Ha!”.
Take a lesson from:Ahhrnold, the Plural-nator All the rules and tricks you need to know to form PLURALS. “I take puny singular nouns and PLURAL-NATE THEM! Ha Ha!”
My name is Ahhrnold, the Plural-nator, and I plural-nate puny regular and irregular nouns and transform them into strong plurals. I do this by adding specific letters to the end of the singular noun. BUT! there are rules to follow to make sure that each noun has its correct PLURAL FORM.
For regular nouns: 2 Rules Rule #1:For most puny regularnouns all I do is add an -S at the end to PUMP THEM UP!
Rule #2:For words that end in a "hissing" sound (-s, -z, -x, -ch, -sh), add an -es to form the plural.
THAT WAS EASY! HA! I love to PLURAL-nate puny SINGULAR REGULAR NOUNS !!! BUT! OH! How I enjoy turning those TRICKY IRREGULAR NOUNS from singular to PLURAL! They are more CHALLENGING having 7 rules!
Rule #1:If the word ends in a consonant plus -y, change the -y into -ie and add an -s to form the plural. For irregular nouns: Noun ending Forming the pluralExamples
Rule #2: If the word ends in a vowel plus -y (-ay, -ey, -iy, -oy, -uy), add an -s to the word. Noun ending Forming the pluralExamples
Rule #3: For words that end in -is, change the -is to -es to make the plural form. Noun ending Forming the pluralExamples
Rule #4:Words that end in -f or -fe have plurals that end in -ves. Noun ending Forming the pluralExamples
Rule #5: Words that end in -o are formed by either adding -s or by adding -es. Noun ending Forming the pluralExamples
Rule #6: words that end with –us change the –us to -i Noun ending Forming the pluralExamples
Rule #7: if the word ends with -on change –on to-a Noun ending Forming the pluralExamples
AND THEN... there are those words that don’t have any rules, you just have to memorize them
And some words don’t change at all… Noun ending Forming the pluralExamples I don’t like those words because I can’t PLURAL-nate them! ARGGGG!!!!
Now that you know how to form plurals out of those PUNYsingular regular and irregular nouns, you too can be a PLURAL-nator ! Just follow those rules, and if you ever get stuck, check the very strong, the very heavy, DICTIONARY, before I come over there and PLURAL-NATE YOU!!!
Other links and activities: • Regular Nouns: Lesson & Activity http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/330/grammar/plural.htm http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/grammar/g_spelnoun.html • Irregular Nouns: Lesson & Activity http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/330/grammar/irrplu.htm http://www.clta.on.ca/EAOnline/GrammarCentral/reallyirregular.html • Games: http://fen.funbrain.com/cgi-bin/shtml.cgi?A1=../plurals/index.html http://www.quia.com/cc/67715.html