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Understanding Earth's Interconnected Systems

Learn about phenomena on various scales, connections within the Earth system, and cycles of energy, water, and chemicals. Discover GLOBE measurements and protocols for studying the Earth.

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Understanding Earth's Interconnected Systems

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  1. Earth As A System • Phenomena span a range of space and time scales space scale time scale • lightning: a few km’s fractions of a second • tornadoes’ paths: a few 10’s of km minutes • major floods: 100’s of km days • weather systems: ~1000 km a few weeks • ozone holes: ~2000 km a month • ocean circulation: 1000’s of km years • atmospheric composition: global decades

  2. Earth System Connections • Phenomena on all scales are connected together • some volcanic eruptions alter the atmosphere globally for years • El Nino in the tropical Pacific affects weather for months, even in the United States • passage of a weather system can spawn tornadoes which cut a swath through a forest triggering the process of forest succession • These and other connections are fundamental to the Earth system.

  3. Earth System Cycles • The cycling of energy, water, and certain chemical elements ties the system together • Energy from the Sun enters the top of the atmosphere; some is reflected back to space while the rest powers the Earth system • Water evaporates from the surface, condenses or freezes, falls back to the surface, runs-off or sinks into the soil, flows to aquifers, rivers, the oceans • The chemical elements C, N, P, and S cycle among living organisms, the atmosphere, sediments, soils, and water bodies

  4. Earth System Measurements in GLOBE • GLOBE students measure components of the Earth system and its cycles • Energy: temperatures of air, water, and soil; clouds; transparency • Water: precipitation; soil moisture, infiltration, and bulk density; land cover • Biogeochemicals: pH of precipitation, water, and soil; soil characterization; water chemistry; land cover and biology

  5. Categories of Measurement Protocols • Basic • Advanced • Optional • Special

  6. Basic Protocols • Soil • Field Characterization • Bulk Density • pH • Temperature • Gravimetric Moisture • Land Cover • MUC • Qualitative Land Cover Sampling • Quantitative Land Cover Sampling • Manual Mapping • Atmosphere • Cloud • Temperature • Precipitation • Hydrology • Transparency • Temperature • pH • Conductivity • Salinity • Phenology • Green-Up • Green-down

  7. Advanced Protocols • Hydrology • Dissolved Oxygen • Alkalinity • Nitrate • Soil • Soil Fertility • Particle Size Distribution • Particle Density (under development) • Land Cover • Computer Assisted Clustering • Accuracy Assessment

  8. Optional Protocols • Hydrology • Salinity Titration • Marine Macroinvertebrates (under development) • Freshwater Macroinvertebrates (under development) • Soil • Infiltration • Soil Moisture Sensor • Other • Automated Soil and Air Temperature Monitoring (under development)

  9. Special Protocols • Phenology • Budburst • Lilacs • Snow Pack Water Equivalent • Fire Ecology (under development)

  10. “GLOBE Study Site” 15 km x 15 km The “GLOBE Study Site, 15 x 15 km (512 x 512 pixels) centered on the school, contains the various study sites for atmosphere, soils, hydrology and biometry/land cover. Schools may select measurement sites outside of this 15 x 15 km areas, and separate imaging can be provided. Hydrology Site Soil Characterization Biology Site School Soil Moisture Site Atmosphere Site Qual/Quan Land Cover Sites

  11. March Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, 1987 May

  12. Solar Energy April 1987 Average Temperature

  13. Cloud Cover September 1987 Precipitation

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