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Holidays and festivals – test

Holidays and festivals – test. Střední odborná škola Otrokovice. Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Mgr. Jarmila Kameníková

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Holidays and festivals – test

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  1. Holidays and festivals– test Střední odborná škola Otrokovice Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Mgr. Jarmila Kameníková Dostupné z Metodického portálu www.rvp.cz, ISSN: 1802-4785, financovaného z ESF a státního rozpočtu ČR. Provozováno Výzkumným ústavem pedagogickým v Praze. www.zlinskedumy.cz

  2. Charakteristika 1 DUM

  3. Contents • Holidays – answerquestions • Trueorfalse • Filling in thegaps • Pictures • Solution Holidays and festivals – test Obr. 3 Obr. 1 Obr. 2

  4. I. Answer these question: • What do weusuallyhavefor X-mas dinner? • What do theBritisheatfor X-mas dinner? • Wheredoes Santa putChristmaspresents ? • Howdoes Santa enter Britishhomes? • When do AmericanscelebrateThanksgivingDay? • What do childrensayduring Halloween in front ofhouses in the USA? • WhatisthemainEaster symbol in the UK? • What do we use to decorateChristmastrees? • What do wecelebrate on December 31st ? • Whatsoup do wehavefor X-mas dinner?

  5. II. Trueorfalse: • St. Valentine´sDayiscelebrated in June. ………. • EasterBunnyistypicalforChristmas. ………. • TheDayofIndependenceiscelebrated on July 4th. ………. • Halloween iscelebrated in September. ………. • TheBritishprepare a roastturkeyfor X-mas dinner. ………. • December 25th isknown as Boxing Day in GB. ………. • ThanksgivingDayiscelebrated in the UK in July. ………. • Christmaspuddingis made ofsuet and spices. ………. • Presents are putintoboxes in GB. ………. • Santa entershomesthroughchimneys in GB. ……….

  6. III. Fill in thegaps: • Christmasdinnerconsistsof a roast ………. . • Theydecorate X-mas treewithelectrical ………. . • Santa entershomesthroughthe …………. . • Easter ………… is a mainEaster symbol in GB. • The symbol of Halloween is a ………… in the USA. • December 24th iscalled ………………. in the UK. • The Czech usuallyhave …………... for X-mas dinner • December 26th iscalled ……………… Day in the UK. • TheDayof ……………… iscelebrated on July 4th. • Loverssend St. Valentine´cards ………….. in the UK.

  7. IV. Whatholidayscanyousee in these pictures: Obr. 9 Obr. 4 Obr. 7 Obr. 6 Obr. 5 Obr. 8

  8. Solution: I. Answer these questions: 1. friedcarp, salad, 2. roastturkey, vegetables, 3. stockings, under a tree, 4. chimneys, 5. 4th Thursday in November, 6. trick and treat, 7. EasterBunny, 8. electricallights, 9. newYear´sEve, 10. fish, lentil, mushroom, … II. Trueorfalse: 1F, 2F, 3T, 4F, 5T, 6F, 7F, 8T, 9F, 10T III. Fill in thegaps: 1. turkey, 2. lights, 3. chimneys, 5. pumpkin, 6. ChristmasEve, 7. friedcarp, 8. Boxing Day, 9. Independence, 10. anonymously IV. Recognise these pictures: 4: Halloween, pumpkin, 5: St. Valentin´sDay, 6: Santa, 7: EasterBunny, eggs, 8: ThanksgivingDay, 9: Santa,

  9. Seznam obrázků: Obr. 1: Microsoft, [vid.17.8.2013], dostupné z: http://office.microsoft.com Obr. 2: Microsoft, [vid. 17.8.2013], dostupné z: http://office.microsoft.com Obr. 3: Microsoft, [vid.17.8.2013],dostupné z: http://office.microsoft.com Obr. 4: Microsoft, [vid. 17.8.2013], dostupné z: http://office.microsoft.com Obr. 5: Microsoft, [vid. 17.8.2013], dostupné z: http://office.microsoft.com Obr. 6: Microsoft, [vid.17.8.2013],dostupné z: http://office.microsoft.com Obr. 7: Microsoft, [vid. 17.8.2013], dostupné z: http://office.microsoft.com Obr. 8: Microsoft, [vid. 17.8.2013], dostupné z: http://office.microsoft.com

  10. Seznam použité literatury:

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